Real estate insiders bewildered by judge’s $18M valuation of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: ‘Wou

That is not a quote of Engoron, that is a quote of someone making their own statement on what Engoron did, spinning the right lie.

YOu don't get to say 'ya but its a quote' when its a quote from a liar doing spin.

Prove it's a lie

I will requote my post so then i can say later ' but ya i provided a quote' which to you means it now is fact.

See above i just quoted myself, so now you have to accept it since you only care it is a quote and not who said it.

It's reported he evaluated the property at that price. Prove me wrong with more than your opinion.
The property doesn't necessarily need to sell you can compare similar houses in the area that have recently sold. Sometimes the square footage can be used to determine value based again on the sq ft selling price of other houses in the area. Tax assessments are rarely equivalent to selling price.

You think there's stuff equivalent to Mar-a-Lago in the area? Look at a map. It's the only thing like it in the area. Sure, there are mansions nearby, but those aren't the same as Mar-a-Lago that is as much an exclusive resort club, as a residence.

Do you estimate the value of it as private property and a single residence, or as commercial property? How much is the undeveloped (used for something like tennis courts for example) land within it worth if some of that were sold off separately as a lot?

The tax assessment is a nonsense figure used for tax purposes, not an accurate valuation of the property as real estate for sale.
Why are you yapping about liberal arts degrees, TAG?

One, the judge also has a graduate degree-- a LAW degree.

Two, people with liberal arts degrees are usually smart enough to think of that.

A law degree IS a liberal arts degree. It is a graduate degree in a liberal art. It doesn't require any math, science, or business, courses. Most people who go to law school take political science or history as their undergraduate degree because those two are ones that are the easiest to get good grades in and require the least amount of math, science, or business classes.
It's reported he evaluated the property at that price. Prove me wrong with more than your opinion.

I already did by giving you the same level of proof you gave. A quote. You believe quotes are proof thus my quote of myself is proof.

How this works, is when you claim someone said something, you quote the person saying that thing, since all of the ruling is in transcript and public.

What you will not see ANYWHERE in right derp media is a quote of Engoron saying what they say he said. Instead what you see is derps on the right 'saying he said it' and other derps quoting it.

What you are asking me to do is impossible. I cannot prove Engoron did not say something any more than i can prove what you said. That is why the onus is on the person (you) to quote what you claim he said.
You think there's stuff equivalent to Mar-a-Lago in the area? Look at a map. It's the only thing like it in the area. Sure, there are mansions nearby, but those aren't the same as Mar-a-Lago that is as much an exclusive resort club, as a residence.

Do you estimate the value of it as private property and a single residence, or as commercial property? How much is the undeveloped (used for something like tennis courts for example) land within it worth if some of that were sold off separately as a lot?

The tax assessment is a nonsense figure used for tax purposes, not an accurate valuation of the property as real estate for sale.

The tax assessment is useless. Anyone with a working brain or without hate for trump knows that property is worth more than $18 million on any reasonable matrix you wish to use. Thats the point.
I already did by giving you the same level of proof you gave. A quote. You believe quotes are proof thus my quote of myself is proof.

How this works, is when you claim someone said something, you quote the person saying that thing, since all of the ruling is in transcript and public.

What you will not see ANYWHERE in right derp media is a quote of Engoron saying what they say he said. Instead what you see is derps on the right 'saying he said it' and other derps quoting it.

What you are asking me to do is impossible. I cannot prove Engoron did not say something any more than i can prove what you said. That is why the onus is on the person (you) to quote what you claim he said.

I didn't quote myself dipshit I quoted the article. Give me more than your opinion. Or prove what was reported is a lie with more than your opinion.
You think there's stuff equivalent to Mar-a-Lago in the area? Look at a map. It's the only thing like it in the area. Sure, there are mansions nearby, but those aren't the same as Mar-a-Lago that is as much an exclusive resort club, as a residence.

Do you estimate the value of it as private property and a single residence, or as commercial property? How much is the undeveloped (used for something like tennis courts for example) land within it worth if some of that were sold off separately as a lot?

The tax assessment is a nonsense figure used for tax purposes, not an accurate valuation of the property as real estate for sale.

AGAIN, if you were less stupid and not so susceptible to derp lies, you would understand this case is not about what Mara Logo was worth.

it was specifically about Trump giving one valuation for one purpose and another for a different purpose, so he could pay less taxes and borrow more money.

THAT IS THE FRAUD Engoron ruled on. Engoron does not care what Mara Logo is worth and that answer is irrelevant. What matters is the massive difference in valuations given for two different purposed (pay less taxes... borrow more money) and as such Engoron cited TRUMPS OWN two reported valuations. The one on the low end of $18MM that Trump argued to Assessors was too high. And the one on the high end of several hundred Million he used to get loans and leverage.

YOu like to pretend you are not a Trump shill and yet you are a Trump mark. YOu are amongst the dumbest that he covets. Ones he can spin any lie to and you just swallow it uncritically and then cling to irrationally.

Never deny being a Trumper again.
AGAIN, if you were less stupid and not so susceptible to derp lies, you would understand this case is not about what Mara Logo was worth.

it was specifically about Trump giving one valuation for one purpose and another for a different purpose, so he could pay less taxes and borrow more money.

THAT IS THE FRAUD Engoron ruled on. Engoron does not care what Mara Logo is worth and that answer is irrelevant. What matters is the massive difference in valuations given for two different purposed (pay less taxes... borrow more money) and as such Engoron cited TRUMPS OWN two reported valuations. The one on the low end of $18MM that Trump argued to Assessors was too high. And the one on the high end of several hundred Million he used to get loans and leverage.

YOu like to pretend you are not a Trump shill and yet you are a Trump mark. YOu are amongst the dumbest that he covets. Ones he can spin any lie to and you just swallow it uncritically and then cling to irrationally.

Never deny being a Trumper again.

Oh but the value of $18 million that the judge put on the property does matter. The question is if the value of the house is greater than $18 million, which it by $100 million it's legitimate to use for loans and leverage.
This was the challenge by Trump saying the Assessed value of Mar a Logo was too high at $26MM and needed to be lowered as Trump had signed agreements that the property could never be developed or turned into residential, thus locking it out forever from comparable property values based on them being redeveloped.

Property-tax bill down slightly for Mar-a-Lago; Trump’s Palm Beach County taxes hold steady at $1.48M, analysis shows
Mar-a-Lago’s property-tax bill is slightly lower than last year at $511,673, while Trump’s total bills in Palm Beach County scrape $1.5 million.

...Tax representatives at Marvin F. Poer & Co., acting on behalf of Trump’s property ownership entities, filed petitions this year to the state-authorized Value Adjustment Board challenging the valuations assigned to Mar-a-Lago and the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, according to a spokeswoman for the county appraiser’s office....

Below is a quoted excerpt that is the core of the right media Derp lie as this is the court trascript excerpt showing exactly what Engoron said.



So AGAIN, Engoron is offering no opinion on Valuation. He is not saying what it is worth. He is not saying the high valuation is wrong or the low one is correct. He is merely pointing at the DISCREPENCY between them which is the heart of the fraud claim.

Which of the valuations is correct is IRRELEVANT to that. it is that Trump offered two very different ones as a way to maximize the money he could get out from it while minimizing the taxes he paid on it.
Oh but the value of $18 million that the judge put on the property does matter.

The judge did no valuation work and did not put any valuation on any property.

AGAIN. he pointed at the two disparate Valuations the Trump Org submitted in two different documents.

The question is if the value of the house is greater than $18 million, which it by $100 million it's legitimate to use for loans and leverage.
NO that is not the question.

The question James, the NY AG sued on was the DISPARATE VALUATIONS USED TO REDUCE TAXES ON THE LOW END AND MAXIMIZE LEVERAGE AND LOANS ON THE HIGH END, as detailed by Michael Cohen in Congressional testimony.

The high and low price (whatever Trump put on them) is irrelevant. It could be $1 and $1B ....or $16MM and $500MM.

WHAT DOES MATTER is the DISCREPENCY between the two that Trump gave.

You CANNOT give two, such massively different valuations that benefit you financially in both directions (save taxes, maximize loans) and not trigger fraud concerns.
I didn't quote myself dipshit I quoted the article. Give me more than your opinion. Or prove what was reported is a lie with more than your opinion.

I does not matter who you quote, you stupid fuck, when you are not quoting the person you are saying said something and instead you quoting someone else.

Does it make it better if i quote Norberg saying the guy you are quoting is wrong?

We do not get to say 'I am quoting some third party' and use that as proof of what Engoron said.

You can see from my court transcript excerpt above EXACTLY what Engoron said.

The judge did no valuation work and did not put any valuation on any property.

AGAIN. he pointed at the two disparate Valuations the Trump Org submitted in two different documents.

NO that is not the question.

The question James, the NY AG sued on was the DISPARATE VALUATIONS USED TO REDUCE TAXES ON THE LOW END AND MAXIMIZE LEVERAGE AND LOANS ON THE HIGH END, as detailed by Michael Cohen in Congressional testimony.

