Isn't there only one God?
Of course... no one is greater than me... the others are simply pretenders.
Isn't there only one God?
I also post here from time to time. Normally to screw with poor Dixie's mind, but occasionally I grace the board with my presence for other reasons as well.
sorry, but I think atheists are a bunch of religious nuts... they believe just as firmly in the lack of God's existence as the most fundamentalist of Christians/Muslims/Jews do in the existence of God.
Exactly. Atheist can't prove non-existence anymore than Christians can prove existence.
Your so angry you make up reasons to be angry.sorry, but I think atheists are a bunch of religious nuts... they believe just as firmly in the lack of God's existence as the most fundamentalist of Christians/Muslims/Jews do in the existence of God.
ah yes the wonderful false dichotomy.
There is a very stark difference between believing in something that is non-falsifiable and requiring evidence to shape your worldview. The two couldn't be further apart.
Actually there is not a difference. To insist that a higher being does not exist, to get your panties all knotted up because someone believes in an all powerful being when you do not, to consistently try to belittle those that believe... that is every bit as nutty as the reverse.
lol no it's not.
1) a theist centers around faith, belief without evidence. atheists typically reject that notion. KNOWING that in all likelihood there are physical explainations for our enviroment that can be tested, verified, and are falsifiable are a whole different ball leauge. A skeptical atheist's view on reality is much closer to normal because it's not going to deviate from non-falsifiable absurd claims.
2) I do not respect those that believe in fairy tales. That is correct.
this is a false dichotomy. This does not make both ethos comparable in any way. There is a far greater likelihood that god doesn't exist, and that our natural world can be explained by science and physical laws, as has been done again and again throughout modern history. One holds falsifable beliefs, the other rejects such belief systems.
Otherwise you could say invisible unicorns dance around your room every night, and pretend that is just another sane, completely rational and equal belief as any other. I mean... you can't disprove it now, can you?
Religious faith isn't provable.
Given our lack of understanding of the universe as a whole, it is quite arrogant to assume one 'knows' if there is a higher being out there. Create an ant farm, do the ants know you built their world? Yet they go about digging their tunnels and living their lives most likely oblivious to our presence or sensing we are out there, but unable to comprehend the complexity that we are relative to them.
Earth could be some higher beings ant farm... us the ants.
Believing the higher being doesn't exist without evidence is just as arrogant as those that insist upon God's existence.
and yes... I do indeed feel superior to both... cause I am awesome and stuff
It probably has.....though probably not nearly as much of an affect as hitting your little balls with a tennis racket has.Your so angry you make up reasons to be angry.
All those hours on a bicycle smashing your nuts takes affect!
Jesus Grind! Faith and logic have about as much use for each other as a race car has for a speed limit. What a stupid question!Superfreak, would you thus assert it's just as rational for a grown adult to believe in santa claus? Serious question.
Cause I'm a theist. I believe in God.....I just find him boring.....and a poor money manager.Why? I don't have proof one way or the other, how is that being a coward. I can not deny God, but I can't acknowledge him either. How am I any different than yourself?
That's the nice thing about being an apathist. I can tell either side of the argument "I really don't give a fuck."sorry, but I think atheists are a bunch of religious nuts... they believe just as firmly in the lack of God's existence as the most fundamentalist of Christians/Muslims/Jews do in the existence of God.