Republican Dream Team

LMFAO... Dude, they have late night comedians cracking jokes about her minor daughter... magazines doing exposes on her downs syndrome son... Every liberal in the country lecturing her about parenting after her teen daughter became pregnant... not to mention her ties to radical fundamentalist bible-thumpers! IF you believe the Democrats don't absolutely loathe Palin, YOU are the one living under a rock! And that's not the worst of it, the pinhead liberals have help, from of all places, the establishment wing of the republican party itself, the beltway crowd willingly joins the liberals in the Palin Bashfest!

But even with the Liberal Machine and Fat Cat Republican machine working 24/7 against her, to undermine her credibility, intellect, values, ethics, or whatever else they can find to undermine... she still remains the hottest ticket on the right, and her book will still debut at #1. The People like her, bottom line... and your Anti-Sarah campaign has not worked, and will not work! So do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up!

Romney and, strangely, Huckabee are currently the hottest tickets on the far right. Whether or not Palin's book debuts at #1 is truly nonsense when used to try and guage accurate popularity; Romney, Huckabee, or, obviously, Obama could just as easily do that.
I don't think she has very many original ideas. I was excited when her candidacy was announced because I had thought she would have a real spirit for limited government being from Alaska, but in the end she was picked to put a more empathetic face on the same big government policies. .

I understand she couldn't distance herself too much from McCain, but demonstrating her own intelligence and critical vision would have been helpful in the campaign, and she did not appear able to do that.

That's one reason I think from a personal and tactics perspective, you'd rather have a VP like Biden (who slapped Sarah Palin silly in their debate). He might play the crazy uncle once in a while, but still can hold his own.

He had to conform his ideas to the big picture of his boss, but he at least has his own ideas. I never sensed that she had that, and she will need it to be a viable candidate next time around.

I remember when she was still, strangely, portrayed as a moderate governor by the media.
I don't know what being socially liberal or conservative has to do with anything right now. With the economic mess our country is in should we be worrying about abortion or other social issues?

fair enough....but those other issues still matter....

we are not at the point where we are worried solely about survival....

do you agree?
fair enough....but those other issues still matter....

we are not at the point where we are worried solely about survival....

do you agree?

I'm not that big on the social issues which is why I do not like Huckabee at all. A social conservative and economic populist. WTF is that?

Palin's got all the social conservatives riled up which is fine but what I want to hear from her is more economic policy. In California a lot more people are like me economic libertarians than there are social conservatives. A Republican isn't going to win California but they need it as an ATM so it does matter.

Fortunately we don't have a choose a candidate for quite some time but if we did today I would choose Romney because I believe he understands economics best.
fair enough....but those other issues still matter....

we are not at the point where we are worried solely about survival....

do you agree?

I think we are at the point where the next few years will decide whether the future of the US is to be another Spain or France or whether it will remain relevant in the world......
I don't think she has very many original ideas. I was excited when her candidacy was announced because I had thought she would have a real spirit for limited government being from Alaska, but in the end she was picked to put a more empathetic face on the same big government policies. .

I understand she couldn't distance herself too much from McCain, but demonstrating her own intelligence and critical vision would have been helpful in the campaign, and she did not appear able to do that.

That's one reason I think from a personal and tactics perspective, you'd rather have a VP like Biden (who slapped Sarah Palin silly in their debate). He might play the crazy uncle once in a while, but still can hold his own.

He had to conform his ideas to the big picture of his boss, but he at least has his own ideas. I never sensed that she had that, and she will need it to be a viable candidate next time around.

I think she did well against Biden in debate. The old man glared her down, and that only furthered her resolve, making her more articulate. Lots of folks can't get past her good looks, home town common sense and their bigoted first impression. They want an elitist, which she ain't.
i am, for the most part, a social so called liberal as you want me to leave the republican party? yes or no?

palin......give me a break...she can't interview and stop blaming katie for her piss poor interview....what are you blame anyone but....

Yes, I want you to leave the party, and take John McCain, Chuck Hagel, Lindsey Graham, and Olympia Snowe with you please! There is no room under our tent for people who are going to proactively undermine conservatism.

Plain has no problems with an INTERVIEW, but when she is foist into a liberal ambush buzz-saw, she doesn't come across well. McCain in all his infinite moderate wisdom, trotted her out to the liberal media elites, as if they were going to be impartial and fair with her. Can you imagine if the only interviews of Obama we had to review, were by Fox News talking heads? I bet the perception would be, Obama doesn't do very well in interviews... oh wait, that IS the perception we have... whenever that goofball gets 3 feet away from a teleprompter, he can't form coherent sentences... at least you can understand what Palin is trying to say!
I'm not that big on the social issues which is why I do not like Huckabee at all. A social conservative and economic populist. WTF is that?

