renaming the military draft


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What will our genocidal government change the name of the military draft to?

PTSD patriots
TBI for tyranny
wall street wimps
conscription cucks
idiots for imperialism
The American Empire is in collapse is far too late to stop or prevent it....the future is the Han Way.
What will our genocidal government change the name of the military draft to?

PTSD patriots
TBI for tyranny
wall street wimps
conscription cucks
idiots for imperialism

Does Putin ever get sore from how hard and often you suck his pud?
The climate hoax is just one tool in the toolbox of the New Slavers.

Science has proven it in real time you science hating Russian whore

Do I have to go get that proof yet again?

Did your Russian programmer erase everything that your program learns on these chat sites?
Research shows that company modeled and predicted global warming with 'shocking skill and accuracy' starting in the 1970s
Projections created internally by ExxonMobil starting in the late 1970s on the impact of fossil fuels on climate change were very accurate, even surpassing those of some academic and governmental scientists, according to an analysis published Thursday in Science by a team of Harvard-led researchers. Despite those forecasts, team leaders say, the multinational energy giant continued to sow doubt about the gathering crisis.
bomb bomb bomb
bomb bomb Iran

The children in Washington have no idea what reality looks like, they have spent their entire lives refusing to learn.

The forced lessons start now....BIG PAIN always works...Eventually.
You know

The people who have lied about it for decades to make mountains of money at all of humankind’s detriment

Fucking idiots you people are
The Europeans are going through this right now..."BUT BUT BUT we are a great power, what we have to say is important!"

"Sit down and shut up"
The rest of the world
Everyone knows what the American lap dogs with no military and no competent political leadership will say before they open their yap....there is zero point in investing any time into listening.