Remember That Obama Rodeo Clown?

I could care less about the clown or what the State Fair decided to do about him.
The words and actions of the clown were racist in nature. We're they towards George Sr twenty years ago?
Btw..I voted for and supported Sr. If I had known of this incident twenty years ago, and the context of it, I may have expressed outrage then too.

Nobody believes a word you say any more, your credibility is shot to pieces.
I kind of have mixed emotions about this one. The clown was just a performer. The audience was the ones that got all KKK about it.

I think a ban was too harsh....however, as a part time performer myself....they were within their rights to do so.

Imagine for a second....I go into a bar or a club...set up my equipment play a song or two and then rail on about politics for 10 minutes till I play my next song.

A. I'm going to piss someone off.
B. The owner of the establishment isn't paying me for my political opinions.

The result is that I will probably never perform there again and they could very well pull the plug on me right then and there.

And no....I don't care if it was an Obama mask or a dubya mask. People are there to see other folk with more balls than brains get thrown off of animals at great risk to their physical well being....of course, there's trick riding and roping....but most want to see the Marlboro Man get his ass kicked.

I think that since this was a tax payer financed event, they had no right to do this. If it was private, then it's free speech. I'm sure there are many Democrats in Columbia mad that part of their money went towards a show that depicted Obama being trampled to death. It served no purpose.

Or maybe the rodeo part of it was privately financed. I'm not bored enough to look into it.
I think that since this was a tax payer financed event, they had no right to do this. If it was private, then it's free speech. I'm sure there are many Democrats in Columbia mad that part of their money went towards a show that depicted Obama being trampled to death. It served no purpose.

Or maybe the rodeo part of it was privately financed. I'm not bored enough to look into it.

You are correct. It was a taxpayer funded event.
I think that since this was a tax payer financed event, they had no right to do this. If it was private, then it's free speech. I'm sure there are many Democrats in Columbia mad that part of their money went towards a show that depicted Obama being trampled to death. It served no purpose.

Or maybe the rodeo part of it was privately financed. I'm not bored enough to look into it.

Ok...but even if it wasn't....the people who run the Fair have the right to do what they want...that's why I brought up the paid gig scenario.
Lol, nothing from the 70's or 80's

Actually, this is a running gag with Rodeo clowns.

Basically what it is:

There is a scarecrow hanging by a stick in the arena, it is usually dressed as a President, sometimes as a popular local political figure, but usually the President (it's way easier to get Presidential masks than local politicians, waaay easier). Sometime during the show, if a bull hasn't trashed the dummy earlier, the clown uses a distraction and puts the scarecrow in a barrel and puts on a mask and adds the broomstick replacing the scarecrow with himself... As the bull comes out of the chute and at any moment it starts moving towards the "dummy" it suddenly springs to life running in fear. In the one with George H.W. Bush the bull attacked the scarecrow before the gag took full effect, but it was the same gag.

I've seen it at many rodeos. It's a standard schtick.
Actually, this is a running gag with Rodeo clowns.

Basically what it is:

There is a scarecrow hanging by a stick in the arena, it is usually dressed as a President, sometimes as a popular local political figure, but usually the President (it's way easier to get Presidential masks than local politicians, waaay easier). Sometime during the show, if a bull hasn't trashed the dummy earlier, the clown uses a distraction and puts the scarecrow in a barrel and puts on a mask and adds the broomstick replacing the scarecrow with himself... As the bull comes out of the chute and at any moment it starts moving towards the "dummy" it suddenly springs to life running in fear. In the one with George H.W. Bush the bull attacked the scarecrow before the gag took full effect, but it was the same gag.

I've seen it at many rodeos. It's a standard schtick.

I've been to Cheyenne Frontier Days several times. Never saw anything like it. Liar.
I love the "what outrage did you have for a story in the local section of a Philly newspaper about a rodeo clown that mentioned in passing a dummy with a GHWB mask?" and the subsequet charges of hypocrisy. LOL.

Also, too, the idea that it's a running gag seems odd given that the only other reported instance happened 20 years ago.
Bottom line: this "clown" and the MC pulled this crap on the STATE's dime and time....and a patron was offended and nailed them on a Youtube post. The local GOP politicos condemned this, and his banning was LEGALLY CORRECT as to the discretion of the State.

Glen Beck called himself a rodeo clown and anyone who took him seriously "an idiot". Yet he and Limbaugh and the right wing noise machine all went ballistic about this. Not surprising.
Without seeing the Bush Sr. video tape it's obviously hard to compare. The principle to me is if it's something that has been done to previous Presidents to now say we can't do it because Obama is black is to treat him different because of race which is wrong.

Bullshit! The rodeo clown made it a POINT to mock Obama's racial physicality. And the Bush incident involved a dummy that WAS NOT sexually assaulted by a broomstick. Deal with it.
I did a search for "satire violent mocking president bush " and found a link to malkin's article.

Nobody freaked out back then. Why are they freaking out because someone mocked Obama?
I doubt you've asked yourself even.

If it's in Michelle's archives that means there was a lot of freaking out going on back then. I remember Rush having fits over a couple of those.

None, btw, are racist except the one with Obama.

That's been debunked.