First time for me too. They are trying to re-write history.
This is the first time I've heard anyone say that Palin won the debate.
First time for me too. They are trying to re-write history.
Then you definitely weren't here.This is the first time I've heard anyone say that Palin won the debate.
I liked Romney until he ambushed Palin. Romney's camp was responsible for the "leaks" about her preparing for interviews, the claim she didn't know Africa was a continent, the RNC provided wardrobe, etc. All this came from Romney, who was miffed for not being McCain's pick. He sealed his fate with me on that, and I will never cast a vote for Romeny, if he is the nominee, I stay at home.
I think Palin, or whoever the candidate is, will have to do as Reagan did, and make the profound connection for conservative voters, of both social and economic conservatism, how they relate to each other, how both aspects of conservatism are fundamental and important to the overall ideology. We can't divorce social conservatism any more than we can divorce economic conservatism, and still have a viable platform.
You must have wax in your ears.This is the first time I've heard anyone say that Palin won the debate.
It is a party that would boo Eisenhower out of a modern day convention. If you are not dyed in the wool tongue talking bathed in the blood evangelical christian who hates queers, athiests and abortion doctors you cain't be a ree-PUB-lickinPersonally I like Goldwater/Nixon, but the NWO techies won't let me thaw them out yet.
Then again, this isn't Goldwater and Nixon's Republican Party.
It is a party that would boo Eisenhower out of a modern day convention. If you are not dyed in the wool tongue talking bathed in the blood evangelical christian who hates queers, athiests and abortion doctors you cain't be a ree-PUB-lickinPersonally I like Goldwater/Nixon, but the NWO techies won't let me thaw them out yet.
Then again, this isn't Goldwater and Nixon's Republican Party.
Then you definitely weren't here.
There were all sorts of threads with links like this one:
I have said this before and I will say it again, first party to the TRUE middle wins. If the Repubs could get rid of their relgious crusaders then independents in the general election would elect their candidate overwhelmingly ....
I have said this before and I will say it again, first party to the TRUE middle wins. If the Repubs could get rid of their relgious crusaders then independents in the general election would elect their candidate overwhelmingly just as they would vote for the dems if they would eject their wealth haters. America is a center right country, and will vote center right almost every chance they get. While I think that Palin energized the conservative base she did NOTHING for McCain in the general election. By nothing, I mean she did not bring over centrist independents in the numbers she needed to. She may have even chased those voters away. Nobody seriously votes for a person that says they can see Russia from Alaska as proof of some sort of foreign policy experience. I she is the nominee, she will get pummeled. She is a semi pretty MILF who gave right wing men a chubby long enough that they never really thought about if she was qualified.
Ya know it's rather an indication of how right Socer is and how utterly scary you are when you consider McCain a moderate. In a relative sense you are correct. Compared to you, he is a moderate and compared to you I'm a fucking communist.You are an idiot. The last election, Republicans did exactly what you are saying! They nominated the most moderate of ALL possible choices, John McCain! He refused to even be seen in public with anyone of a religious background, just because he didn't want to be viewed as "aligned" with them. He walked on egg-shells through the whole campaign, trying to avoid taking a pro-religious-right stand on anything, with the exception of abortion. It almost caused physical anguish, you could see it in his face, when he was forced to say something supportive of the religious right, or social conservatism in general. He is EXACTLY the kind of candidate you are claiming should be nominated again... and I guess you DO hope we will be that utterly stupid again!
True dat but unlike those of the RR most Americans are tolerant and respectful of others rights to believe what they wish and know how to mind their own business.Except of course that most Americans, including the center, are religious.
Ya know it's rather an indication of how right Socer is and how utterly scary you are when you consider McCain a moderate. In a relative sense you are correct. Compared to you, he is a moderate and compared to you I'm a fucking communist.
You may even actually have a point. The mushy middle road that Obama seems to be treading isn't bearing much fruit (or so it seems on the surface. Time will tell) but to be fair, he did inherit the disastrous policies of a reactionary populist.
But what the hell. Go ahead, delude yourself that your extreme reactionary 19th century views are mainstream. Convince yourself that your perochial perception is the center of the known universe. Cause ultimately its those of use in the center, center right and center left, who want nothing to do with your narrow mindedness, whom benefit from your delusions of grandeur.
You are not "center" anything, except maybe "center retarded" or something. If you leaned any further left, the change would be falling out of your pockets.
I swear to God you are so damn funny at times I just about choked on my Diet Coke!
Cawacko, you can't advance libertarianism based on others records. It has to stand on it's own merits and I've studied it enough to know that it can't even crawl. Libertarianism is built upon fairy dust and wishful thinking and collossal niavete. As a governing and political philosophy it's as impractical as it is ineffective. I stand behind my statement. How can you expect competent governance from those who believe that government is essentially a bad thing? Libertarians never seem to want to bridge that credibility gap. That is why they cannot build a winning political coalition and that makes them a waste of time. The contradiction that Libertariansim poses with reality is so glaring I don't see how anyone can miss them.
I have said this before and I will say it again, first party to the TRUE middle wins. If the Repubs could get rid of their relgious crusaders then independents in the general election would elect their candidate overwhelmingly just as they would vote for the dems if they would eject their wealth haters. America is a center right country, and will vote center right almost every chance they get. While I think that Palin energized the conservative base she did NOTHING for McCain in the general election. By nothing, I mean she did not bring over centrist independents in the numbers she needed to. She may have even chased those voters away. Nobody seriously votes for a person that says they can see Russia from Alaska as proof of some sort of foreign policy experience. I she is the nominee, she will get pummeled. She is a semi pretty MILF who gave right wing men a chubby long enough that they never really thought about if she was qualified.
I think Cawacko mostly addressed your point, but you know I have to chime in.
First...did you actually say one post before this that the libertarian wing of the Republican Party needs to be kicked to the curb? And what exactly, Mott, are you planning on replacing it with that's going to make the party any more to your liking?
Plenty of folks are working on the credibility issue you mention and I think it's one that is becoming easier and easier all the time. Three or four years ago the word libertarian was unknown by most and by some represented an obscure third party. Today, the word has gained respectable media-share with words like conservative and liberal and folks are starting to get that it represents a general set of ideas about government.
A set of ideas that while frightening to some, most people actually agree with in basic terms and for a variety of reasons.
And in the era of Obama, every Republican in Congress got religion and now thinks he's some kind of libertarian. As you may have observed over time and as I tell everyone I get a chance to talk to about this, libertarian and non-libertarian, my goal is not to peddle a rigid ideology or ISM. I don't know of any other libertarians in this community, having read their thoughts for several years now, that feels any differently.
I also can't think of too many successful leaders in the United States that won on the basis of ideology instead of ideas.
So, I don't care about "libertarianism". I care about the institutions that preserve liberty and the people's value that they place on their freedom. The tradition of liberty in this country is one we've kept up fairly well under Republicans and Democrats when we've followed the Constitution.
You've made baseless and incorrect assumptions my friend.True dat but unlike those of the RR most Americans are tolerant and respectful of others rights to believe what they wish and know how to mind their own business.
"Government is not the solution to the problem, Government is the problem.". How can one expect competent governance from those who question it's legitimacy?