Real estate insiders bewildered by judge’s $18M valuation of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: ‘Wou

The proceeding is rigged - openly.

EnGöring is pursuing a vendetta against Trump and has no respect for the Constitution or rule of law.

You were going to give me the post number in which you show that Trumps lawyers attempted to obtain a jury trial. Obviously you were caught in another of your never ending lies and bullshit.
Trump says his Mira Lago is worth a billion or a billion and a half. How stupid is he? Is he prepared to pay back taxes on that amount? The low-grade idiot made everything worse for himself.

We know that $18 is laughably absurd.

EnGöring lied to pursue his vendetta. Simple as that.
Derps - If i apply to take a drivers test there is no guarantee i will pass and get the license. Thus i will not apply or try or take any test.

Also Derps - It is so unfair i am not getting a license to drive when i want one!

There is nothing in that article that mentions an attempt at a jury trial. How can one little cunt be so FOS???

Goddamn but don't you lie...

{[FONT=cnn_sans_display]Trump’s lawyers have pushed back on the notion that they failed to request a jury trial, as some have suggested based on paperwork filed in the case.}

Goddamn but don't you lie...

{[FONT=cnn_sans_display]Trump’s lawyers have pushed back on the notion that they failed to request a jury trial, as some have suggested based on paperwork filed in the case.}

At the start of the trial, Engoron noted that no parties in the case requested a jury trial and that the law mandated a “bench trial” decided by a judge.

“You have probably noticed or already read that this case has no jury,” Engoron said. “Neither side asked for one and, in any event, the remedies sought are all equitable in nature, mandating that the trial be a bench trial, one that a judge alone decides.
Go ahead and do what?

I am the one saying Trump CANNOT do what he did. He cannot in tax filings say the property is worth less than $26MM because"

- i have forever contracted away any sub division or building or development rights
- I have forever dedicated most of the land to it current conservation use
- I have reduced the properties value to that of being a resort only forever which means it value is tied to it annual earnings which are not large

And for the reasons above the land is not worth the $26MM it is being assessed at.

Trump cannot put in filings the above and then turn around and apply to banks for loans and leverage based on the value he attributes to the land based on redevelopment, at 2600% over the value he just said prior was too high.

That is FRAUD. So why would i 'go ahead and try it' when i am pointing out what Trump did was illegal.

The tax appraisal is always well below the market value
The tax appraisal is always well below the market value

Yes. 10%, 25%, maybe even 100% in some extraordinary scenarios.

Not over 2000%

If you are the owner of the property and you are filing appeals to the last tax Assessment saying the property is worth $26MM and you list a bunch of reasons why the $26MM value is too high (I have contracted away all future development rights, etc),and then you walk across the road to the bank and file paper work that the property is worth hundreds of millions or over a billion, and you are stating that is based on redevelopment value and those other reasons you contracted away already, THAT IS FRAUD.
Yes that is true of ANY fraud.
An appraisal by a bank is not fraud.
If i sell a diamond and put together and sign a fake form misrepresenting everything about the diamond and it value, the buyer can also do their own appraisal.

That does not mean i am not committing fraud.
You aren't.
You are trying to say Fraud is not a thing based on your representations and lies as long as the other party can practice 'buyer beware' and find the lies. That is NOT how it works.
It IS how it works.
When you FILL OUT THE FORMS with fraudulent representations, you commit the fraud. That the other party might catch it does not change that.
No fraud. There is no 'form'.
Yes. 10%, 25%, maybe even 100% in some extraordinary scenarios.

Not over 2000%

If you are the owner of the property and you are filing appeals to the last tax Assessment saying the property is worth $26MM and you list a bunch of reasons why the $26MM value is too high (I have contracted away all future development rights, etc),and then you walk across the road to the bank and file paper work that the property is worth hundreds of millions or over a billion, and you are stating that is based on redevelopment value and those other reasons you contracted away already, THAT IS FRAUD.

Not fraud, and tax appraisals are the responsibility of the State and county, not Trump.
Go ahead and do what?
Can't keep track of the conversation, eh?
I am the one saying Trump CANNOT do what he did.
He certainly can.
He cannot in tax filings say the property is worth less than $26MM because"
He certainly can. The tax appraisal is conducted by the State and county, not Trump.
- i have forever contracted away any sub division or building or development rights
- I have forever dedicated most of the land to it current conservation use
- I have reduced the properties value to that of being a resort only forever which means it value is tied to it annual earnings which are not large

Irrelevance fallacy.
And for the reasons above the land is not worth the $26MM it is being assessed at.
Take up your argument with the State of Florida assessor's office.
Trump cannot put in filings the above and then turn around and apply to banks for loans and leverage based on the value he attributes to the land based on redevelopment, at 2600% over the value he just said prior was too high.
He certainly can.
That is FRAUD.
That is not fraud.
So why would i 'go ahead and try it' when i am pointing out what Trump did was illegal.
It is completely legal.
He defrauded NYS and this stage will determine how much the damages are.
Florida is not in New York, and New York is no longer a State of the Union. It has to honor the Constitution of the United States and it's own Constitution of the State of New York to do that! Currently, New York does not recognize either document.
For derps i know you will struggle with this (thinking that is) but let me explain it.

I want you to think of the year 2007 and all the fraudulent mortgages that were sitting in the system like a time bomb.

Simply because it was not 2008 yet and nothing had gone wrong does not mean fraud was not committed in filing those loans.

(Now pay attention to this next part and read it twice)

And EVEN IF those loans did not fail and got paid back the FRAUD STILL TOOK PLACE.
No fraud.
You cannot use the fallacy of Results based Thinking
No such fallacy. The closest one is the circular argument fallacy, which you are making.
and say 'it is fraud if the loans fail and are not paid back' but it is 'not fraud if you pay the loan back'.
Neither is fraud.
Because that would mean EVERYONE could gamble and lie on all such forms and only the people who failed would get charged.
Neither is fraud.
The System does not want that risk in the system where all bank forms are lies and that is why the Fraud law exists.
There is no fraud. There is no 'form'.
So a summary for those logic, fact and intelligence challenged, otherwise known as TrumpDerps.

This case and charging of fraud IS NOT over simply a dispute about the tax assessment value of Mar A Logo.

Trump years ago filed and had that battle when Mar A Logo was assessed at $26MM and Trump argued and filed statements that it was too high and gave his reasons, such as him contracting away lifetime redevelopment to any future buyer, thus not allowing them to do anything with the property that using it as a resort. As Trump argued then, that severely reduces any SALE VALUE BELOW $26MM.

Trump can have the above fight all he wants and those type of ASSESSMENT fights are normal.

What Trump CANNOT then do though, is walk across the street to a bank and file papers saying 'based on redevelopment value and other considerations the property is worth hundreds of millions or a billion or more' to get favorable loan conditions.


Do not let any derp push an argument that this is simply a dispute over the value of Mar A Logo, like Trump had when he argued it was worth LESS than $26MM which is not illegal to have and to fight in court. That IS NOT what this case is about. It is about the same person on Day 1 in writing claiming 'it is worth less then X and here are my reasons', ...and then on Day 2 saying 'it is worth 2000 times X' and saying reasons that conflict directly with SAME REASONS he cited prior reduced it value.

That is classic fraud, and why Trump was found guilty in summary judgement which is enormously rare. HIs fraud was SO CLEAR there simply was no question for the jury to assess or answer. GUILTY.
The base was about 80 million. Trump says it is worth a billion or a billion and a half. he should he happy to pay back taxes on that.