Report of Special Counsel Jack Smith - Vol 1 Released

Oh I've got a minute so...... I've been distracted while trying to talk sense into you, and was attempting to come up with a easy scenario for you to understand how or why an elector could change their vote and the Jan 6 date hit me, obviously, I think, because of how triggered it makes most lefties, but I'll admit, it was a fail. lol But anyways the point is the same. By the way, I am not aware of Trump trying to get the electors to change their vote after they were certified. It that one easy to provide?
Trump didn't try to get electors to change their vote. You can lead Toby to the facts but you can't make him understand them.

Trump conspired to use fake electors to vote and then to present the fake electors as if they were the certified electors.
Trump didn't try to get electors to change their vote. You can lead Toby to the facts but you can't make him understand them.

Trump conspired to use fake electors to vote and then to present the fake electors as if they were the certified electors.
Oh yes, I remember of course, all the papers were headlining 'Trump caught on tape asking for 'Fake Electors'' the axe will drop soon! LOL You door knob. Oh no, here comes a bunch of links from radical left wing libtard sites. lol. By the way, how's that clearly stated law Trump broke coming. It's a very simple request since you dove into the report. I can't imagine why you haven't just pasted in here to shut me up. I'll wait here. You said I wouldn't have to wait long. hmmmmm
Oh yes, I remember of course, all the papers were headlining 'Trump caught on tape asking for 'Fake Electors'' the axe will drop soon! LOL You door knob. Oh no, here comes a bunch of links from radical left wing libtard sites. lol. By the way, how's that clearly stated law Trump broke coming. It's a very simple request since you dove into the report. I can't imagine why you haven't just pasted in here to shut me up. I'll wait here. You said I wouldn't have to wait long. hmmmmm
Thanks for once again proving you are a toddler. How many times have you accused me of not posting the law after I posted?
When have I ever posted a single link to a left wing libtard site? Court rulings are not radical or left wing. They are court rulings.
The title of the section cites the law. The first sentence quotes the law.

A. Conspiracy to Defraud the United States (18 U.S.C. § 371)
The defraud clause of the general conspiracy statute makes it a crime "f two or more
persons conspire ... to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any

purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy."

The next 7 pages detail why the law applies including numerous court case citations.

Since you aren't serious about the questions you are asking, I will just ignore them in the future.
You childish name calling and inability to even understand the most basic of things is tiring. At this point you have shown yourself to be an ignorant troll that can't discuss issues but only make strawman arguments and call names. People like you never grow up. Go read some videos like you said you do when you claimed you read the video exhibit in the Trump trial.
Thanks for once again proving you are a toddler. How many times have you accused me of not posting the law after I posted?
When have I ever posted a single link to a left wing libtard site? Court rulings are not radical or left wing. They are court rulings.

You childish name calling and inability to even understand the most basic of things is tiring. At this point you have shown yourself to be an ignorant troll that can't discuss issues but only make strawman arguments and call names. People like you never grow up. Go read some videos like you said you do when you claimed you read the video exhibit in the Trump trial.
Your concerns are noted. I find it rather hilarious as you tell me the law broken was in 7 pages of Smith's rant, you presumably had read those pages and could have and still could paste the actual law Trump broke you say is there. huh You could so easily shut me up, but for some reason you don't.

Insult free, by the way.
Your concerns are noted. I find it rather hilarious as you tell me the law broken was in 7 pages of Smith's rant, you presumably had read those pages and could have and still could paste the actual law Trump broke you say is there. huh You could so easily shut me up, but for some reason you don't.

Insult free, by the way.
OMG. You reply to the post where I link to the post I made yesterday that cites the law and then you say I still haven't posted the law. Are you blind or just stupid?

Here is the law again -

A. Conspiracy to Defraud the United States (18 U.S.C. § 371) (<-- The law's title and code number)
The defraud clause of the general conspiracy statute makes it a crime "f two or more
persons conspire ... to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any
purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy."
(<--- A direct quote from the law)
The first volume of the Special Counsel was released overnight - It can be found here-

I haven't had a chance to read it yet. Feel free to post your comments on the actual report but if you are just going to troll, you will be ignored.
Attorney Katie Cherkasky dismissed the 174-page document as “nothing more than a prosecution on paper.”

“It’s every prosecutor’s dream. You have no rebuttal, you have no cross-examination. You don’t actually have to prove this case,” she told Fox News.

