Republican Dream Team

You are an idiot. The last election, Republicans did exactly what you are saying! They nominated the most moderate of ALL possible choices, John McCain! He refused to even be seen in public with anyone of a religious background, just because he didn't want to be viewed as "aligned" with them. He walked on egg-shells through the whole campaign, trying to avoid taking a pro-religious-right stand on anything, with the exception of abortion. It almost caused physical anguish, you could see it in his face, when he was forced to say something supportive of the religious right, or social conservatism in general. He is EXACTLY the kind of candidate you are claiming should be nominated again... and I guess you DO hope we will be that utterly stupid again!

Had the Reps chosen a far right candidate, the slaughter would have been reminiscent of Reagan over Mondale. Had McCain chosen a better VP, he might have had a chance to pull the upset. Soc is right... Palin did nothing to pull over Independent and moderate voters.

The cards were stacked heavily against whomever the Reps nominated due to Bush. With Obama pretending to be a moderate, he was able to win the Independent and moderate votes. Now that we have seen him in action for a year, we can see his flaws more clearly. As Soc said, first party to the true middle wins. With Pelosi and Reid leading Congress, it is obvious the Dems don't want the middle, but would rather attempt to pull the country to the left. Obama still doesn't like to take positions and that shows quite clearly.