Remember That Obama Rodeo Clown?

how is it racist. What makes it so?
Can you put it in words? Or is it too vauge for you explain?

was the Bush dummy sodomized by the broomstick?


Was there a rodeo clown wearing a Bush mask, feigning a broomstick sodomy and making fun of Bush's "racial" physical features?


So you see Damo, there IS a difference. So stop trying to pretend there isn't.

Bullshit! The rodeo clown made it a POINT to mock Obama's racial physicality. And the Bush incident involved a dummy that WAS NOT sexually assaulted by a broomstick. Deal with it.

we had lots of examples of Bush being mocked for the way he stands, his big ears, and other features. Why is it off limits to make fun of Obama? Why are you guys so sensitive? You make a big deal out a non-event
we had lots of examples of Bush being mocked for the way he stands, his big ears, and other features. Why is it off limits to make fun of Obama? Why are you guys so sensitive? You make a big deal out a non-event

So now you admit it was racist?

BTW...the Republican governor and AG of Missouri agreed it was racist too.
I think making fun of big lips is racist. I don't think anything else I saw was racist. Did I miss something, or rather, is there something I'm not able to perceive?
was the Bush dummy sodomized by the broomstick?


Um... Yes. Well, neither were sodomized, but the Bush dummy had a broomstick attached to the shirt, so the clown when taking its place also had the same.

Was there a rodeo clown wearing a Bush mask, feigning a broomstick sodomy and making fun of Bush's "racial" physical features?


Actually, there are pictures of exactly that. Again, when the clown takes the place of the "dummy" they put a broomstick there as there was one holding up the dummy.. and it isn't "sodomized" the broom is attached to the middle of the shirt... The clown in this one then put on a jacket, the broomstick hangs below the jacket, but it attached to the shirt.

So you see Damo, there IS a difference. So stop trying to pretend there isn't.

There really isn't. It really is a running rodeo gag. It's like going to see the show at Casa Bonita, still the same now as it was when I was a kid. Now in the story with the Bush scarecrow, a bull hit it early the gag doesn't work when the scarecrow has already been hit.

However, you can actually find pictures of the clowns wearing Bush masks... don't look now!

While we're on the subject, here's why this was racist:

“I’ve got no respect for him,” said Virgil Henke, 65, a livestock farmer who explained his distaste for Obama with several falsehoods about his background: “Why, he’s destroyed this country. How much freedom have we lost? I don’t care whether it’s a black man in office, but we have to have a true-blooded American. I think he is Muslim and trying to destroy the country, catering to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.”

Ignorant, ill-informed, and bigoted.

There is a long history of mocking politicians at rodeos, and clowns have donned masks of other presidents as part of their acts. But James Staab, a political science professor at the University of Central Missouri, said last week’s incident “goes beyond the pale — they’re talking about physical injury and racial stereotypes.”

Whether the scene at the state fair was meant merely as mockery or something more sinister, there was no room for nuance among a dozen fairgoers interviewed Wednesday. There was near universal agreement that the incident was all in good fun, and disapproval of the president crossed into a deep, personal hatred, often tinted in racial terms.

I was raised to think the blacks were bad; I’m not gonna lie. We lived on one side of the tracks, and they lived on the other,” said Margaret Abercrombie, 68...Abercrombie said the anti-Obama sentiments she encounters are based on race...“You hear the farmers here, they just don’t like him because he’s black

Remember, these are residents telling us it was a racist incident.

The Wednesday crowd at the fair, which lasts 11 days in remote Sedalia, was overwhelmingly white. Some vendors played right-wing talk radio from boom boxes at their tents. One vendor sold “rebel pride” hats emblazoned with Confederate flags for $8 each. Another, who would only be identified as “Dennis the Sticker Dude” because he was afraid of government retaliation, hawked car decal stickers featuring a cartoon boy urinating on Obama.

Ignorant, uneducated, bigoted.

Henke hesitated at first to provide his name, fearing that if he publicly criticized Obama the Internal Revenue Service would “be up my [backside] and at my door.”

Ignorant, uneducated, bigoted, paranoid.

For instance, he said, one site he looks at compares “Obama’s wife to a monkey — they have the same expression. The media makes it all hate. I don’t hate a black person. It’s just funny.”

Ignorant, uneducated, bigoted, racist.

At the rodeo here last Saturday night, a clown wearing an Obama mask stood on the arena’s dirt floor, propped up like a straw man with the appearance that a broom stick was going up his backside. A second clown called him “ya big goober.” Before letting the bull loose to charge at the clown with the Obama mask, the second clown provided live narration over the loudspeakers:

“Obama, they’re coming for you this time.”

