Red States Rule


I have known most of you since the old days...on through the days and now on to just plain

A few months back, I was asked to join a board called US Message Board, and I did.

One of the first folks I met there was this fellow, Red States Rule. Let me tell you a little bit about him:

He is worse than toby, dano, michaelk and dixie all rolled together... no shit.

He spams the board routinely with editorials from newsbusters and then claims them to be FACTS.

He posts a myriad of polling figures that show congressional approval ratings and continues to refer to them as the democrat's approval ratingsand refuses to acknowledge the distinction.

He seems literally incapable of formulating anything that even approaches "original thought". He only posts cut and paste articles or simple one liner talking points dutifully copied from Rush or Hannity.

He makes incredible wildass claims ("American Casualties have decreased by 60% due to the success of the surge") and then NEVER stands by them and never admits he fucked up.

He refuses to acknowledge any polling information other than the ones HE posts.

I sometimes think he is a surreptitiously placed bot - like Newsboy on here - who really IS incapable of thinking for himself, because he has no "self"

In any case, you all will quickly find that getting into an argument with Red States Rule is very similar to B'rer Rabbit punching the Tarbaby.

Don't say I didn't warn you!
Yeah, we figured out that he's nothing more than another Toby.

I think because he has a Cat fetish (his avatars on both boards are kitty cats), I'm going to start calling him Pussy.
I'll tell you the truth Mainman, when he first started posting, I thought Damo had purchased him for me at some mental midget right wing tag sale, so that I would have someone to take my political and war angst out on.

I couldn't believe it when I found out he was real.
Yep there are some pathetically sick people out there. Remember Bush's ratings are still slightly ahead of copngress's ratings :D
Red (commie) State Rules is a prime example of those mentally unfit to make decisions for themselves.
I swear to God.... I chase him around every morning trying to get him to answer questions and defend his assertions.... after about a half hour of it, I get exasperated and call it a day, and then he proudly proclaims that he "beat me in another debate". He IS the tarbaby. Honest!
actually...toby was able to string together words to make sentences and paragraphs - even if they were infuriating in content. RSR is incapable of doing even that. See if this prediction does not bear out over time: his total contribution to this board will be: Cut and paste op-ed peices, poll results, and one liners.

I am tempted to go gather together a few of his more classic one liners from the other board just to show you all how moronic this guy is...but that would take way more time than he is worth.
I'll tell you the truth Mainman, when he first started posting, I thought Damo had purchased him for me at some mental midget right wing tag sale, so that I would have someone to take my political and war angst out on.

I couldn't believe it when I found out he was real.
That seems likely. You all may recall that, a few weeks ago, I specifically told Damo that he needed to dumb this board down a bit because we were running out of morons to kick around. No more than two or three days after that, AssCap showed up for the first time. Now we've got some idiot Focus on Family troll playing security guard (;)).

My prayers are answered, it would seem.
kicking around morons - like Dixie and toby - IS good fun, but you need to ask yourself: will this tarbaby even KNOW when he has been punched? ;)
kicking around morons - like Dixie and toby - IS good fun, but you need to ask yourself: will this tarbaby even KNOW when he has been punched? ;)

Anyone still dumb enough to still be a devout Bushist would not notice if a Mack truck hit them.

A good subject for study by shrinks though.
RSR should devote his body to Johns Hopkins medical school instead of enlisting.
The military does not need his type.
Y'all crack me up....

Anyone still dumb enough to still be a devout Bushist would not notice if a Mack truck hit them.

A good subject for study by shrinks though.
RSR should devote his body to Johns Hopkins medical school instead of enlisting.
The military does not need his type.

You go on and on about how you 'beat up' the opposition...the only true exceptions to the "Dog Pile" mentality would be given to Damo and USC...they can go one on one from time to time without needing to be reinforced by the "Dog Pile"...Once in awhile Lady T and Darla come to their senses and go one on one...but far and few between!
You go on and on about how you 'beat up' the opposition.

I do ?????
Where ?

then I read on... and got cornfused....

Anyone still dumb enough to still be a devout Bushist would not notice if a Mack truck hit them.

A good subject for study by shrinks though.
RSR should devote his body to Johns Hopkins medical school instead of enlisting.
The military does not need his type.

USC really dumb analogy here...most consrvatives that are true...are not found in anyones 'Back Pocket'...and I as well as others... have Dodge and Jeep 4x4' dodge the 'Macks' anyhoo!
You go on and on about how you 'beat up' the opposition...the only true exceptions to the "Dog Pile" mentality would be given to Damo and USC...they can go one on one from time to time without needing to be reinforced by the "Dog Pile"...Once in awhile Lady T and Darla come to their senses and go one on one...but far and few between!
Yeah, there's a streak of protectionism that runs through all boards. I often have an unpopular position on this one and tend to end up standing alone against the "elements". It's all good though, I can withstand anything short of a Cat 5 hurricane...