Recent pardons show tRump to be the "Swampiest" POTUS in modern times.

you're simply ignorant or lying. this thing may not get certified. it really is a thing.

objections to results can be lodged on jan 6, and they will be.

trump is it

Best to read the info your handlers give you before posting.

"Then each chamber will vote, with a simple majority required to uphold the objection. Both chambers must agree to the objection for it to succeed"

you have about a zero chance of that happening.
Best to read the info your handlers give you before posting.

"Then each chamber will vote, with a simple majority required to uphold the objection. Both chambers must agree to the objection for it to succeed"

you have about a zero chance of that happening.

but it is something congress can do. you're ignorant or a liar. which is it?
Yea, sure... You better go back and review Bill Clinton's last minute pardons. He's easily the sleaziest, slimmest in this regard. I'd recommend starting with the Marc Rich pardon that was a straight up quid pro quo cash for a pardon deal.

if only you could read as well as you kiss trump's ass!! marc rich was a close friend of the president of Israel, was connected to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, and clinton pardoned him at the request of the President of Israel at that time.

why are you so fucking stupid?
Best to read the info your handlers give you before posting.

"Then each chamber will vote, with a simple majority required to uphold the objection. Both chambers must agree to the objection for it to succeed"

you have about a zero chance of that happening.

Asshead thinks that few grandstanding spineless Republicans will overturn an election. His I Q. must be in single digits.
Biden's selling us out to china.

we all know politiians are corrupt. we accept a certain level of that.

He is not president until Jan. 20. He is doing nothing about that at all. Trump and Ivanka had their overpriced crap made in China and later 3rd world countries. That is real selling out to China, not imaginary. It also tells you what he really thinks of American workers.
Some of us strive to have better presidents. You have disallowed yourself from criticizing Biden. You made it clear you do not care about honesty from your leaders. You accept it. We do not. That is why libs criticized Obama when we disagreed with what he did. We want more. You have set your standards very low.
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He is not president until Jan. 20. He is doing nothing about that at all. Trump and Ivanka had their overpriced crap made in China and later 3rd world countries. That is real selling out to China, not imaginary. It also tells you what he really thinks of American workers.
Some of us strive to have better presidents. You have disallowed yourself from criticizing Biden. You made it clear you do not care about honesty from your leaders. You accept it. We do not. That is why libs criticized Obama when we disagreed with what he did. We want more. You have set your standards very low.

he was a politician before 2020, captain queefmonger.
Asshead is too stupid to answer. It will take a group of his fellow "trumpnutlickers" to provide a collective answer.

He's smart enough, he's just young and stupid. A terribly annoying condition. Maybe he'll grow out of it or maybe he'll turn into a middle-aged loser growing increasingly paranoid as he drinks alone at his computer. You know, like several nutjobs on JPP. :)
Take a look at the latest round of tRump "swamp" pardons:

Who?: Two individuals that PLEAD GUILTY to lying in the Mueller investigation.
Why?: Because they likely had damaging info on tRump and are being rewarded by tRump for lying to Federal Investigators.

Who?: Former Republican Congressmen who PLEAD GUILTY to misuse and theft of campaign funds.
Why?: These were early supporters of tRump.

Who:? Convicted Blackwater Security forces CONVICTED of murdering civilian Iraqis.
Why:? Blackwater was once owned by Erik Prince. Prince donated 250K to tRump's 2016 campaign. Prince is also the younger brother of tRump mega-donor and Secretary of Education Betsy Devos.

Have the tRumptards seen enough examples of corruption "tRumpstyle" yet?
Corruption? Yes. Swampy? Yes. Probably backfire on him? Yes.

The fact pardoned individuals are accepting a guilty verdict means they lose all 5th Amendment protections when compelled to testify about issues surrounding their admitted crime(s). Flynn will have to testify on the Russia issues. If he lies under oath, there will be no sympathy in giving him the maximum sentence for perjury. The link below was in 2017. After January 20th, it's an entirely new ball game. Even if Trump resigns on the morning of the 20th and Pence pardons him, Trump is admitting guilt and can be forced to testify.

Patience is the key here. Get Trump out of office and Biden in, let the new AG start filing charges by the end of February. Trials of the little fish by Spring and the big fish by Fall. 2021 will be a lot more fun than 2020.
Under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, Americans are protected against self-incrimination, but people who have been pardoned are no longer under any legal jeopardy, Harvard Law School Professor Laurence Tribe told TIME.

“Anyone pardoned by Trump would lose most of the 5th Amendment’s protection against compelled testimony that might otherwise have incriminated the pardoned family member or associate, making it much easier for DOJ and Congress to require such individuals to give testimony that could prove highly incriminating to Trump himself,” Tribe said
OK you leftie libtard Bidenites: so who is this perfect saint you are comparing Mr Trump with?? You all spout as if none of your clowns had ever broken a law or rule or convention or moral stance......
If you say: I 100% support and adhere to Jesus teaching and never sway nor allow or excuse any person ON EARTH who is not like me ??? then you have a starting basis for your ridiculous input into discussion forums. But you dont - you will slag off Mr Trump while supporting a rapist -killer, fraudster evil slime such as the Clintons??? You really are without any scruples.
I admit and accept Trump and others make mistakes - that is my starting point.
Biden's selling us out to china.

we all know politiians are corrupt. we accept a certain level of that.


Teabaggers called Obama corrupt, without a shred of evidence, unless you count wearing a tan suit and putting Grey Poupon on his "hamberder", corrupt.

Obama 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences but teabaggers could just 'feel' it.

'Biden is selling us out to China"?

One- Biden isn't even president................yet!

Two- Dotard already sold us out to China, why did Dotard sign a bi-lateral trade agreement, that increased trade with China by $200 billion?
Yea, sure... You better go back and review Bill Clinton's last minute pardons. He's easily the sleaziest, slimmest in this regard. I'd recommend starting with the Marc Rich pardon that was a straight up quid pro quo cash for a pardon deal.


That's it? Marc Rich?

Marc Rich, at least went through DOJ's Office of Pardon Attorney, whereas the grifter's pardons, DID NOT.

Dotard is already under a US Justice Department investigation for a ongoing pardon for cash grift and he isn't even out of office.
OK you leftie libtard Bidenites: so who is this perfect saint you are comparing Mr Trump with?? You all spout as if none of your clowns had ever broken a law or rule or convention or moral stance......
If you say: I 100% support and adhere to Jesus teaching and never sway nor allow or excuse any person ON EARTH who is not like me ??? then you have a starting basis for your ridiculous input into discussion forums. But you dont - you will slag off Mr Trump while supporting a rapist -killer, fraudster evil slime such as the Clintons??? You really are without any scruples.
I admit and accept Trump and others make mistakes - that is my starting point.


Teabaggers can just "feel" Clinton was corrupt, like Obama was "guilty' of something, with no proof.

8 yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. One conviction. One prison sentence, even after 30 years of investigations.

Obama – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences, after 12 years of investigations.

Trump- 4 yrs in office. 34 indictments, 7 convictions and 7 prison sentences.

Accusing others of having no "scruples"?

Teabaggers called Obama corrupt, without a shred of evidence, unless you count wearing a tan suit and putting Grey Poupon on his "hamberder", corrupt.

Obama 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences but teabaggers could just 'feel' it.

'Biden is selling us out to China"?

One- Biden isn't even president................yet!

Two- Dotard already sold us out to China, why did Dotard sign a bi-lateral trade agreement, that increased trade with China by $200 billion?

obama drone striked citizens. obamacare was a gift to insurance cartels.