Remember when Hillary was on deaths door?

Lock her up!


why are you so grumpy. Bad Father's day? I had a friend that got a "surprise" Father's day card from a kid he did not know about. He was a little touchy for a while. But unlike Hunter he welcomed the kid into his family.
It is not the grandfather's role to welcome a kid into the family. It is the father's. A quick affair is not the basis for a close relationship with the father. The grandfather is on the outside, a spectator.
We know Biden took inappropriate showers with his daughter. He is a nasty old man.
We do not know that. That is not true. We know that Trump and Epstein were banging young girls for a decade. Trump said, "Jeffery likes them young, even younger than I do". Trump is a nasty user of females from very young to maybe 30 years old.

double body?.......I thought she looked twice as big.......I just assumed it was fat......

Hillary Clinton’s replicant respectfully requests you stop tweeting at her.

“I hope you can straighten this all out and get people to quit buggin’ me,” Teresa Barnwell told The Daily Beast.


Barnwell has been a Clinton impersonator for 23 years, but she’s never had a morning like Monday. After Clinton (the real one) appeared to faint outside of the 9/11 Memorial in Manhattan on Sunday, then reappeared hours later outside of her daughter’s apartment appearing much healthier, Internet conspiracy theorists thought she was using a body double—and they were certain it was Barnwell.

Although she might be a little to blame for that.

The rumors, which started on Twitter and Reddit, fast made their way to right-wing blogs. By the time Barnwell woke up in her Palm Desert, Calif., home on Monday morning, #HillarysBodyDouble was the No. 2 trend on Twitter—with Barnwell’s face and name usually appearing right next to it.

Barnwell was sitting around and eating lunch in Los Angeles, waiting to shoot an episode of Spike TV’s Lip Sync Battle (alongside a Bill impersonator, naturally) when she first heard about it.
Trump accuses all opponents of hiding illnesses. It is part of his childish shtick. It also diverts attention from his physical condition, which he hides like the KFC recipe. Why does Trump hide his physicals? It cannot be good news because if it were Trump would talk about it at every rally. Trump brags about everything. He is still the high school bully he once was.
Trump accuses all opponents of hiding illnesses. It is part of his childish shtick. It also diverts attention from his physical condition, which he hides like the KFC recipe. Why does Trump hide his physicals? It cannot be good news because if it were Trump would talk about it at every rally. Trump brags about everything. He is still the high school bully he once was.
Great point
Remember in Trumps first campaign when all you idiots fell for the lie that she was deathly ill, brain tumor or whatever else lie you fell for?
I also remember when the trump campaigned claimed she was way to old to run for president... trump is older than Clinton.
Trump accuses all opponents of hiding illnesses. It is part of his childish shtick. It also diverts attention from his physical condition, which he hides like the KFC recipe. Why does Trump hide his physicals? It cannot be good news because if it were Trump would talk about it at every rally. Trump brags about everything. He is still the high school bully he once was.
"KFC recipe," I love it. :LOL: