Red States Rule

Well, if the rules on this "other board" are as you claim they are here, that is "you cannot post any facts to back up your points" then I'll bet you are handing his head to him! I can't imagine anyone being better at not posting facts than you are.

I do very well by posting facts that tap into liberal love and tolerance
all you post are one liners, tired gags, and op-ed pieces. you never answer any questions and you never write any original work. ever.

I know the gang on this board fairly well. they are nearly all smart folks...and they will quickly see through your facade.

I'd go back to USMB where your buddies are, if I were you.
"Funny we seemed to discuss for days the history of the Reagan era and the end of the cold war and Yes I provided links that made you look at the truth instead of your brainwashed idea of Ronny as hero and you seemed realise that the world considers Gorbachev the main factor in the equation."

No retard... as I and others pointed out to you... you give way too much credit to Gorbachev. WE stated quite clearly that it was a combination of the two. Your hatred for Reagan clouds your ability to see that. But enough with you. You are not worth the effort. Go back and look at your "facts" again, on the cold war or on economics. You are an idiot that is blinded by your hatred of anything Republican and your complete lack of comprehension with regards to economics is pathetic.
Super it was you who had to be convienced that if you were to give just one person the majority of credit that it would not be Reagan but Gorbby.

I never said Gorby did it all by himself .
If you recall the thread was titled something like the Myth of Reagan ending the cold war.

It is a common myth amoung the right and it is not true.

Gorbachev is the man who won the peace prize and man of the year for it.

It is only right leaning Rs who try to see Reagan as the savior of the world.
It is only right leaning Rs who try to see Reagan as the savior of the world.

yes instead of seeing his administration as the beginning of the Neos...
Well I think super got his little feelings hurt in those days we were discussing this one.

Ever since he has harped on my shitty spelling and links.

I like to have proof of what I say and over thoise days I gave him many links which prooved waht I was trying to tell him.

He now says Reagan was a major component instead of a savior too so I guess something got through.
Go back to the threads retard. YOU simply acted like I and others were treating Reagan like a savior. Go back and find where I said anything remotely close to that. I have said over and over again that it was a combination of Reagan, Thatcher, Pope John Paul, the Polish people and Gorbachev that led to the end of the cold war. But you are simply to fucking ignorant to understand this. I mentioned Reagan and thus you automatically put the "he thinks Reagan was a savior" comment in your ignorant mind.

Post a link to the conversation Desh, so everyone can see your "facts"... posting links to opinions does not make those opinions facts.

Your spelling is just a sign of your ignorance. The fact that you refuse to try to better yourself is a sign of your stupidity. We harp on your links because you act like a link is a fact. You continually THINK you have "proof" or "facts" but when people point out to you that your own sites and links are not saying what you think they are, you simply spout off about all the "facts" we are ignoring.
"Super it was you who had to be convienced that if you were to give just one person the majority of credit that it would not be Reagan but Gorbby."

Go back to the thread retard. I told you over and over again, there is not one person you would give "the majority of the credit" too. There were far too many people involved to do that. Retard.

"I never said Gorby did it all by himself ."

No you just continue to say stupid shit like the above.... that Gorbachev should have the majority of the credit. That ANYONE could have done what Reagan did. blah blah blah.

"Gorbachev is the man who won the peace prize and man of the year for it."

Arafat won a nobel peace prize. Ghandi never did. That should provide you with an idea of the worthiness that should be associated with winning the Nobel peace prize.
reagan had a mandate in '84. mondale was a terribly weak candidate. bush did not even have a majority of the votes in 2000 and barely won as a wartime president against another weak candidate, John Kerry.
and please note his behavior not only on this thread, but on this board:

cut and paste..

one liners....

self congratulatory and completely unwarranted "victory" speeches.

that's about it.

another day, another board, another RSR spew-fest.