Red States Rule


Yeah, there's a streak of protectionism that runs through all boards. I often have an unpopular position on this one and tend to end up standing alone against the "elements". It's all good though, I can withstand anything short of a Cat 5 hurricane...

It's all good...and like you I stand on experience rather than fantasy diatribes..that were 'canned' so long ago...kudos!
"I have known most of you since the old days...on through the days and now on to just plain

A few months back, I was asked to join a board called US Message Board, and I did.

One of the first folks I met there was this fellow, Red States Rule. Let me tell you a little bit about him:

He is worse than toby, dano, michaelk and dixie all rolled together... no shit.

He spams the board routinely with editorials from newsbusters and then claims them to be FACTS.

He posts a myriad of polling figures that show congressional approval ratings and continues to refer to them as the democrat's approval ratingsand refuses to acknowledge the distinction.

He seems literally incapable of formulating anything that even approaches "original thought". He only posts cut and paste articles or simple one liner talking points dutifully copied from Rush or Hannity.

He makes incredible wildass claims ("American Casualties have decreased by 60% due to the success of the surge") and then NEVER stands by them and never admits he fucked up.

He refuses to acknowledge any polling information other than the ones HE posts.

I sometimes think he is a surreptitiously placed bot - like Newsboy on here - who really IS incapable of thinking for himself, because he has no "self"

In any case, you all will quickly find that getting into an argument with Red States Rule is very similar to B'rer Rabbit punching the Tarbaby.

Don't say I didn't warn you!

So what you are saying is that he is the Desh of the right?

Oh... you didn't warn me. (I simply detest being told what I can and cannot say... ;) )
kicking around morons - like Dixie and toby - IS good fun, but you need to ask yourself: will this tarbaby even KNOW when he has been punched? ;)
Of course not. That's part of being a moron: too stupid to know when someone's kicking his ass. That's what I call the "Wimp Lo School" of debate.

You just have to roll your eyes and laugh. It's the only way.

"You go on and on about how you 'beat up' the opposition...the only true exceptions to the "Dog Pile" mentality would be given to Damo and USC...they can go one on one from time to time without needing to be reinforced by the "Dog Pile"...Once in awhile Lady T and Darla come to their senses and go one on one...but far and few between!"

Hmmm... I am not too familiar with you BB, but your assessment above is rather off. Both Lady T and Darla are certainly passionate about their views and both are typically very capable of defending their positions with logic and reason.

As for USC... he is simply an old hillbilly trying to find his way in the NWO. :)
As for USC... he is simply an old hillbilly trying to find his way in the NWO. :)


Thanks for the laugh Super :D
I needed one this morning.
"You go on and on about how you 'beat up' the opposition...the only true exceptions to the "Dog Pile" mentality would be given to Damo and USC...they can go one on one from time to time without needing to be reinforced by the "Dog Pile"...Once in awhile Lady T and Darla come to their senses and go one on one...but far and few between!"

Hmmm... I am not too familiar with you BB, but your assessment above is rather off. Both Lady T and Darla are certainly passionate about their views and both are typically very capable of defending their positions with logic and reason.

As for USC... he is simply an old hillbilly trying to find his way in the NWO. :)

A compliment from SF? Wow...

You go on and on about how you 'beat up' the opposition...the only true exceptions to the "Dog Pile" mentality would be given to Damo and USC...they can go one on one from time to time without needing to be reinforced by the "Dog Pile"...Once in awhile Lady T and Darla come to their senses and go one on one...but far and few between!

coming from you, this is quite funny.

You are the closest thing to a tarbaby I had run into before meeting RSR.

YOu NEVER admit when YOU are wrong!
So what you are saying is that he is the Desh of the right?

he cuts and pastes like Desh, but, unlike Desh, he really is absolutely incapable of writing ANYTHING on his own, or responding to questions or arguments in any manner. Desh might be infuriating -to some - in her partisanship (and her spelling ;) ) but she certainly knows enough about her topics and her arguments to at least TRY to debate people on the merits of them. If I write a paragraph in response to one of RSR's op-ed pieces and ask him some pointed questions about them, he responds by posting yet another op-ed piece that has marginal relevance at best. It is that behavior in particular that makes me think he may be nothing but a poorly programmed version of "Newsboy".
Darla... you are correct... I will probably give you fairly frequent reminders. :)

