There are -some- advantages:
Thinking About Buying a Hybrid? Here Are Some Pros and Cons |
But I'm not nearly as impressed as I used to be about them.
A partial EV would be a hybrid.
Interesting. Tell me, have you heard of these alternatives to both ICEs, hybrids and EVs?
The Mysterious Death of Stanley Meyer and His Water-Powered Car |
The link above has information on Stanley Meyer and his patented water powered car, but also that the U.S. Navy made a model plane that ran off of sea water and an inventor who made regular gas super efficient. Why does no one talk of these things?
Some more links on those last 2:
Navy powers model plane using fuel made from sea water |
Tom Ogle Engine Explained And The Story Behind It | Mechanic Base
I talk of those things.
We used to talk about this all the time! Thanks for the link!
You're welcome

Back in those days it was an old man showing me newspapers and talking about it.
Nice. The first link atually has a jpeg of a newspaper article. Unfortunately, the resolution isn't high enough to see what newspaper it was in.
That old man could do some amazing stuff! He taught me how to balance an engine, among other things.
What else? Oh yeah, how to adjust lifter/cam clearance on an overhead cam engine.
I think about him every time I hear one of those Puerto-Rican riceburners that need it revving up down the road and backfiring. I can hear it!
And they wonder why their engine breaks.
I actually learned about water powered cars through a very gifted mechanic- he used to be my sister's partner. He never tried to build one himself though. He was a pretty practical man and I guess he decided trying to figure out how to build one wasn't worth the effort.
There are people who have certainly claimed to have made water powered engines. Here's a video with what certainly appears to be a water powered motorcycle: