Recent Developments


Well, I guess it does take a lot of words to lie to yourself.

You're a war supporter. Gotcha. Thanks.

I'll send telegrams to the children in Iraq and Iran who are going to get dead, painfully, to let them know that at least you'll have a lower tax rate.

They'll be happy.

Have a good night, war supporter. Do run this by SF...he'll probably buy it.
Right, Hillary voter. War supporter. What was it they all said? That they can't guarantee that in four years the troops would be out of Iraq...


Each and every one of them supports the War Powers Act, without which we would not be in Iraq. War supporter.
I have to think tha SF will pull the partisan tab in the fall as well Darla.
When have I ever said I was anything but a Republican who leans libertarian on social issues?

Both of you have selective views of me that are not borne by the evidence.

When have I said I love the War Powers Act and think we should keep it? When have I suggested that I think it was great to go to Iraq?

None of those things happened. Yet, no matter how many times I told Darla that I don't support wars without declaration and think the War Powers Act was a HUGE mistake that leads us to debacles like VN and Iraq, she thinks it is only Iraq that I am against. I want to go to the root cause, the real thing I believe will continue to get us into messes like this. I am not taking the short view here. I want to kill the monster that has created more poop to eat by out troops than any other one thing. I want that Act to go the way of the dinosaur.
I have to think tha SF will pull the partisan tab in the fall as well Darla.

well, at least the chips are finally on the table. The so-called independent/libertarian faction of the board, is coming down squarely for the guy who still thinks the iraq war was a great idea, that the surge is the best thing since sliced bread, and that we should stay in iraq for decades.
well, at least the chips are finally on the table. The so-called independent/libertarian faction of the board, is coming down squarely for the guy who still thinks the iraq war was a great idea, that the surge is the best thing since sliced bread, and that we should stay in iraq for decades.

as I think some of us expected all along.
But none of them seem to talk of endless war like McCain....
None of them talk about removing all troops, even from the Embassy. And McCain simply suggested that, like in Germany, if troops weren't dying there then there wouldn't be this focus regardless of how long they stayed.
well, at least the chips are finally on the table. The so-called independent/libertarian faction of the board, is coming down squarely for the guy who still thinks the iraq war was a great idea, that the surge is the best thing since sliced bread, and that we should stay in iraq for decades.
Where did I come down "squarely" for McCain? Show me the post.
well, at least the chips are finally on the table. The so-called independent/libertarian faction of the board, is coming down squarely for the guy who still thinks the iraq war was a great idea, that the surge is the best thing since sliced bread, and that we should stay in iraq for decades.

Bullllllfucking shit.

Damo's "Libertarian Light" Republicanism may be coming down elsewhere, but true libertarians will always oppose the use of preemptive force.

I have stated before that I would vote for Paul in a heartbeat as the true antiwar candidate.

I could settle for Obama or Romney, each of whom give lip service to ending the war and continuing it respectively.

McCain vs. Hillary- I vote 3rd party.

Hillary vs. Huckabee- 3rd Party

McCain vs. Obama- Obama

Romney vs. Hillary- Romney

Romney vs. Obama- Who knows? I would watch both campaigns to see if Romney eased off the war rhetoric after securing the R nomination.

Also, no Republican who selects Guiliani for a running mate would ever get my nod. Likewise for Edwards and Clinton on the Democratic side.
When have I said I love the War Powers Act and think we should keep it? When have I suggested that I think it was great to go to Iraq?

None of those things happened. Yet, no matter how many times I told Darla that I don't support wars without declaration and think the War Powers Act was a HUGE mistake that leads us to debacles like VN and Iraq, she thinks it is only Iraq that I am against. I want to go to the root cause, the real thing I believe will continue to get us into messes like this. I am not taking the short view here. I want to kill the monster that has created more poop to eat by our troops than any other one thing. I want that Act to go the way of the dinosaur.

If the Libertarian candidate supports removal of the War Powers Act as a platform of his campaign, I will vote for them if they can get that message out to more than 12 people. Otherwise I go for which platform I support the most and work towards my goal of removal of that terrible legislation in a different direction.
Where did I come down "squarely" for McCain? Show me the post.

Uh-oh, USC, Damo's trying to shut the closet door again.

(just teasing damo). I don't care if you do or don't vote for mccain. You seem to expend a lot of energy defending his iraq war position, however,
I have to think tha SF will pull the partisan tab in the fall as well Darla.

I have never pretended that I would vote Dem. The only scenario I mentioned that I would is if it was Huckabee/Obama.... but I also pointed out at the time that it was very unlikely that scenario played out and that IF by some miracle it did I was confident Bloomberg would enter the race and he in turn would get my vote.

Rarely will I vote Dem. Never have I done so for President. I did not like Clinton and the Boar and Munster were way too far to the left for me. This too I have stated before.
None of them talk about removing all troops, even from the Embassy. And McCain simply suggested that, like in Germany, if troops weren't dying there wouldn't be this focus regardless of how long they stayed.

Not a good comparison Damo as we do not control Germany. Nor are we killing germans daily.
Where did I come down "squarely" for McCain? Show me the post.

U see, you forgot to condemn him and proclaim your undying love for whomever the Dems choose for you. So of course that is by default coming down squarely in his camp.

Fuck the economy or any other issue, if you don't support the Dems over McCain you must be a war monger. Didn't you get their memo?
Uh-oh, USC, Damo's trying to shut the closet door again.

(just teasing damo). I don't care if you do or don't vote for mccain. You seem to expend a lot of energy defending his iraq war position, however,
No, I don't like it when things are taken out of context regardless of where it comes from.

I even tried to convince that Democrat lady at work of Obama's actual religion/philosophy because I dislike out of context so much.

I even brought out the truth about Gore (except when I am joking around with Darla) and the whole "invented teh interwebs" crap long ago in a place far far away called
Not a good comparison Damo as we do not control Germany. Nor are we killing germans daily.

It is just a leftwing talking point to say we control Iraq.

The point that you and others on the left continue to ignore is what McCain said. He stated that IF there were no more attacks on our troops and IF they were no longer dying there THEN people wouldn't care if we had a base there any more than they care if we have a base in Germany.

But those on the left are either too ignorant to understand this or they simply want to continue their idiotic childish ranting. WHICH IS IT?
U see, you forgot to condemn him and proclaim your undying love for whomever the Dems choose for you. So of course that is by default coming down squarely in his camp.

Fuck the economy or any other issue, if you don't support the Dems over McCain you must be a war monger. Didn't you get their memo?
Meh. They are just trying to get somebody who is embarrassed by how the Rs have conducted spending and this idiotic war to vote their way instead of voting to get them to act like the personal responsibility, fiscally conservatives that I expected them to act like.

I understand what they do.

I found it ironic that somebody who supported Hillary so strongly the past few weeks was suggesting that I am the war monger because I plan on voting to get rid of what I believe is the root cause that gets us into these messes.... I aim to take away the excuse that Congress uses to pretend they didn't support what they voted for....
Not a good comparison Damo as we do not control Germany. Nor are we killing germans daily.
It doesn't matter what he compared it to. If our troops weren't dying there wouldn't be this focus. He is right on that one.

Whether you think the place was a poor choice means nothing to the fact that he was not suggesting we stay there as occupiers for 1000 years as is suggested by "endless war" remarks using that out of context quote as a basis.
Meh. They are just trying to get somebody who is embarrassed by how the Rs have conducted spending and this idiotic war to vote their way instead of voting to get them to act like the personal responsibility, fiscally conservatives that I expected them to act like.

I understand what they do.

I found it ironic that somebody who supported Hillary so strongly the past few weeks was suggesting that I am the war monger because I plan on voting to get rid of what I believe is the root cause that gets us into these messes.... I aim to take away the excuse that Congress uses to pretend they didn't support what they voted for....

I have no problem with them bitching about how Bush has handled this war or the complete lack of fiscal responsibility that the reps have shown. I do however have a problem with the hypocricy from the left. All of their leaders were "tricked" by the "idiot" Bush. None of them knew the intel prior to the war. None of their leaders said Saddam had WMDs and that he was a threat. Hillary never mentioned ties between Iraq and Al Queda.

As for the War powers act. I agree.... it has to go. Because as long as it is in place we end up with these idiots in Congress voting one day to use force and then the next day pretending they were tricked into doing so. There are quite obvisously far to many parrots on the left and the right who will buy this bullshit. No more excuses.
I have no problem with them bitching about how Bush has handled this war or the complete lack of fiscal responsibility that the reps have shown. I do however have a problem with the hypocricy from the left. All of their leaders were "tricked" by the "idiot" Bush. None of them knew the intel prior to the war. None of their leaders said Saddam had WMDs and that he was a threat. Hillary never mentioned ties between Iraq and Al Queda.

That fairytale bothers me too and I've been against the war from the start. So Republicans are warmongers and Democrats are just easily-duped idiots huh?

Maybe both parties are a little bit of both.

Hypocrisy bothers me.