Remake The Confederate Flag

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Look, I understand what it means to be proud of where you're from. Unfortunately in the South their flag is a symbol of the worst elements of their culture. Gap tooth racist yokels. So my niece, who is into photo shop, designed a new Confederate flag that both white liberals and racial minorities can accept and that good ole boy Bubba's can fly in pride with out being pegged as gap toothed racist yokel.

Hello Redneck.jpg

So what do you think? :)
I think that from the outside looking in it's easy to ridicule that flag and label the people that have different feelings about it. I personally have no problems with the confederate flag but I do understand why some people may have different feelings towards it. Having or flying that flag does not mean that you are a racist or that you even have racist tendencies. There are obviously racists that do have and fly that flag of course but there are racists that fly the US flag too. I have a large confederate flag, a large US flag, and a large Texas flag that i'll switch out and attach to the back of my truck on occasion for fun if I am going to be driving through some country roads or going to an event or something. My opinion on the confederate flag is if you don't like it and you don't want to be associated with it then you don't have to own one, fly one, or even like it, but if you do then that's fine too. To many many people it's a flag of heritage and history, and to many others it's a symbol of the civil war and slavery. I have one and if i'm labeled for it by people that I don't even know then so be it, I don't know them and they don't know me so why be upset about it, but for the people that do know me they know that it's not about race for me and many others.


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I think that from the outside looking in it's easy to ridicule that flag and label the people that have different feelings about it. I personally have no problems with the confederate flag but I do understand why some people may have different feelings towards it. Having or flying that flag does not mean that you are a racist or that you even have racist tendencies. There are obviously racists that do have and fly that flag of course but there are racists that fly the US flag too. I have a large confederate flag, a large US flag, and a large Texas flag that i'll switch out and attach to the back of my truck on occasion for fun if I am going to be driving through some country roads or going to an event or something. My opinion on the confederate flag is if you don't like it and you don't want to be associated with it then you don't have to own one, fly one, or even like it, but if you do then that's fine too. To many many people it's a flag of heritage and history, and to many others it's a symbol of the civil war and slavery. I have one and if i'm labeled for it by people that I don't even know then so be it, I don't know them and they don't know me so why be upset about it, but for the people that do know me they know that it's not about race for me and many others.

It's a symbol of an enemy nation's army, and dead American soldiers. Period. The fact that it also stands for racism and southern pride is just icing on top of an already hideous depiction.
It's a symbol of an enemy nation's army, and dead American soldiers. Period. The fact that it also stands for racism and southern pride is just icing on top of an already hideous depiction.

I don't consider the confederacy an enemy army though. It was brother fighting brother in my opinion and both sides wanted for this country what they thought was best.
Here in Texas its not uncommon to see the Mexican flag flown around towns and at restaurants and such and so if you consider the history of this state and its relationship with Mexico and the war for Texas independence you'd think that the Mexican flag would be viewed to us in the same light as many people outside of the south view the Confederate flag but for the most pat Texans don't. The Mexican culture is intertwined with Texas culture no matter how much you may want to fight that, and so the Confederate flag and the cultural aspects are still intertwined throughout the south. You can't erase what history has forged.
I don't consider the confederacy an enemy army though. It was brother fighting brother in my opinion and both sides wanted for this country what they thought was best.

The south has never wanted what is "best" for this country. While regional pride exists everywhere, at least you can get a Midwesterner or a New Englander to look outside to the nation at large. It was not brethren fighting one another, anymore than it would be for us to fight a war with Canada, or for Germany to fight Austria. The secession documents were voted upon, passed, and the birth of a nation was accomplished. It then proceeded to attack an America fort, because God never blessed its inhabitants with a keen intellect.
Do you also fly the Nazi and Soviet Flags?

No. They are symbols of evil. Only propagandized proles believe the battle flag is a symbol of racism. Because you say it so does not make it so. You are no less guilty of liberal double speak.

The existence of this flag has zero material impact on anyone's life than the name of a professional football team. To claim it does is to buy into liberal fear mongering and propaganda.

