Reality check on electric cars

You do not care about the environment
Nah, that's liberals like yourself. Just take a look at the conditions within your cities.

and global warming.
A science denying religion.

You are a righty and have convinced yourself they are not real.
You are a lefty and have been programmed to parrot the messaging of der Führer.

Charging stations are profit-making businesses.

I still have never used a charging station. I plug in at home.
Yup, I've heard all about how you plug in your unnecessarily weighty ICE vehicle at home, and how you fall asleep while waiting for the battery to charge.

That is what almost all EV owners do.
Yup, and then they fall asleep while waiting for their car to refuel because it takes so danged long.
A Chevy Volt is a hybrid,
Right, but when you boil it down to its core, it is essentially an unnecessarily heavy ICE vehicle.

so a cross between and ICE and an EV.
Meh. It's essentially just an ICE vehicle that's unnecessarily heavy.

Good point though, I strongly suspect that it wouldn't have the same issues as a full EV. The Bolt is indeed a full EV.
Yup, the Bolt is an EV (idk what a "full EV" is as opposed to a "partial EV").

The Volt is essentially an unnecessarily heavy ICE vehicle. The battery that it has is rated for hardly any range at all (thus it is pretty much only "good" for adding unnecessary weight to the vehicle), so any trip farther than a few miles calls for it making use of its primary ICE engine.
Charging stations are not economically viable...

Assuming 15 percent utilization—equivalent to about seven 30-minute charging sessions per day—our hypothetical station would generate $265,000 to $285,000 in annual revenue, given a price of $0.45 per kWh dispensed. (Pricing may vary by time of day). On the cost side, we assumed annual expenses of $220,000 to $250,000 for electricity, demand charge rates, fixed operational expenditures, R&D, and SGA.5 Capital expenditure depreciation would total about $85,000 to $95,000 yearly. With these metrics, the station would lose about $40,000 to $50,000 per year in EBIT

Can Electric Car Charging Be A Business?

Between broken and vandalized charging stations, the fact that they cost a lot to install and don't make a lot of money usually since they are only intermittently used, and to top that off the utilization rate is extremely low--one customer per half hour to hour even if in continuous use possibly less--makes them unprofitable.

I care about the environment, but I want what works as well as reasonable limits on pollution. I don't believe in Gorebal Warming, and I think those that do aren't serious about the science or outcome. What I don't want is a one-size-fits-all solution thought up by retard environmentalists on the Left and then forced down our throats by morons in government.

Yes, they are. The battery companies that are springing up are also building chargers. Your beliefs are irrelevant. The extreme majority of climate scientists, world governments and the military counter your unimportant belief. Believe what you want, wiser minds will get us to do the right thing. You are pointing in the wrong direction. Point in your mirror.
Huge profits in charging stations. many businesses provide free charging to attract customers too. charging station business,margin of 25-50%.
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I do not care what you drive.
Blatant lie. Yes you do.
It is possible that you can drive an ICE your whole life.
You don't get to deny the mandates and subsidies in place, Sock.
You do not care about the environment
Non-sequitur fallacy.
and global warming.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth, Sock. You cannot create energy out of nothing.

I despise the Church of Green, the Church of Global Warming, and the Church of the EV.

You are a righty and have convinced yourself they are not real.
Buzzword fallacy. Your religions are real.
Charging stations are profit-making businesses.
No, they aren't. They are heavily subsidized and even mandated.
I still have never used a charging station.
Blatant lie.
I plug in at home.
That's a charging station, Sock. Not everyone has a garage either. You also expose your home to increased fire risk.
That is what almost all EV owners do.
You don't get to speak for everyone, Sock. You only get to speak for you.

EV drivers charge at home, at work, at the shopping center they stop at, etc. They are obsessed with finding the next charge.

I don't need to charge my car. I drive a gasoline car. It's cheaper, more efficient, easier to repair and maintain, has longer range, and can tow.
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Charging stations are not economically viable...

Assuming 15 percent utilization—equivalent to about seven 30-minute charging sessions per day—our hypothetical station would generate $265,000 to $285,000 in annual revenue, given a price of $0.45 per kWh dispensed. (Pricing may vary by time of day). On the cost side, we assumed annual expenses of $220,000 to $250,000 for electricity, demand charge rates, fixed operational expenditures, R&D, and SGA.5 Capital expenditure depreciation would total about $85,000 to $95,000 yearly. With these metrics, the station would lose about $40,000 to $50,000 per year in EBIT

Can Electric Car Charging Be A Business?

Between broken and vandalized charging stations, the fact that they cost a lot to install and don't make a lot of money usually since they are only intermittently used, and to top that off the utilization rate is extremely low--one customer per half hour to hour even if in continuous use possibly less--makes them unprofitable.

I care about the environment, but I want what works as well as reasonable limits on pollution. I don't believe in Gorebal Warming, and I think those that do aren't serious about the science or outcome. What I don't want is a one-size-fits-all solution thought up by retard environmentalists on the Left and then forced down our throats by morons in government.

