Refute this!

Stay on topic. We're not talking about DNA. We're talking about highly cross-linked proteins with exceptionally low degradation rates. Which is what was discovered. DNA was not discovered in these samples.

Furthermore, the DNA half life conversations/considerations I'm aware of have revolved around Jurassic Park style cloning applications, not species identification applications which don't require long uninterupted streches.
There is plenty of scientific evidence to support this. You simply ignore it because it doesn't fit your Godless narrative.
Oh and by the can call us atheist if you prefer but most civilized and educated persons call us "Biologist". I was unaware that having scientific credentials automatically made one an atheist. How is this so?
Again, what does this have to do with the price of fish? DNA is DNA and Proteins are proteins. Proteins are not made from RNA, proteins are assembled by RNA. Proteins are polymers of amino acids. They do not contain nucleic acids. They contain amino acids.

I mean dude....this is basic freshman chemistry and biology....thanks for playing but you really need to step up your game.

Yup, sure is, and he ain't got it, at all. As you’ve stated, mRNA encodes, once transcribed according to the nucleic acid sequence encoded in the corresponding DNA strand, the sequence in which the amino acids will be assembled into an enzyme, peptide or protein during translation.
Yup, sure is, and he ain't got it, at all. As you’ve stated, mRNA encodes, once transcribed according to the nucleic acid sequence encoded in the corresponding DNA strand, the sequence in which the amino acids will be assembled into an enzyme, peptide or protein during translation.

but but but jesus