Recent Developments

I would love to see the AARP abandon the D party as they insulted all old people... I hope they do that.
Do you? So you are hoping for a McCain presidency? Because you do not now, and never have supported the Iraqi war, right?

Damo has said he is going to do a protest vote for a libertarian or somesuch. Now whethere or not he carries thru with that ....
I have a lot of issues that keep me in the democratic party and keep me supporting them at the state level. There are things in Barak Obama's campaign that I like but I still cannot vote for him. Does that make me a "non-dem?"

No. we don't have any real dems any more. You are wise enough to see that the party is leaning towards socialism and communisum. Good for you.

By the way Canadakid--Mccane is not a republican--he is just running on the republican ticket to fool us. A republican believes in a republic nation where the citizens run the government. He is not that. He fought for amnisty and helped write the McCain Kennidy amnisty bill (but is talking his BS flip flop now), and he supports invading the privacy of our citizens with the McCain Fiengold bill. He is a liberial through and through, and should be running on the dem ticket.

He may effectively not give us a chioce away from socialism. So--please--support Romney, who was not my first choice (my choices dropped out because they don't get fair exposure from liberial media), but he is the best we got for freedom and prosperity.
Do you? So you are hoping for a McCain presidency? Because you do not now, and never have supported the Iraqi war, right?
I support McCain over Clinton any day of the week. And every other day over Obama.

In actuality, I do not support the War Powers Act. I believe it has got us into more debacles than we should reasonably allow and go on supporting something so full of Phail.

Both of those people support continued use of that particular piece of "legislation" as do the R candidates. When there is no real difference at all between the candidates on either side of the aisle I either vote third party, or I go with the party whose platform more closely follows my own opinion.

In this case, since they all support the use of totally failed legislation that is used to send our boys to war, I will either vote Libertarian, or Republican. Depending on who the Libertarians put forward.

Of course that doesn't change my hope that the Democrats totally hack off one of the strongest voting blocks in the nation by insulting people who have age on them.
Damo has said he is going to do a protest vote for a libertarian or somesuch. Now whethere or not he carries thru with that ....
I said that if Huckabee was the nominee I would most definitely vote Libertarian. I did not say that I would if McCain was the nominee or if Romney is. I lean in that direction, to be honest, but am still listening. I like that McCain isn't uber religious and can push that part of the party where it belongs. I don't like that he doesn't rail against the War Powers Act and how its use has been part of the mess we are in, this end run use of declaration powers gives people too many excuses to pretend that they didn't really vote for war....
I support McCain over Clinton any day of the week. And every other day over Obama.

In actuality, I do not support the War Powers Act. I believe it has got us into more debacles than we should reasonably allow and go on supporting something so full of Phail.

Both of those people support continued use of that particular piece of "legislation" as do the R candidates. When there is no real difference at all between the candidates on either side of the aisle I either vote third party, or I go with the party whose platform more closely follows my own opinion.

In this case, since they all support the use of totally failed legislation that is used to send our boys to war, I will either vote Libertarian, or Republican. Depending on who the Libertarians put forward.

Of course that doesn't change my hope that the Democrats totally hack off one of the strongest voting blocks in the nation by insulting people who have age on them.


Well, I guess it does take a lot of words to lie to yourself.

You're a war supporter. Gotcha. Thanks.

I'll send telegrams to the children in Iraq and Iran who are going to get dead, painfully, to let them know that at least you'll have a lower tax rate.

They'll be happy.

Have a good night, war supporter. Do run this by SF...he'll probably buy it.

Well, I guess it does take a lot of words to lie to yourself.

You're a war supporter. Gotcha. Thanks.

I'll send telegrams to the children in Iraq and Iran who are going to get dead, painfully, to let them know that at least you'll have a lower tax rate.

They'll be happy.

Have a good night, war supporter. Do run this by SF...he'll probably buy it.

In reality, you are the war supporter.... you voted for Clinton and the boar and Kerry.... all of whom supported the war. Darla the war supporter. Supporting those who go out and bomb kids. For shame Darla. How could you possibly support the Clintons, Gore and Kerry? Oh thats right, because you are a war supporter.

What a fool you are.
In reality, you are the war supporter.... you voted for Clinton and the boar and Kerry.... all of whom supported the war. Darla the war supporter. Supporting those who go out and bomb kids. For shame Darla. How could you possibly support the Clintons, Gore and Kerry? Oh thats right, because you are a war supporter.