On which page did you find this?
I see where Trump tried to get state legislators to replace the legitimate electors.
There is no such thing as a "fake elector." That's a phony leftist Democrat meme the media willfully elevated. A noted Democrat and Constitutional lawyer and educator on such subjects elaborates on this:

Alan Dershowitz Says Al Gore Used Same ‘Alternate Electors’ Theory That Trump Was Indicted For

Attorney Alan Dershowitz said during Wednesday’s episode of “The Dershow” that Al Gore’s legal team had “alternate electors” ready during his challenge of the 2000 presidential election results in Florida.

“I have a hard time explaining January 6 in Washington, D.C. or January 6 in Fulton County Georgia, because what they did basically was to create a slate of alternate electors in the event that a recount led to the court saying: No, no, no, no, no it wasn’t the Democrats who won. It was the Republicans who won, so the Republicans be ready with a slate of alternate electors so that on December 6, January 6, rather, 2021, they could have presented that slate of electors to the vice president and that would have been the official slate of electors,” Dershowitz said. “If there were no alternate slate of electors and the court on January 5 came up with a ruling saying ‘Oh, wow, we’ve looked at this, and, and these votes were improperly counted, or this was unconstitutional.’ Take, for example, Pennsylvania.”

“We know that in Pennsylvania, the governor allowed people to vote and count votes after the polls closed,” Dershowitz said. “Now the legislature said ‘No.’ The governor overruled the legislature, but the Constitution is very clear that the decision as to how to run presidential elections in every state is up to the state [legislature]. So the Supreme Court clearly would have found those votes that were cast after the close of the polls to be unconstitutionally counted. Now, those alone wouldn’t have changed the outcome of the election. The election people say there were things that would have, but let’s assume that it would have changed the outcome of Pennsylvania.”

Attorney Katie Cherkasky dismissed the 174-page document as “nothing more than a prosecution on paper.”

“It’s every prosecutor’s dream. You have no rebuttal, you have no cross-examination. You don’t actually have to prove this case,” she told Fox News.

This is a troll to ignore since he can't discuss the document but can only post RW talking points.
A faithless elector is still a legitimate elector. Faithless electors are not a criminal act since the elector is legitimate. Some states do not require that the electors vote for the person the state voted for. Other states have laws requiring them to or they will be replaced with another elector.

The difference is not little. It is huge. What Trump tried to do is a crime which is why many of those fake electors have been charged with a crime.

Why bother? I guess you shouldn't bother actually being factual or actually looking at the evidence since you don't bother.
There is no such thing as a "faithless elector" you boorish dunce. :palm:
ROFLMAO. Trying to get legitimate electors to change their votes is not the same thing as a slate of fake electors.

It seems you can't do the work so you are just going to play your usual games.
Maybe you should go read a couple of videos before you come back.
No one tried to do that. It's a dumb MSNBC narrative brainless gullible leftist dimwits like you parrot without thinking.
He said he read the first twenty pages, which is largely Smith outlining in general his case before presenting the evidence, and then when the poster goes off on the Democrat whataboutisms you know he never read any of it but just regurgitating AM talk radio rhetoric
The only whataboutisms is Smiths report full of hyperbole, innuendo and nonsense.

Of course, you think Special Councils should be allowed to make their cases without rebuttal, evidence or pushback. You really are THAT fucking ignorant.
What impressed me is the documentation, every bit of information is authenticated via footnotes

And, just like the FICA requests and Mueller Report, no one on the right will actually read it, they don’t primary sources, rather wait to see what their demagogues say
You would be impressed with lawfare and unconstitutional Special Councils smearing people without a hearing, without rebuttal and believining that one is guilty until proven innocent.

It's brainless leftist dumbasses like you who are the problem in this country.
When a vote is certified it is no longer contested. Suspicion of fraud is not a valid reason to commit a crime. The courts are the way to contest an election. Trump lost over 60 cases on the election. You don't get to commit a crime because you lost in court.

That is why Trump attempted to stop the certification LEGALLY until he exhausted all his LEGAL challenges.

Oh. OK.. so I don't have to prove you committed fraud before I come and burn your house down?

Another moronic analogy from an uneducated brainless twit. :palm:

It seems it's you that is intellectually challenged.


Suspicion of fraud without proof is not a defense when it comes to committing a crime. Proof of fraud is also not a valid defense when it comes to commission of a crime.

Dumb word salad. Of course, you being a dunce, you're too stupid to know that you're stupid. :laugh:
Do you understand that the report tells you what the laws were that were broken?

Unsubstantiated claims without a rebuttal are just that.

Do you understand the presumption of innocence and that one does not have to prove it?

Clearly you are lying about reading something if you need to be told what laws were broken.


This seems to be all you can do. Claim you read something and then the evidence proves you didn't read it.

It's obvious you don't read. You come across as an uneducated lemming prone to parrot asinine leftist talking points in a vacuum of thought, facts, logic or reason.