He calls the Church of Green 'environment'. That's what he calls his religion. It has nothing to do with any environment or anything.
Meanwhile, few people look back to these alternatives to both regular gas powered cars and EVs:

The Mysterious Death of Stanley Meyer and His Water-Powered Car |

The link above has information on Stanley Meyer and his patented water powered car, but also that the U.S. Navy made a model plane that ran off of sea water and an inventor who made regular gas super efficient. Why does no one talk of these things?
Because they don't exist.
These never existed either.
A Chevy Volt is a hybrid, so a cross between and ICE and an EV. Good point though, I strongly suspect that it wouldn't have the same issues as a full EV. The Bolt is indeed a full EV.

A hybrid isn't a cross. It's a gasoline powered car, but with extra weight to carry two power plants and batteries.
Li-ion batteries do not charge in extremely cold weather.
Yes, they are. The battery companies that are springing up are also building chargers.
No, they aren't. Battery manufacturers are not making charging systems.
Your beliefs are irrelevant.
The theories of science you ignore are relevant, Sock.
The extreme majority of climate scientists,
There is no such thing, Sock. A climate 'scientist' is nothing more than a high priest in the Church of Global Warming.
You cannot create energy from nothing, Sock. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
world governments
Science isn't government, Sock.
and the military
Science is the military, Sock.
counter your unimportant belief.
Science is not a religion, Sock.
Believe what you want,
Science is not a religion, Sock.
wiser minds will get us to do the right thing.
Denying theories of science like you do is not being wise, Sock.
You are pointing in the wrong direction. Point in your mirror.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else.
Huge profits in charging stations.
None. They operate at a loss. They only reason they exist at all is due to government mandates and subsidies.
many businesses provide free charging to attract customers too.
TANSTAAFL. That's a loss, Sock.
And ofcourse if your battery charge gets too low, you won't be able to charge your battery at all if it's sufficiently cold -.-

When we had a cold snap in Detroit a few months ago , AAA was besieged with getting ICEs started. It is always like that. You would have had to wait hours for a tow truck to get you started.
When we had a cold snap in Detroit a few months ago , AAA was besieged with getting ICEs started. It is always like that. You would have had to wait hours for a tow truck to get you started.

But they started and ran just fine. All they needed was a new battery (cheap, around $100 or so). Sure beats the $25,000 EV battery!

So did the AAA tow truck that went out to help them.

Sure beats the $25,000 EV battery that doesn't charge when it's cold!
Ot is absolutely the truth. Of course, you are a Righty since you throw "lie" around so casually.

No but I know things about electric vehicles, and they do NOT function as well in the cold.

I bet you don't what the voltage is of all the cells in a battery pack of an electric vehicle.
Because they don't exist.

These never existed either.

Idk about all that. There's been some chicanery in the government and big corporations.

Like when I saw on the news (in around 2006) that this Asian doctor in the UK had found a cure for 6 types of cancer.

It was on the news that night, and I never heard anything more about it. Have you?
Idk about all that. There's been some chicanery in the government and big corporations.

Like when I saw on the news (in around 2006) that this Asian doctor in the UK had found a cure for 6 types of cancer.

It was on the news that night, and I never heard anything more about it. Have you?

No. That turned out to be fake as well.

Cancer is an aneploid cell (one with too many chromosomes). Typically, this occurs when a cell divides improperly. One cell gets too few chromosomes (and dies, since it does not have enough programming to keep itself alive), the other cell gets too many (which is not only enough to survive, but fucks up the programming so the cell only knows how to consume food and grow.

The immune system naturally destroys these things when they are found. It's the best cure for cancer there is.

That said,

When a tumor begins big enough to be noticed as a symptom (or at least appear in an X-ray), it means the immune system was overwhelmed trying to kill it because it didn't kill it fast enough.
This is why cancers can start through continued trauma to some tissue, such as continuing skin damage from the sun, or continuing lung damage from particulates (such as from smoking). Mouth cancer can result from chewing tobacco for this same reason.

Some people are born with weakened immune systems, leaving them susceptible to blood cancer (leukemia).

If that is the case, and if it's surgically possible, the solution is to cut out the tumor(s). If the tissue involved is too damaged, surgery can again help, but you will have reduced function in the affected area.
Radiation treatment can also help hit such cells, but it does also destroy some healthy cells.
Chemotherapy is a chemical war to hit such cells. Again, it also destroys some healthy cells.
Both of these treatments are harsh, like sending in tanks for squashing ants, but they can be effective. It's a hard row to hoe if you get cancer requirement treatments like this.
No. That turned out to be fake as well.

Cancer is an aneploid cell (one with too many chromosomes). Typically, this occurs when a cell divides improperly. One cell gets too few chromosomes (and dies, since it does not have enough programming to keep itself alive), the other cell gets too many (which is not only enough to survive, but fucks up the programming so the cell only knows how to consume food and grow.

The immune system naturally destroys these things when they are found. It's the best cure for cancer there is.

That said,

When a tumor begins big enough to be noticed as a symptom (or at least appear in an X-ray), it means the immune system was overwhelmed trying to kill it because it didn't kill it fast enough.
This is why cancers can start through continued trauma to some tissue, such as continuing skin damage from the sun, or continuing lung damage from particulates (such as from smoking). Mouth cancer can result from chewing tobacco for this same reason.

Some people are born with weakened immune systems, leaving them susceptible to blood cancer (leukemia).

If that is the case, and if it's surgically possible, the solution is to cut out the tumor(s). If the tissue involved is too damaged, surgery can again help, but you will have reduced function in the affected area.
Radiation treatment can also help hit such cells, but it does also destroy some healthy cells.
Chemotherapy is a chemical war to hit such cells. Again, it also destroys some healthy cells.
Both of these treatments are harsh, like sending in tanks for squashing ants, but they can be effective. It's a hard row to hoe if you get cancer requirement treatments like this.

It wasn't fake. There's more money in treatment than curing.
It wasn't fake. There's more money in treatment than curing.

It was fake.

Cancer treatments DO help the body to cure cancer. Many go through these treatments and successfully live the rest of their lives with no more cancer ever recurring. The aim is to cure.
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A Chevy Volt is a hybrid,

Right, but when you boil it down to its core, it is essentially an unnecessarily heavy ICE vehicle.

There are -some- advantages:
Thinking About Buying a Hybrid? Here Are Some Pros and Cons |

But I'm not nearly as impressed as I used to be about them.

Good point though, I strongly suspect that it wouldn't have the same issues as a full EV. The Bolt is indeed a full EV.

Yup, the Bolt is an EV (idk what a "full EV" is as opposed to a "partial EV").

A partial EV would be a hybrid.

The Volt is essentially an unnecessarily heavy ICE vehicle. The battery that it has is rated for hardly any range at all (thus it is pretty much only "good" for adding unnecessary weight to the vehicle), so any trip farther than a few miles calls for it making use of its primary ICE engine.

Interesting. Tell me, have you heard of these alternatives to both ICEs, hybrids and EVs?

The Mysterious Death of Stanley Meyer and His Water-Powered Car |

The link above has information on Stanley Meyer and his patented water powered car, but also that the U.S. Navy made a model plane that ran off of sea water and an inventor who made regular gas super efficient. Why does no one talk of these things?

Some more links on those last 2:
Navy powers model plane using fuel made from sea water |

Tom Ogle Engine Explained And The Story Behind It | Mechanic Base
There are -some- advantages:
Thinking About Buying a Hybrid? Here Are Some Pros and Cons |

But I'm not nearly as impressed as I used to be about them.

A partial EV would be a hybrid.

Interesting. Tell me, have you heard of these alternatives to both ICEs, hybrids and EVs?

The Mysterious Death of Stanley Meyer and His Water-Powered Car |

The link above has information on Stanley Meyer and his patented water powered car, but also that the U.S. Navy made a model plane that ran off of sea water and an inventor who made regular gas super efficient. Why does no one talk of these things?

Some more links on those last 2:
Navy powers model plane using fuel made from sea water |

Tom Ogle Engine Explained And The Story Behind It | Mechanic Base

I talk of those things. :chesh:

We used to talk about this all the time! Thanks for the link!

Back in those days it was an old man showing me newspapers and talking about it.

That old man could do some amazing stuff! He taught me how to balance an engine, among other things.

What else? Oh yeah, how to adjust lifter/cam clearance on an overhead cam engine.

I think about him every time I hear one of those Puerto-Rican riceburners that need it revving up down the road and backfiring. I can hear it!

And they wonder why their engine breaks.
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I do not care what you drive.
You care deeply. It's an integral part of your religion. It would not occur to you to blurt this out otherwise.

It is possible that you can drive an ICE your whole life.
Obviously you are obsessed with what other people drive.

You do not care about the environment and global warming.
Of all the religions you could have chosen, you picked the one that requires you to be scientifically illiterate so that you can be bent over furniture and reamed with disinformation.

There is no global warming, you moron. CO2 is great for the environment, you moron; it's a life-essential compound. EVs are terribly fuel inefficient, chemically nasty to the environment and don't work when it's very cold.

You are an undereducated leftist and have deluded yourself into believing that physics conforms to your political tyranny.

Charging stations are profit-making businesses.
Too funny. It's time for you to hang it up. Charging stations are offered as courtesies for guests. They are an expense, not a profit margin.

I still have never used a charging station. I plug in at home. That is what almost all EV owners do.
Let's unpack this. First, you just finished claiming that charging stations are money-making businesses. Is your home charging station making money for you, or is it an expense?

Second, I think everyone can see your motivation for saying the silly things you say. You allowed your thought-masters to strong-arm you into buying an EV, and your shame is obvious. Now you're stuck with having made a really bad decision. I pity you.

You never called booooolsch't.when you should have.