“He’s going to getcha, getcha, getcha.”

“Yahoo! We’re gonna smoke Obama.”

In the stands, Perry Beam was so sickened by the scene he began recording it.

It reminded me of a [Ku Klux] Klan rally,” Beam said. “It had that hateful aspect. It was the way they cheered, the anger in it. . . . You can disagree with a government policy, but that doesn’t prompt you to put a stick up his [backside] and incite the crowd to say how many of you want to see him be trampled by a bull. To wish that on somebody is hateful.”

Another resident telling us it's ignorant, uneducated, bigoted, and racist.

“If you’re a white man in a black mask in a former slaveholding state with a broom lodged in your rectum and you’re playing with your lips, you will be confused with a racist,” Beam said. “Had I been black, I would’ve been scared for my life.

That's it. Ignorant, uneducated, bigoted, racist.

Finally, from Dave Weigel:

The gag went off the rails when the announcer yelled "He's gonna getcher getcher getcher!" in the sort of voice usually reserved for people violating a naked Ned Beatty. It made Missourians look like yahoos.

BINGO! Ignorant, uneducated, bigoted, racist yahoos.
Just in case you're saying that was the Bush rodeo dummy, it wasn't.


I wasn't. I was pointing out that more than one clown wore the Bush mask. That particular rodeo clown, with the picture I posted, was black too... nor do I think this picture you posted here was from the particular rodeo in the story. He never included a picture with his story.

So, we now are able to show three rodeos with the Bush gag going on, one with a picture where you have the stick right where I said it would be, one the guy described but has no pictures, and one where the actual gag went on and the clown still wore the mask.
I wasn't. I was pointing out that more than one clown wore the Bush mask. That particular rodeo clown, with the picture I posted, was black too... nor do I think this picture you posted here was from the particular rodeo in the story. He never included a picture with his story.

So, we now are able to show three rodeos with the Bush gag going on, one with a picture where you have the stick right where I said it would be, one the guy described but has no pictures, and one where the actual gag went on and the clown still wore the mask.

Once again you lie.
The best post I have seen about the rodeo fiasco was "If you're demanding a rodeo jester be thrown in the dungeons for mocking the king, don't pretend you support a free country".

This entire thing got blown completely out of proportion.
I did a search for "satire violent mocking president bush " and found a link to malkin's article.

Nobody freaked out back then. Why are they freaking out because someone mocked Obama?
I doubt you've asked yourself even.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
was the Bush dummy sodomized by the broomstick?


Um... Yes. Well, neither were sodomized, but the Bush dummy had a broomstick attached to the shirt, so the clown when taking its place also had the same.

You're just being insipidly stubborn. The rodeo clown mocking Obama did have the broom stick placed between the butt cheeks. Read the articles.

Was there a rodeo clown wearing a Bush mask, feigning a broomstick sodomy and making fun of Bush's "racial" physical features?


Actually, there are pictures of exactly that. Again, when the clown takes the place of the "dummy" they put a broomstick there as there was one holding up the dummy.. and it isn't "sodomized" the broom is attached to the middle of the shirt... The clown in this one then put on a jacket, the broomstick hangs below the jacket, but it attached to the shirt.

Baloney! Observe and admit your error:

And I note how you IGNORE the racial features mocking noted in the reporting news articles.

So you see Damo, there IS a difference. So stop trying to pretend there isn't.

There really isn't. It really is a running rodeo gag. It's like going to see the show at Casa Bonita, still the same now as it was when I was a kid. Now in the story with the Bush scarecrow, a bull hit it early the gag doesn't work when the scarecrow has already been hit.

However, you can actually find pictures of the clowns wearing Bush masks... don't look now!


Spare me the bullshit, Damo. You're trying to ignore the FACT that it's not just about the masks, but the actions... AGAIN: the rodeo Bush mockers DID NOT make fun of his racial features nor did the broomstick on the dummy descend from the buttocks, as I've shown above. Like it or not, this racial tinge put the kibosh on those jokers careers because it was a STATE FUNDED event, and they have the LEGAL RIGHT to determine level of content.
Actually I don't. Somebody included a picture while they spoke about an article written in 1994, said article did not include a picture. Not only that but silly "gotcha" doesn't change that the image that I posted is from a different rodeo with a different clown, but still wearing a President mask...

It really is a regular run of the mill rodeo gag.

Yeah, that ain't a rodeo clown wearing a GHWB mask.