Republican Dream Team

What better job is she preparing for? She claimed she quit because people were being mean to her and her family. I don't recall her saying she was going to run for president after she resigned from the governor's office, at least not in 2009.

If she's sensitive to comments about her personal life, how is she going to take the heat of being a presidential candidate, when her every move will be under scrutiny?

If she's not sensitive to comments about her personal life, why did she reference this in her resignation speech?

IMO palin still hasn't been up front about her intentions that led to her quitting, which is just one of many reasons I'm suspicious of her.

that is all BS and you know it..
Suspicious of me! Wellllll shut my mouth and butter my biscuit. I had to quit, how else was I going to be able to keep all those beautiful clothes I stole from the McCain campaign.

I really did lose this dress I am wearing, really!
Yes, I want you to leave the party, and take John McCain, Chuck Hagel, Lindsey Graham, and Olympia Snowe with you please! There is no room under our tent for people who are going to proactively undermine conservatism.

No disrespect Dixie but if people in power had your attitude there wouldn't be a Republican Party.

The Republicans didn't lose in '06 and '08 because of social values. They lost because they tried to outspend the Democrats. Pulling that crap with Terry Shivo (sp) didn't do sh*t for them but turn off a bunch of voters. Until the Republicans get back to pro-growth policies i.e. lower taxes and also less spending we will be in the minority (unless the Democrats continue as they are and the Republicans win back power by default).
To the points about the Palin-Biden debate: maybe I should better qualify why I think she lost badly. I don't think she came off incompetent or as unprepared as her interviews, though she did lack some
depth in her responses.

Why Biden won the debate is that he did his job and she didn't. Biden slammed McCain again and again, and Palin was barely able to substantiate herself, let alone rebut for the credibility of her running mate.

Biden knows why he's there in big picture. This is what I mean by critical vision. She'll have her chance to explain why she wants to be President, but I did not sense that she had it in her.

I don't agree with Biden, but I don't doubt his qualification.
Well I don't think there's any question she has plans on running for President even though she's not going to come right out and say it. I don't think that's too difficult to read between the lines.

Willie Brown is a lifelong partisan Democrat but he also tells it like it is from a political perspective. You don't have to agree with his assessment of her but as he states its pretty obvious what she wants to do and why she did what she did.

You would know more than me about anything regarding palin. Do you think the GOP head honchos would support her candidacy? Speaking as a liberal, she seems pretty far to the right. The GOP wouldn't expect someone like me to vote for her but what about the all the independents and middle-of-the roaders? How is she going to appeal to them with her social policies?
not if he did as badly as a professor as he's doing as president.....

Yeah, I'm sure one of the highest-ranked law schools in the country kept him employed because he sucked.

Chicago ranks second on a ranking of the "Top 15 Schools From Which the Most 'Prestigious' Law Firms Hire New Lawyers"; second for "Faculty Quality"; third for "Supreme Court Clerkship Placement"; and fifth for "Student Quality".[3] The Law School is also notable for having the third highest gross and second highest per capita placement of alumni as U.S. Supreme Court clerkships[4], with roughly 15-25% of each graduating class going on to clerkships at the federal or state level. Private career prospects are equally bright for graduates, placing highly into elite firms.[5]

You would know more than me about anything regarding palin. Do you think the GOP head honchos would support her candidacy? Speaking as a liberal, she seems pretty far to the right. The GOP wouldn't expect someone like me to vote for her but what about the all the independents and middle-of-the roaders? How is she going to appeal to them with her social policies?

At this point in time I honestly have no clue. I think it is too early to tell. She obviously gets the Republican base fired up but as you mentioned that's not where the Presidency is won. As Willie Brown mentioned she's the best known Republican out there right now for better or worse. I don't think we'll really know until after the midterm elections. Then you'll see all the Republicans who want to run against Obama coming out of the woodwork and we'll find out who her competition is.

As of today I just don't see her winning the Presidency. I am also no political expert and its possible in another year or two we'll see a totally different Sarah Palin than we saw in '08 (different meaning better versed on national and economic issues and speaking more for herself and not McCain).
To the points about the Palin-Biden debate: maybe I should better qualify why I think she lost badly. I don't think she came off incompetent or as unprepared as her interviews, though she did lack some
depth in her responses.

Why Biden won the debate is that he did his job and she didn't. Biden slammed McCain again and again, and Palin was barely able to substantiate herself, let alone rebut for the credibility of her running mate.

Biden knows why he's there in big picture. This is what I mean by critical vision. She'll have her chance to explain why she wants to be President, but I did not sense that she had it in her.

I don't agree with Biden, but I don't doubt his qualification.

I can see your point, but remember that politics is about popularity. Biden came across as arrogant and condescending; Palin came off as someone who is honest and straightforward.
I can see your point, but remember that politics is about popularity. Biden came across as arrogant and condescending; Palin came off as someone who is honest and straightforward.

I thought she won the debate as well as many others.