What a fool you are.

Al Gore didn't support the war.

Well, I guess it does take a lot of words to lie to yourself.

You're a war supporter. Gotcha. Thanks.

I'll send telegrams to the children in Iraq and Iran who are going to get dead, painfully, to let them know that at least you'll have a lower tax rate.

They'll be happy.

Have a good night, war supporter. Do run this by SF...he'll probably buy it.

LOL, yep Darla as we suspected partisanship is winning out. and also as I predicted the closet doors are opening back up.
In reality, you are the war supporter.... you voted for Clinton and the boar and Kerry.... all of whom supported the war. Darla the war supporter. Supporting those who go out and bomb kids. For shame Darla. How could you possibly support the Clintons, Gore and Kerry? Oh thats right, because you are a war supporter.

What a fool you are.

Try not to be too stupid ok SF? Al Gore not only didn't support the war, he gave such an impassioned speech against it, before we attacked Iraq, that he was called a "lunatic" by people like you. Our liberal media said he had "gone off his meds".

I did not vote for Clinton, I voted for Jonathan Tasini.

And anyone who votes for John McCain over Barack Obama, is a war supporter, a war-monger, and will have all of his future blood, on their hands, because they KNEW. All of your tap dancing doesn't change a thing.

Live with it.
Try not to be too stupid ok SF? Al Gore not only didn't support the war, he gave such an impassioned speech against it, before we attacked Iraq, that he was called a "lunatic" by people like you. Our liberal media said he had "gone off his meds".

I did not vote for Clinton, I voted for Jonathan Tasini.

And anyone who votes for John McCain over Barack Obama, is a war supporter, a war-monger, and will have all of his future blood, on their hands, because they KNEW. All of your tap dancing doesn't change a thing.

Live with it.

I did not say he supported the Iraq war. But he most certainly supported the wars in Bosnia/Kosovo.... bombing innocent kids. He also supported Clinton bombing indiscriminate locations in Iraq.... all those poor kids killed. Not to mention bombing the Chinese embassy. Got to hope the embassy personel didn't have any kids in there. But hell, who knows.... because people like you are about to say a word about them are you? You love the war monger Gore.... he supported more wars than Bush.
Yep, you definitely saw this coming usc.

Actually other than his war mongering I kinda like McCain.
I do hope that if he gets elected he turns on his handlers, as Desh and I have posted about.

In all honesty I cannot see that it is a good move for the future aspirations of the Republican party to win the white house this year though.
Try not to be too stupid ok SF? Al Gore not only didn't support the war, he gave such an impassioned speech against it, before we attacked Iraq, that he was called a "lunatic" by people like you. Our liberal media said he had "gone off his meds".

I did not vote for Clinton, I voted for Jonathan Tasini.

And anyone who votes for John McCain over Barack Obama, is a war supporter, a war-monger, and will have all of his future blood, on their hands, because they KNEW. All of your tap dancing doesn't change a thing.

Live with it.

Anyone who supports Clinton is a war supporter, a war monger and will have all her future blood on their hands..... for the same reason.

All your black/white bullshit is just that.... bullshit.... no matter how many times you stamp your feet and cry out your parrot call.
Try not to be too stupid ok SF? Al Gore not only didn't support the war, he gave such an impassioned speech against it, before we attacked Iraq, that he was called a "lunatic" by people like you. Our liberal media said he had "gone off his meds".

I did not vote for Clinton, I voted for Jonathan Tasini.

And anyone who votes for John McCain over Barack Obama, is a war supporter, a war-monger, and will have all of his future blood, on their hands, because they KNEW. All of your tap dancing doesn't change a thing.

Live with it.

The boar spoke up because he wanted to lash out at Bush. He is a fucking coward who hid behind Billy and supported his wars. Where were his impassioned speeches then Darla? Why no word from him?

Sure you voted for Tasini. Right. we all believe that.... because we all know that he ran for President of the United States. Oh wait, no, I don't believe he did.

Come on Darla.... shout it out to all the women supporting Hillary.... tell them how they are war mongers if they vote for her over Obama. Then tell us the story about how Obama said he would have no problem invading Pakistan if he thought it necessary. Oops, I guess he is a war monger too.