Reality check: Trump tweets

I know, but what's the point of trying to have a reasonable discussion with Stoner? Or any brain dead lib, for that matter.

I agree; just want to keep the record straight on what he actually said and no the FALSE narrative these morons parrot daily. ;)
Of course you are a Democrat, you're not fooling anybody.

I oppose the Democrats for their Capitalism and their Globalism, which you have admitted before you support.

Trump told a couple of America hating bitches, if they hate this country so much, then get the fuck out. He never mentioned race.

If they hate America because they disagree with the government, then that means Trump hated America when Obama was president. Should he have left?

And he never said "go back" to his white political opponents. He only said it to the Squad because telling non-white people to go back to their countries is a common racist trope. Black and brown people have heard it from racists ever since the slaves were freed.
Answer the question; how is it not for Blacks, Mestizos, or Arabs?

Because Trump told two Blacks, a Mestizo, and an Arab to go back to "their countries" even though they all have American citizenship and three of them were born here. The message is clear. Trump doesn't consider you American if you are black or brown.
Now I know you're going to play dumb and that's fine. I just don't get why you're too cowardly to admit that you don't mind Trump using racism to get reelected.
I oppose the Democrats for their Capitalism and their Globalism, which you have admitted before you support.

If they hate America because they disagree with the government, then that means Trump hated America when Obama was president. Should he have left?

And he never said "go back" to his white political opponents. He only said it to the Squad because telling non-white people to go back to their countries is a common racist trope. Black and brown people have heard it from racists ever since the slaves were freed.

Lol, you are very confused.
Because Trump told two Blacks, a Mestizo, and an Arab to go back to "their countries" even though they all have American citizenship and three of them were born here. The message is clear. Trump doesn't consider you American if you are black or brown.
Now I know you're going to play dumb and that's fine. I just don't get why you're too cowardly to admit that you don't mind Trump using racism to get reelected.

That assumes he said it to them because of their heritage.
Seems more like he's pointing out that the GOP isn't for Blacks. It makes sense. If there are two big parties, and one isn't for Blacks, then of course Blacks should be in the other one.

No, it seems like he wants blacks on the plantation for the votes and could care less about helping them.
Which we both know he did.

Don't you think black people are inferior? You say racist stuff here all the time. Why not openly embrace Trump's racism?

Which you, without proof, claim he did.

There was no racism and we both know no one has proven there was.
Because Trump told two Blacks, a Mestizo, and an Arab to go back to "their countries" even though they all have American citizenship and three of them were born here. The message is clear. Trump doesn't consider you American if you are black or brown.

Why do you keep LYING? He didn't say that. Either post the FACTS or STFU. I am not going to argue with someone who LIES constantly and avoids FACTS.

Now I know you're going to play dumb and that's fine. I just don't get why you're too cowardly to admit that you don't mind Trump using racism to get reelected.

I wish I could say you are PLAYING dumb; but I don't think it's an act. ;)
The dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs arguments are so pathetically moronic. Does anyone really believe that the Democrats from 100 years ago fighting for slavery are the SAME people alive today? And we all know about the party switch by now.

Thing is , CFM s A-Typical of the right wing crank/trolls on discussion boards. Facts, history,, logic are all subjective to them. Note how he'll ignore the contents of my responses and keep parroting his ignorant question...willful ignorance and insipid stubbornness are watch words for folk like CFM.
Thing is , CFM s A-Typical of the right wing crank/trolls on discussion boards. Facts, history,, logic are all subjective to them. Note how he'll ignore the contents of my responses and keep parroting his ignorant question...willful ignorance and insipid stubbornness are watch words for folk like CFM.

And he'll go from dEmS aRe ThE rEaL rAcIsTs to calling people who disagree with him niggers and stupid Blacks. He's too stupid to know what his actual stance on Blacks is.
When you can provide valid sources to support your claim he is, do so. I'll wait.

One of your own kind has already claimed wikipedia isn't a valid source. is nothing more than a blog hosting site which, by default, makes it invalid.

Get some reliable sources. Until then, go back into hiding like you have been for months, coward. Pop your head out when you gain an ounce of guts.

As the reader knows, Wikipedia has for awhile provided links to various valid source institutions to back up their posts after much criticism. What folk like CFM cannot do is logically and factually fault/disprove the content of what Wikipedia provides here. It should be easy if what CFM claims is true, but he and you and I, dear reader know CFM is just stalling and blowing smoke as usual.

Right wing rodents have been denying the GOP's shift from righteous to repugnant for some time now...DESPITE HISTORICAL EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY. But then again, denial, insipid stubbornness and willful ignorance are CFM's watch words.

Oh, and someone clue the imbecile in that I've put him on IA for months at a time hoping he'd wise up....that he keeps trolling my posts indicates a desperate need for attention on his part. Let's see how he fairs here.
I can see why they'd want to be Democrats. All those excellent result blacks as a whole have received from voting that way can't be overlooked.

If blacks are leading the charge in the party, why haven't the Democrats picked a black as Speaker or Majority/Minority leader in the past 50 years? A quick look indicated that the "leaders" of the party have been, with the exception of Pelosi, old white guys and she meets two out of three of those.

It's hard to lead a charge when you're relegated to a follower.

Why don't you ask Steele how he faired after his token appointment awhile back. Oh, you remember him, don't cha bunky?
Says the one that voted that way because of the person's skin color.

At least you got a token to make yourself feel better.

So you bitch and moan that the Dems are bigots because they don't appoint black folk to prominent positions, then you wail racism because a man votes for a black person into a position of power.

Typical intellectually impotent right wingnut....can't get his BS straight and consistently shoots himself in the foot.
How many times do I have to tell you being black isn't a qualification.

I see you also think being female is a qualification.

At least you and Kamala Harris have something in common. You fucked your way into your position.

You idiot! YOU just bitched (erroneously) that the DEM party does not have any blacks in key positions....well stupid, they do if you look into the Senate and House Committees (try history: Adam Clayton Powell).

And then to cover your dumb ass, you point to Harris (won't get my vote) as if she's the only one in the history of our country. God, you are proudly ignorant.