Remember when lefties thought Elon was an angel and righties hated Tesla?

Sad how the Yugo turned out. It could have been the next Beetle, only much better, but bad management fucked it up.
It's so sad how the trumptards vilify people for calling out musk on his bullshit. musk brought criticism on himself since he became a white supremacist troll. But you choose to ignore that so that you can be a troll yourself.
Tesla attempts to offer the bleeding edge of software innovation, they undoubtedly encounter more software issues than have been typically seen in the automotive space. And while these problems are typically fixed through updates and technical support quickly, they could easily contribute to Tesla’s poor performance.

"bleeding?" Yea, that sounds about right.

This video is instructive of how fucked up Tesla's engineering and software is. I know, it's 40 minutes long, but the problem these guys encounter trying to bring a Cyber Truck back to running condition after relatively minor damage in an accident is almost jaw dropping.

"bleeding?" Yea, that sounds about right.

This video is instructive of how fucked up Tesla's engineering and software is. I know, it's 40 minutes long, but the problem these guys encounter trying to bring a Cyber Truck back to running condition after relatively minor damage in an accident is almost jaw dropping.

You can lease a "Tesler" for cheep these days.
Elon Musk has done more than any single human on Earth to promote and propagate “green” alternatives.

He has one of the largest electric vehicle companies on the planet.

By the Left’s climate change logic, he has saved millions of lives and prevented untold numbers of hurricanes, tornadoes, and other catastrophes.

If they took their climate change bullshit seriously at all, they would celebrate him as an environmental hero.

They would happily overlook the MAGA stuff because he is — again, by their logic — doing more than anyone else to save the globe.

But of course they don’t actually believe in any of that climate stuff or care about it at all, which is why they’re in the process of trying to destroy one of the greenest companies in the world.

His cybertruck is an ugly mess.
His cars have done a lot to help promote green energy in America and the world. China makes better ones according to Musk.
EVs are the future of cars on the planet.
His cybertruck is an ugly mess.
His cars have done a lot to help promote green energy in America and the world. China makes better ones according to Musk.
EVs are the future of cars on the planet.
He sure collects a tun of Government money, without it, I suspect he would be broke.
Elon Musk has done more than any single human on Earth to promote and propagate “green” alternatives.

He has one of the largest electric vehicle companies on the planet.

By the Left’s climate change logic, he has saved millions of lives and prevented untold numbers of hurricanes, tornadoes, and other catastrophes.

If they took their climate change bullshit seriously at all, they would celebrate him as an environmental hero.

They would happily overlook the MAGA stuff because he is — again, by their logic — doing more than anyone else to save the globe.

But of course they don’t actually believe in any of that climate stuff or care about it at all, which is why they’re in the process of trying to destroy one of the greenest companies in the world.

How bad do you think burning a EV is for the environment.

It used to amaze me that lefties could muster Marxist mobs to propagandize for whatever the Jackass Party's "support/oppose the current thing" was at any given time.

It now looks as though tax dollars laundered through leftist NGOs are used to hire "demonstrators" to create an illusion of "grassroots" involvement, doesn't it?

That'd go a long way toward understanding why the left is freaking out about DOGE.
Elon Musk has done more than any single human on Earth to promote and propagate “green” alternatives.

He has one of the largest electric vehicle companies on the planet.

By the Left’s climate change logic, he has saved millions of lives and prevented untold numbers of hurricanes, tornadoes, and other catastrophes.

If they took their climate change bullshit seriously at all, they would celebrate him as an environmental hero.

They would happily overlook the MAGA stuff because he is — again, by their logic — doing more than anyone else to save the globe.

But of course they don’t actually believe in any of that climate stuff or care about it at all, which is why they’re in the process of trying to destroy one of the greenest companies in the world.

This is the only post in your very long string that makes any sense.
Seeing as how EV's have been around in one form or another longer than ICE vehicles, you'd think that by now if there were a brilliant idea and one that consumers wanted, they'd dominate the market. Yet, the only way they can even begin to come close to doing that is if government shoves them down consumer's throats by bribery and force.