Here is the full debate. I report and you decide. :)

[ame=""]YouTube- Full Vice Presidential Debate with Gov. Palin and Sen. Biden[/ame]

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LMFAO... Dude, they have late night comedians cracking jokes about her minor daughter... magazines doing exposes on her downs syndrome son... Every liberal in the country lecturing her about parenting after her teen daughter became pregnant... not to mention her ties to radical fundamentalist bible-thumpers! IF you believe the Democrats don't absolutely loathe Palin, YOU are the one living under a rock! And that's not the worst of it, the pinhead liberals have help, from of all places, the establishment wing of the republican party itself, the beltway crowd willingly joins the liberals in the Palin Bashfest!

But even with the Liberal Machine and Fat Cat Republican machine working 24/7 against her, to undermine her credibility, intellect, values, ethics, or whatever else they can find to undermine... she still remains the hottest ticket on the right, and her book will still debut at #1. The People like her, bottom line... and your Anti-Sarah campaign has not worked, and will not work! So do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up!
Dude, the only person who undermined Sarah's credibility was Sarah. She's a light weight and you proved my point. People scoff at her. She has the magic touch with the GED anti-intellectual crowd maybe but she doesn't have the demonstrated ability to lead this nation. She's a joke and if she's what you want, by all means go ahead! She's literally unelectable. Instead of some empty suite (or dress) ya'll need to quite nominating post turtles and focus on someone of demonstrated ability. Mitt Romney is probably the best bet ya'll have and if you can't get behind a man of his talents and abililties and would prefer someone as unprepared and inept as Palin then ya'll are fucked. This country is not about to vote for somone that's even less prepared, qualified or competent than W.
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Sarah can win if!!!
The economy does actually go into a great depression.
Otherwise bring that nazi loving Bitch on baby. If Obama has anything better than 2% GDP he crushes her like real colleges did.
why do you guys like palin so much? everything i've seen from her shows she is not well versed in worldly events, gives terrible interviews, is a quitter....

i like romney
But Romney is not a "Real Christian". They'd rather have a light weight like Palin who cries when she tells you about her personal relationship with Jesus.

I agree with you, Mitt's a man of remarkable intelligence and formidable abilities and these clowns prefer a Neophyte? The mind fairly boggles.
At the end of the day, in a post-Iraq War environment, where the economic issues will remain at the forefront, they all get another shot in my mind to some extent.

So long as they now realize they need the libertarian wing of the party, any one of them could get my approval. But I won't say their records aren't severely tarnished from 2008, where without the enlightenment offered by Ron Paul, the debates were largely a contest to see who could make more dramatic promises to shed more blood and commit us to yet another war.
That's the second group inside the Republican party they need to sandbag. Wingnut rednecks are first cause their just plain ignorant idiots and don't have that first clue about good governance. The Libertarian wing of the Republican party is the next most damaging group inside the Republican party and they need to be punted to the sidelines as well. Effective governance is critically important to our nation and libertarianism is a self fullfilling prophecy for incompetent and ineffective government.
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Dude, the only person who undermined Sarah's credibility was Sarah. She's a light weight and you proved my point. People scoff at her. She has the magic touch with the GED anit-intellectual crowd maybe but she doesn't have the demonstrated ability to lead this nation. She's a joke and if she's what you want, by all means go ahead! She's literally unelectable. Instead of some empty suite (or dress) ya'll need to quite nominating post turtles and focus on someone of demonstrated ability. Mitt Romney is probably the best bet ya'll have and if you can't get behind a man of his talents and abililties and would prefer someone as unprepared and inept as Palin then ya'll are fucked. This country is not about to vote for somone that's even less prepared, qualified or competent than W.

If you really believe no one tried to undermine Palin, you are more pathetically stupid and mentally vacant than I had imagined. As for the rest of your rant, it is clear evidence of the smear campaign, otherwise you wouldn't be spewing it.

You can have your opinion, and you can denigrate Palin supporters by mocking them and making fun of them, but she has as much (if not more) support than Obama has ever had. Apparently people don't really believe she is any "less" qualified than the current president.

As for Romney, he is not a social conservative, and our nominee in 2012 will have to be. Sorry! McCain was a moderate, we tried that, it doesn't work. The GOP will have to listen to the base this time, or they will lose again, that's the bottom line.

Mott, I don't take your political analysis very seriously, you are not often very right about the 'pulse of America' and your record speaks for itself on that. Rather than embarrassing yourself like this, why don't you try to be a little more objective and admit there is a possibility you've missed the boat?
i am, for the most part, a social so called liberal as you want me to leave the republican party? yes or no?

palin......give me a break...she can't interview and stop blaming katie for her piss poor interview....what are you blame anyone but....
Yurt, I think your learning a hard lesson. As long as the Republican party is being dominated by reactionary right wingers like Dixie, Dano and PiMP there is no place for a true conservative like you in the Republican party. You really ougth to consider becoming a Blue Dog. As a true conservative your likely to have a more significant impact as a Blue Dog then you will trying to find common cause with the Dixie's and PiMP's of the nation.