The high and low price (whatever Trump put on them) is irrelevant. It could be $1 and $1B ....or $16MM and $500MM.

WHAT DOES MATTER is the DISCREPENCY between the two that Trump gave.

You CANNOT give two, such massively different valuations that benefit you financially in both directions (save taxes, maximize loans) and not trigger fraud concerns.

You can rage all you like but the judge evaluated the property to be worth $18 million. From that number he determined trumps valuations were "massively" different. You can't determine any valuation is "massively" different unless you have a standard against which you measure the difference. The trump hating judge chose $18 million. Don't get pissy with me for what the judge did.
I does not matter who you quote, you stupid fuck, when you are not quoting the person you are saying said something and instead you quoting someone else.

Does it make it better if i quote Norberg saying the guy you are quoting is wrong?

We do not get to say 'I am quoting some third party' and use that as proof of what Engoron said.

You can see from my court transcript excerpt above EXACTLY what Engoron said.

I quoted the article. Prove what the article reported was a lie. The trump hated judge decided the property is worth $18 million. The judge. No one else
And here is another quote from the court transcript, again not an opinion by the Judge but them citing EXACT what Trump filed.


This was what Trump filed to say the Property Assessment of $26MM WAS TOO HIGH AND THE PROPERTY WAS NOT WORTH THAT MUCH.

Trump argued that because NO ONE could develop the property EVER, it was not worth as much as it otherwise would be and thus $26MM was too high.

He then turned around and says it is worth several hundred million or billions based on its redevelopment potential.

So this is not even about the Assessed value, as Trump argued that was too high.
I quoted the article. Prove what the article reported was a lie. The trump hated judge decided the property is worth $18 million. The judge. No one else

Ya you are too stupid for words.

The onus is for you or the article to quote the Judge said what you are saying he said. Quoting anyone else saying he said it and saying to prove them wrong is just garbage.

You cannot prove right now that i just did not say out loud, you are a derp. That cannot be proved, EVER. You prove the positive and not the negative, in instances like this.

Go to the court transcript i linked, as i am and quote him saying what you say, he said. You won't because it is not in there.
Ya you are too stupid for words.

The onus is for you or the article to quote the Judge said what you are saying he said. Quoting anyone else saying he said it and saying to prove them wrong is just garbage.

You cannot prove right now that i just did not say out loud, you are a derp. That cannot be proved, EVER. You prove the positive and not the negative, in instances like this.

Go to the court transcript i linked, as i am and quote him saying what you say, he said. You won't because it is not in there.

What prohibited the judge from saying the property was worth $200million? $300 million? The real issue here is the trump hating judge purposely chose the lowest possible valuation for the property so he could make a finding of fraud. Even you should be a mentor figure that out.
What prohibited the judge from saying the property was worth $200million? $300 million? The real issue here is the trump hating judge purposely chose the lowest possible valuation for the property so he could make a finding of fraud. Even you should be a mentor figure that out.

The real issue is that the court said trumps assets were overstated by close to $3.5 billion, yet you are hung up on one property value.
What prohibited the judge from saying the property was worth $200million? $300 million? The real issue here is the trump hating judge purposely chose the lowest possible valuation for the property so he could make a finding of fraud. Even you should be a mentor figure that out.

AGAIN this case is not about what the property is WORTH and never was.

This case is about Trump saying two different things to two different groups, to gain benefits on both ends.

If you call the valuation 'X' and the high one 'Y', Trump is guilty regardless of the numbers you put in X and Y, when he offers a huge disparity between them.

YOu simply are too stupid to comprehend this. Never was this about a claimed value. It was about TWO values, with massive disparity, that gave Trump financial benefits in both directions.

THAT is the fraud. If the judge said Trump's estimate on the high end was the correct one, Trump is still guilty of the fraud he committed.
A law degree IS a liberal arts degree. It is a graduate degree in a liberal art. It doesn't require any math, science, or business, courses. Most people who go to law school take political science or history as their undergraduate degree because those two are ones that are the easiest to get good grades in and require the least amount of math, science, or business classes.

We agree on nothing, TAG.

I went to business school and was bored nearly to tears for four years.
Getting punched in the face in a boxing ring
was easier and more fun than sitting through those classes.

I WISH that I had studied in a liberal arts program instead,
because nothing is more important about education
than broadening the vistas of one's mine.

FIFO and LIFO don't do much for that, nor do MACRO and MICRO.
I had to do it on my own.

Broadening the vistas of your own mind was obviously never a priority for you, TAG.
To each his/her/its own, however.