Maine... that is exactly the problem I have with Desh. She doesn't respond to questions other than to post op-ed bullshit or post a link to some site. The majority of the time she doesn't even comprehend what her own links are saying. When people point this out to her, she posts another link and tells us to read it again. I really haven't seen her too much on this site, more so on fullpolitics. *and yes, her spelling is annoying...especially when it is the same words over and over again..."puplic" is the worst.*
Darla... you are correct... I will probably give you fairly frequent reminders. :)

Maine... that is exactly the problem I have with Desh. She doesn't respond to questions other than to post op-ed bullshit or post a link to some site. The majority of the time she doesn't even comprehend what her own links are saying. When people point this out to her, she posts another link and tells us to read it again. I really haven't seen her too much on this site, more so on fullpolitics. *and yes, her spelling is annoying...especially when it is the same words over and over again..."puplic" is the worst.*

I hear you, and I understand that my liberal viewpoints may mean that I am more forgiving of Desh's foibles - or that I simply do not read a lot of the stuff she posts, because a lot of it is about election fraud and I tend to focus more on foreign policy issues....but in as objective a way as I can look at both of them, I have to believe that RSR is significantly more offensive.
Darla... you are correct... I will probably give you fairly frequent reminders. :)

Maine... that is exactly the problem I have with Desh. She doesn't respond to questions other than to post op-ed bullshit or post a link to some site. The majority of the time she doesn't even comprehend what her own links are saying. When people point this out to her, she posts another link and tells us to read it again. I really haven't seen her too much on this site, more so on fullpolitics. *and yes, her spelling is annoying...especially when it is the same words over and over again..."puplic" is the worst.*

Your just pissed at me for tearing up your dreams of Ronny Regan as savior of the world by ending the cold war.

I answered everyone of your questions and asked many you could not respond to.

BTW when you post a link which proves the fact of what you say that is not annoying to those who recognise fact.
Desh... the problem with you is that you are fucking retarded. You don't even comprehend the very sites you post from. You have no ability to discern the difference between fact and opinion. To you, if it says what you want, then it must be fact. You are an idiot. Your idea of answering a questions is to post a link. You have no capability of producing your own thoughts on topics. You only "know" what you are spoon fed by sites like and commondreams. Go play with this Red State guy. I have a feeling you to would provide quite the comic relief. You seem to be rather on par with each other.
Funny we seemed to discuss for days the history of the Reagan era and the end of the cold war and Yes I provided links that made you look at the truth instead of your brainwashed idea of Ronny as hero and you seemed realise that the world considers Gorbachev the main factor in the equation.

Maybe you were just pretending huh?
I have known most of you since the old days...on through the days and now on to just plain

A few months back, I was asked to join a board called US Message Board, and I did.

One of the first folks I met there was this fellow, Red States Rule. Let me tell you a little bit about him:

He is worse than toby, dano, michaelk and dixie all rolled together... no shit.

He spams the board routinely with editorials from newsbusters and then claims them to be FACTS.

He posts a myriad of polling figures that show congressional approval ratings and continues to refer to them as the democrat's approval ratingsand refuses to acknowledge the distinction.

He seems literally incapable of formulating anything that even approaches "original thought". He only posts cut and paste articles or simple one liner talking points dutifully copied from Rush or Hannity.

He makes incredible wildass claims ("American Casualties have decreased by 60% due to the success of the surge") and then NEVER stands by them and never admits he fucked up.

He refuses to acknowledge any polling information other than the ones HE posts.

I sometimes think he is a surreptitiously placed bot - like Newsboy on here - who really IS incapable of thinking for himself, because he has no "self"

In any case, you all will quickly find that getting into an argument with Red States Rule is very similar to B'rer Rabbit punching the Tarbaby.

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Once again I am honored by my own thread written by a liberal

MM is upset because I hand his head to him on the other board on a daily basis

You cannot post any facts to back up your points, and you must answer only the questions MM asks in the manner he dictates
MM is upset because I hand his head to him on the other board on a daily basis

You cannot post any facts to back up your points

Well, if the rules on this "other board" are as you claim they are here, that is "you cannot post any facts to back up your points" then I'll bet you are handing his head to him! I can't imagine anyone being better at not posting facts than you are.