How embarrassing for you and Haiku. Now, admittedly the statistics are quite dated being from 1998, but I doubt the data has changed much over the years.
Here is something a little more recent, from 2008 showing the same results
As you can see, the data is very clear. Less than 1% of abortions are because of rape. The left wingers who support murdering babies hang their entire argument over fewer than 1% of abortions. As you can see from the data, the overwhelming majority of abortions (>90%) are for the sake of the convenience of the mother.
So that being said, being the compromising man I am. Let's make a deal. Let's keep abortion legal for rape, incest and the less than 90% of things abortion is used for and illegal for the convenience of the mother.
Now you go ice the side of your face, it looks awfully red from that bitchslap I just laid on your sorry ass