Remembrance, veterans, armistice day!

An act of hate against your country is treason.
It may not be the crime of treason, but it is an act of treason.

First of all, hating your country is not treason. If you do something to overthrow the gov't or assassinate the leader, THAT is treason. Just hating it is not treason.

Second, you are wanting to restrict the freedoms of our citizens so they will fit your idea of "patriotism". You want to restrict their free speech in order to keep up some illusion of the nobility of war. Now I see every person who served in the military as a hero. Those who gave their lives in that service as something even greater. But the wars they have died in have been, largely, bullshit wars. From Vietnam, Korea, Iraq 1 & 2, Afganistan, we have squandered the lives of our best and bravest. The men were heros. The wars (and those who started them) were wastes.

Third, even if you ignore the wars and go with the "They died for our freedoms", they died to protect the freedom of being able to groan a post on the internet, burn a piece of cloth and the like. Freedom is not just about protecting what is popular. It is even more important to protect the unpopular.
That's fine, speak your feelings.
I will voice my opinion on that.

Free speech is a two way street.
That's fine, speak your feelings.
I will voice my opinion on that.

Free speech is a two way street.

Great. You just don't get to make up new definitions for words... like "treason", for example... And you also shouldn't make up your own phonetic spellings of them either and expect that no one will call you on it. ;)
That's fine, speak your feelings.
I will voice my opinion on that.

Free speech is a two way street.

Indeed it is. But you are making accusations of treason. You are also not making any effort to find out WHY someone groaned your posts. There are legitimate reasons why they would groan them. But it is much more fun for you to jump up & down in righteous indignation, isn't it?
Indeed it is. But you are making accusations of treason. You are also not making any effort to find out WHY someone groaned your posts. There are legitimate reasons why they would groan them. But it is much more fun for you to jump up & down in righteous indignation, isn't it?
I'm sitting typing!!
They groaned because they hate those who made the sacrifice.
Great. You just don't get to make up new definitions for words... like "treason", for example... And you also shouldn't make up your own phonetic spellings of them either and expect that no one will call you on it. ;)
I take it you despise those who died defending your freedom too.
I'm sitting typing!!
They groaned because they hate those who made the sacrifice.

And you know this how? Could they seriously dislike you? Could they dislike that someone died for very crappy reasons? Could they generally dislike UK soldiers? Could they dislike war in general? Could they just be groaning all over the forums?

You assume you know their motivations and the go crazy with what you guess is the truth.