LMFAO... Dude, they have late night comedians cracking jokes about her minor daughter... magazines doing exposes on her downs syndrome son... Every liberal in the country lecturing her about parenting after her teen daughter became pregnant... not to mention her ties to radical fundamentalist bible-thumpers! IF you believe the Democrats don't absolutely loathe Palin, YOU are the one living under a rock! And that's not the worst of it, the pinhead liberals have help, from of all places, the establishment wing of the republican party itself, the beltway crowd willingly joins the liberals in the Palin Bashfest!
But even with the Liberal Machine and Fat Cat Republican machine working 24/7 against her, to undermine her credibility, intellect, values, ethics, or whatever else they can find to undermine... she still remains the hottest ticket on the right, and her book will still debut at #1. The People like her, bottom line... and your Anti-Sarah campaign has not worked, and will not work! So do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up!
Romney and, strangely, Huckabee are currently the hottest tickets on the far right. Whether or not Palin's book debuts at #1 is truly nonsense when used to try and guage accurate popularity; Romney, Huckabee, or, obviously, Obama could just as easily do that.