fully immersed in faith..
Yeah like the righties in wv who have no teeth? lol!
do the lib'ruls in WV have more teeth than the righties in WV?.....
Yeah like the righties in wv who have no teeth? lol!
do the lib'ruls in WV have more teeth than the righties in WV?.....
and yet, no.....I am not......
If lefties could get their hands on all of the wealth of the top 1% in a one time opportunity, and distribute it equally among all lefties, how long would they be able to hold onto it before it made its way back to the people who know how to create the wealth?
Then why did blue states shit their collective pants over losing deductibility of state and local taxes?
Americans need the aristocracy to tell them what's best for them.
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the job creator class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
That's what marie antoinette thought too. See where that got her?
Meh, americans are are ready running around headless.
R2D2 is your father, Duke........
If lefties could get their hands on all of the wealth of the top 1% in a one time opportunity, and distribute it equally among all lefties, how long would they be able to hold onto it before it made its way back to the people who know how to create the wealth?
If lefties could get their hands on all of the wealth of the top 1% in a one time opportunity, and distribute it equally among all lefties, how long would they be able to hold onto it before it made its way back to the people who know how to create the wealth?
If lefties could get their hands on all of the wealth of the top 1% in a one time opportunity, and distribute it equally among all lefties, how long would they be able to hold onto it before it made its way back to the people who know how to create the wealth?
iz snot
All the income and wealth in the country could be equally distributed among every adult and in 10 years or less, the lefties that currently bitch and whine about income gaps and the 1%'s wealth would be doing the same thing since it's about the person him/herself. If simply handing someone money for nothing gave them the ability to overcome their personal faults, we wouldn't have people two and three generations down the family line still living on the dole like their parents and grandparents did.
If lefties could get their hands on all of the wealth of the top 1% in a one time opportunity, and distribute it equally among all lefties, how long would they be able to hold onto it before it made its way back to the people who know how to create the wealth?
Speaking like somebody who was born with a trust fund. Typical class warfare beliefs of the rich.