But if my flag bothers you so much you can feel free to come and try to remove it
The south has never wanted what is "best" for this country. While regional pride exists everywhere, at least you can get a Midwesterner or a New Englander to look outside to the nation at large. It was not brethren fighting one another, anymore than it would be for us to fight a war with Canada, or for Germany to fight Austria. The secession documents were voted upon, passed, and the birth of a nation was accomplished. It then proceeded to attack an America fort, because God never blessed its inhabitants with a keen intellect.

States rights were the main cause of the Civil War and so naturally if a federal government is threatening the ability for states to govern themselves it's going to cause issues. Civil wars aren't fought against foreign powers they are fought against each other, and so yes it was brethren vs brethren. All states want to look after themselves and want whats best for themselves and their families, but to say that the south doesn't care about the country is just not true in my opinion. They as a whole may want different things than you do but that doesnt mean they or you care less about the country.
The south has never wanted what is "best" for this country. While regional pride exists everywhere, at least you can get a Midwesterner or a New Englander to look outside to the nation at large. It was not brethren fighting one another, anymore than it would be for us to fight a war with Canada, or for Germany to fight Austria. The secession documents were voted upon, passed, and the birth of a nation was accomplished. It then proceeded to attack an America fort, because God never blessed its inhabitants with a keen intellect.

I would expect this kind of post from Deshtard
No. They are symbols of evil. Only propagandized proles believe the battle flag is a symbol of racism. Because you say it so does not make it so. You are no less guilty of liberal double speak.

The existence of this flag has zero material impact on anyone's life than the name of a professional football team. To claim it does is to buy into liberal fear mongering and propaganda.

But if my flag bothers you so much you can feel free to come and try to remove it

The Nazi and Soviet flags have no material impact, as well, and the CSA was just as evil and warped as those enemies.
States rights were the main cause of the Civil War and so naturally if a federal government is threatening the ability for states to govern themselves it's going to cause issues. Civil wars aren't fought against foreign powers they are fought against each other, and so yes it was brethren vs brethren. All states want to look after themselves and want whats best for themselves and their families, but to say that the south doesn't care about the country is just not true in my opinion. They as a whole may want different things than you do but that doesnt mean they or you care less about the country.

1) The cause of the Civil War was the CSA attack on Ft Sumter.

2) Yes, the Civil War is incorrectly named, since the south was not attempting to take control of DC.

As for secession, which is a related event, but still a separate one:

3) States rights were never a question. The south was not being threatened with overt, immediate abolition. In fact, Congress was passing though a proposed amendment which would have guaranteed slavery's legality in the existing slave states. This did not satisfy the south, however, because of the belief that slavery needed to spread or it would die. The amendment also couldn't prevent a long-term outcome of the west being settled free, and forming a 3/4 majority coalition to one day abolish slavery was offensive to the south.

4) Then and now, no one has ever really been able to explain what matters the federal government was cutting into, and preventing the states from managing. Back then, the federal government did very little, and it remained that way for decades after the war.
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Look, I understand what it means to be proud of where you're from. Unfortunately in the South their flag is a symbol of the worst elements of their culture. Gap tooth racist yokels. So my niece, who is into photo shop, designed a new Confederate flag that both white liberals and racial minorities can accept and that good ole boy Bubba's can fly in pride with out being pegged as gap toothed racist yokel.

View attachment 2751

So what do you think? :)

Are you also for a redesign of the American Flag also; because slavery existed under it, for way longer then any Southern flag.
The south has never wanted what is "best" for this country. While regional pride exists everywhere, at least you can get a Midwesterner or a New Englander to look outside to the nation at large. It was not brethren fighting one another, anymore than it would be for us to fight a war with Canada, or for Germany to fight Austria. The secession documents were voted upon, passed, and the birth of a nation was accomplished. It then proceeded to attack an America fort, because God never blessed its inhabitants with a keen intellect.

And you seem to be laboring under the pretense that the residents of the Northern States weren't racists.