....and that's another thing about Agnostics. The mother fucker are wishy washy!Well, they may be, and they may not be. I personally don't believe there's enough evidence to say one way or another...
You didn't post the 5th religious belief. I'm an apathist. I don't care. Religion is boring. I have better things to do with my time then worry about invisible people in the sky who are omniscient and omnipotent but somehow can't seem to manage money.
Who cares? Agnostics are just cowards that are to scared to admit they are atheist.
I don't give a fuck about that either!not caring doesn't describe a belief system, tard.
yeah agnostics are idiots, also agnostic isn't a belief system. you can be a christian agnostic. calling oneself an agnostic doesn't mean dick.
Weren't you agnostic until a year or two ago.
Who cares? Agnostics are just cowards that are to scared to admit they are atheist.
You can't really be agnostic atheist or agnostic theist or any other combination.
How would you know?Carlin's singing a different tune, now.
Why? I don't have proof one way or the other, how is that being a coward. I can not deny God, but I can't acknowledge him either. How am I any different than yourself?
God used to post on FP, along with Allah and Ahura Mazda. There was also Josef and his two followers - Believer and Beliver.