Religion is for....

???? does eternal "work"?....I think eternal simply "is".....

A little convenient don't you think?

/shrugs........I also find it "a little convenient" that the sun comes up in the morning just when I have to go to work......

Given the impossibility of absolute knowledge, then that would mean we have faith in everything. Which makes the term faith meaningless.

unless of course, it's your argument that's meaningless instead...

Faith is belief despite any contradictory evidence.

??? it isn' can't just run around making up bullshit definitions....

I asked what it has brought to the table, not for your to restate your position that it can.
then I guess my answer is, it brought to the table exactly the same thing your faith brought to the table...

No, you aren't addressing my point. I stated that:

'If there is no deity, then innately nihilism exists.'

You said

'????....there is no rational basis for that conclusion.... '

So, going from the inital statement, answer this. If there is no deity, what creates innate meaning?

yes, I did address your point.....I showed how your "point" was actually an see it, there it is again...."going from the initial statement" need to assume the validity of the initial statement to proceed.....then you draw from that to "prove" your initial statement....that is what a circular argument is......

"if there is no deity"....a multitude of alternate situations, very odd and illogical one might be "nihilistic reality exists"......
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the moron's are lucky they believe, it helps them sleep at night.
they need their asses kicked good when they bring that retardation into politics.
Worship the snakehead stories if you want, keep that bullshit out of schools and politics.