Refute this!

I've noticed. I don't think I've ever seen him back up anything he says with facts.

Usual divert and run tactic by leftwingers.

He was posting pictures of himself throwing sticks to dogs this morning. Rarely answers a direct question.
So, how about it. Can any of you atheists explain a 65 million year old bone that hasn't been fossilized? Let's hear your arguments...if you've got any. I won't hold my breath. El oh el!
Here it is. More proof that dinosaur fossils are not nearly as old as scientists claim.

I have been convinced that humans and dinosaurs co-existed ever since I visited the prestigious Creation Science Museum.

Dinosaurs frolicking with humans @ Creation Science Museum:
You don't have to be an atheist to believe evolution is how God did it. I think even the Catholic Church believes in evolution or at least accepts it.
Just as I suspected. None of you can explain the existence of a 65 million year old unfossilized bone. Know why? Because it's not that old. Prove me wrong. You can't.
Just as I suspected. None of you can explain the existence of a 65 million year old unfossilized bone. Know why? Because it's not that old. Prove me wrong. You can't.

Do you really believe the world is 6000 years old, give or take a few?