Repost Your Favorite Leftist Meltdown Thread Titles Here

Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

That's a whole lotta fuckin', you must be pretty sore. No wonder you're babbling.
Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

Highly recommend you pack up and move out of our beloved country

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I can never find them outside certain posters. If you asked from the right I'd have too many to choose from. I'd go any of the Bigdog, ad libs, TDACK whining about cars, or anything of Hvilleherb, using a propaganda rag, like scripture. Or you cold just go with sexist, or racist rants, from about half the righties here.
We have received an anonymous letter saying that Cypress has done unspeakable things against teenage girls ... we will not reveal it until we find Cypress becomes some one of importance that we disagree with.

In my opinion, this was the biggest emotional meltdown of the week.
I have actually never seen a dude weeping, blubbering, yelling, and being petulant during a job interview.


Nomination & Confirmation Process

The Process
The President usually will consult with Senators before announcing a nomination.

When the President nominates a candidate, the nomination is sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.

The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on the nominee. The Committee usually takes a month to collect and receive all necessary records, from the FBI and other sources, about the nominee and for the nominee to be prepared for the hearings.

During the hearings, witnesses, both supporting and opposing the nomination, present their views. Senators question the nominee on his or her qualifications, judgment, and philosophy.

The Judiciary Committee then votes on the nomination and sends its recommendation (that it be confirmed, that it be rejected, or with no recommendation) to the full Senate.

The full Senate debates the nomination.

The Senate rules used to allow unlimited debate (a practice known as filibustering) and to end the debate, it required the votes of 3/5 of the Senate or 60 senators (known as the cloture vote). In April 2017, the Senate changed this rule and lowered the required votes to 51 to end debate on Supreme Court nominations (this is commonly known as "the nuclear option").

When the debate ends, the Senate votes on the nomination. A simple majority of the Senators present and voting is required for the judicial nominee to be confirmed. If there is a tie, the Vice President who also presides over the Senate casts the deciding vote.


Why are these items missing from the process?:
1. Claiming Privilege on Therapist’s Notes
2. Immediate Family Is Silent
3. Incomplete Polygraph Results
4. Bizarre Demands
5. A Bogus Fear of Flying
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I only have these two threads, that I kept, which were started by JPP liberals:

I predict the GOP will pay a HEAVY price for this kangaroo hearing in Nov

the drunk preppy perv won't win full senate confirmation

But, I do have these oldies; but goodies quotes: :D

Althea - MIA since 10/6
Kavanaugh is gone by Wednesday

BAC - Still posting
I have a prediction .. Kavanaugh will not go through an FBI investigation.

floridanfan - MIA since 10/2
If its any consolation to you, Mr. Kavanaugh will never be confirmed

jimmymccready - still posting
The tools and fools know the Dems are going to outvote them again this time around, only in greater numbers, and there is no EV this time either.
The Donald dementos are trapped by their lies.
Dr. Ford has nailed Judge K's ass to the ground. Don't be surprised if he withdraws by Friday.

Leonthecat - MIA since 10/3
Kavanaugh is a rapist and a liar.
He will not be approved.
Kavanaugh is a rapist.
Kavanaugh will withdraw before he submits to a polygraph.
He knows he is a rapist.
The FBI will do the due diligence and recommend that Kavanaugh is unfit to serve.

LV426 - MIA since 10/2
Then Brett doesn't get a confirmation either until after the election, when the people have had a chance to weigh in.
Nope. Doesn't matter.
I don't know the process for this type of thing, but in the past, the FBI has investigated. They did that with Thomas/Hill. Why is this any different?
I'd say it's even money the nomination is pulled by the end of the week.

reagansghost - Still posting
Kav ain't going nowhere except to a threapist
Kav ain't going nowhere, he's fucked
Kav ain't going nowhere cept maybe rehab
and Kav won't be confirmed
and Kav won't be confirmed
the righties on this thread are freaking out, know damn well Kav is toast lol
Kav is toast, get over it

So 4 out of the 7 seem to have disappeared!!

I wonder why??

We have received an anonymous letter saying that Cypress has done unspeakable things against teenage girls ... we will not reveal it until we find Cypress becomes some one of importance that we disagree with.

Nomination & Confirmation Process

The Process
The President usually will consult with Senators before announcing a nomination.

When the President nominates a candidate, the nomination is sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.

The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on the nominee. The Committee usually takes a month to collect and receive all necessary records, from the FBI and other sources, about the nominee and for the nominee to be prepared for the hearings.

During the hearings, witnesses, both supporting and opposing the nomination, present their views. Senators question the nominee on his or her qualifications, judgment, and philosophy.

The Judiciary Committee then votes on the nomination and sends its recommendation (that it be confirmed, that it be rejected, or with no recommendation) to the full Senate.

The full Senate debates the nomination.

The Senate rules used to allow unlimited debate (a practice known as filibustering) and to end the debate, it required the votes of 3/5 of the Senate or 60 senators (known as the cloture vote). In April 2017, the Senate changed this rule and lowered the required votes to 51 to end debate on Supreme Court nominations (this is commonly known as "the nuclear option").

When the debate ends, the Senate votes on the nomination. A simple majority of the Senators present and voting is required for the judicial nominee to be confirmed. If there is a tie, the Vice President who also presides over the Senate casts the deciding vote.


Why are these items missing from the process?:
1. Claiming Privilege on Therapist’s Notes
2. Immediate Family Is Silent
3. Incomplete Polygraph Results
4. Bizarre Demands
5. A Bogus Fear of Flying

Might be advisable for you to delete this post
Exactly. This place will tolerate a lot of things but 12b ain't one of them.

Amazingly people still don't learn. The Mods have come out in no uncertain terms and stated that there is a ZERO tolerance policy when it comes to talking other board members pedophiles. For some reason folks can't seem to grasp that one simple fact. It is the quickest way to the penalty box
Amazingly people still don't learn. The Mods have come out in no uncertain terms and stated that there is a ZERO tolerance policy when it comes to talking other board members pedophiles. For some reason folks can't seem to grasp that one simple fact. It is the quickest way to the penalty box

I know. A while ago someone complained because they thought I was just implying it...which I wasn't...but I got a PM from Grind just for that and he was not playing.
I think of the inbred, toothless, illiterate, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, theocratic, racist, misogynist, parasitic, mentally and physically diseased troglodytes who are my family. We need to examine them closer to see if they actually have a trace of human DNA.

There is no doubt about it you are a product of inbreeding, dog boy.