Palin's got all the social conservatives riled up which is fine but what I want to hear from her is more economic policy. In California a lot more people are like me economic libertarians than there are social conservatives. A Republican isn't going to win California but they need it as an ATM so it does matter.

Fortunately we don't have a choose a candidate for quite some time but if we did today I would choose Romney because I believe he understands economics best.

I liked Romney until he ambushed Palin. Romney's camp was responsible for the "leaks" about her preparing for interviews, the claim she didn't know Africa was a continent, the RNC provided wardrobe, etc. All this came from Romney, who was miffed for not being McCain's pick. He sealed his fate with me on that, and I will never cast a vote for Romeny, if he is the nominee, I stay at home.

I think Palin, or whoever the candidate is, will have to do as Reagan did, and make the profound connection for conservative voters, of both social and economic conservatism, how they relate to each other, how both aspects of conservatism are fundamental and important to the overall ideology. We can't divorce social conservatism any more than we can divorce economic conservatism, and still have a viable platform.

Palin has some incredible innate political skills; she is, as the saying goes, truly a natural. However, she desperately needs to augment her skills with substance and a demonstrable command of critical policy areas.

She connects with the people and can easily relate to them and their lives. I often hear people say she reminds them of someone from their church or the PTA. That's great and it's an incredible political asset. However, I personally don't know of anyone in my local churches or at the PTA I'd trust with the presidency of the United States.

Before I'm labeled a Palin-basher, let me be clear that I've been an ardent supporter of her. I've written glowingly about her skills and sincerity and how she electrified a Conservative base that was essentially out of the game till she was added to the McCain team.

That being said, though, I wholeheartedly believe she needs to do serious work to master issues such as national security, geopolitics, diplomacy and fiscal/budgetary policy. I likewise believe, that given the time and effort, she can do it.

Moreover, if she does, she will become a truly imposing political juggernaut in her own right. Democrats and Liberals loath her now for her candor, integrity and genuineness. If she takes the time to augment that with a strong intellectual foundation and a depth of policy knowledge, they will not only loathe her, they will truly fear her.

How can we take palin seriously about anything, especially when she bailed out of her job? Is this what she does when the going gets tough?
How can we take palin seriously about anything, especially when she bailed out of her job? Is this what she does when the going gets tough?

Do differientiate those who quit a job to prepare for a better job vs. those who quit a job because they have a better job?

Palin being an obvious example of the first but I can think of many politicians who ran for a higher office while still holding another position and then leaving/quitting their current position to go to that newly won office.

This question is not asked with the purpose of trying to defend Palin its just a question of curiousity on the position.
Do differientiate those who quit a job to prepare for a better job vs. those who quit a job because they have a better job?

Palin being an obvious example of the first but I can think of many politicians who ran for a higher office while still holding another position and then leaving/quitting their current position to go to that newly won office.

This question is not asked with the purpose of trying to defend Palin its just a question of curiousity on the position.

What better job is she preparing for? She claimed she quit because people were being mean to her and her family. I don't recall her saying she was going to run for president after she resigned from the governor's office, at least not in 2009.

If she's sensitive to comments about her personal life, how is she going to take the heat of being a presidential candidate, when her every move will be under scrutiny?

If she's not sensitive to comments about her personal life, why did she reference this in her resignation speech?

IMO palin still hasn't been up front about her intentions that led to her quitting, which is just one of many reasons I'm suspicious of her.
DeMint, she sings a very blasphemous song about God, our Lord and King. The guy who created the world in six days and had to rest on the 7th! People like that are not American and Todd, myself and the kids we just don't cotton to people like that!
Goldwater, like the streams of Alaska, all bright and beautiful, full of little gold flakes and those salmon, just watch me wrestle one on my boat. One time my waders almost filled up with goldwater and I was nearly a goner. Good thing the hunk was able to grab me before I was a rock on the bottom of the Kenai River.
What better job is she preparing for? She claimed she quit because people were being mean to her and her family. I don't recall her saying she was going to run for president after she resigned from the governor's office, at least not in 2009.

If she's sensitive to comments about her personal life, how is she going to take the heat of being a presidential candidate, when her every move will be under scrutiny?

If she's not sensitive to comments about her personal life, why did she reference this in her resignation speech?

IMO palin still hasn't been up front about her intentions that led to her quitting, which is just one of many reasons I'm suspicious of her.

Well I don't think there's any question she has plans on running for President even though she's not going to come right out and say it. I don't think that's too difficult to read between the lines.

Willie Brown is a lifelong partisan Democrat but he also tells it like it is from a political perspective. You don't have to agree with his assessment of her but as he states its pretty obvious what she wants to do and why she did what she did.