A correct call. He has not only made omniscience fallacies, he continues to make them, as well as void reference fallacies and false authority fallacies. He seems to think that science and/or mathematics is defined as some kind of college course, as if a college has magickal powers to redefine these words. He has, of course, already shown errors in algebra and vector mathematics. In the past he has shown errors in statistical mathematics and probability mathematics as well. He has so far denied and discarded Kepler's laws, Galileo's work, Newton's Law of Motion. Newton's Law of Gravitation, Einstein's Law of Relativity, Einsteins' law of Special Relativity, Heisenberg's Law, Planck's Laws, the source of the Periodical Table of the Elements, quantum mechanics, the Periodical Table of Quarks, acid/base chemistry (guess how!), Gibb's Law, Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Law, and electrochemistry.
He has shown some illiteracy in the past as well. I've had to correct him on some of them, including failure to capitalize proper names, failure to capitalize the beginning of a sentence, the improper use of commas, and various misspellings. He also thinks a dictionary defines a word.
Bingo. He cuts and pastes from that resource and considers it a God...infallible.
Bingo. Again, he is turning to his crappy 'references' and his religions instead.
No, he isn't. There are plenty of others. This is just the most recent one you have dealt with here. You might recognize the Sock on other forums though, such as Swan.
It is for the moment, but he loses it when he's angry. Won't be long now!