Republican Dream Team

I don't have any idea. I think she has the charisma to garner a great deal of support, and from what she has been saying in her speeches, etc., it seems to be the right message for conservative republicans. The 'establishment' republicans hate her, and have tried everything they know to derail her, along with the liberal lefties, of course. This will surely continue, but whether her charisma and message trump that with the voter, remains to be seen.

I'm not 'predicting' it will be Palin, I said, I don't know who it will be. But if I had to pick right now, she is about the only one I see making ANY electricity with the base. There are some others, but smaller names, less familiar faces... I just see her as the current front runner, and that could certainly change between now and 2012.
Dixie, if what your saying is true, and I'm not saying that it's not, but if it is true, then the Republican party is in real deep shit. LOL

Palin has some incredible innate political skills; she is, as the saying goes, truly a natural. However, she desperately needs to augment her skills with substance and a demonstrable command of critical policy areas.

She connects with the people and can easily relate to them and their lives. I often hear people say she reminds them of someone from their church or the PTA. That's great and it's an incredible political asset. However, I personally don't know of anyone in my local churches or at the PTA I'd trust with the presidency of the United States.

Before I'm labeled a Palin-basher, let me be clear that I've been an ardent supporter of her. I've written glowingly about her skills and sincerity and how she electrified a Conservative base that was essentially out of the game till she was added to the McCain team.

That being said, though, I wholeheartedly believe she needs to do serious work to master issues such as national security, geopolitics, diplomacy and fiscal/budgetary policy. I likewise believe, that given the time and effort, she can do it.

Moreover, if she does, she will become a truly imposing political juggernaut in her own right. Democrats and Liberals loath her now for her candor, integrity and genuineness. If she takes the time to augment that with a strong intellectual foundation and a depth of policy knowledge, they will not only loathe her, they will truly fear her.
That's just not true. Democrats don't loath Sarah. They scoff at her as a light weight. They don't take her seriously and at this stage why should they? A Sarah Palin nomination is largely worth a big guffaw, as in, is this the best the Republicans can do? Well yea if you want to compete with W and Harding. You will not get moderates and independends to jump ship and vote Republican by nominating a light weight

Regardless of their touchy/feeley skills republicans need a man/woman of substance such as Romney or Whitman and screw the base!

W's political brillance was he was able to appeal to both the base and surburbanites, and pull in the middle. Later he alienated the middle. Republicans need to broaden their base and Sarah Palin is not the way to do that. The mantra for the Republican party needs to be "COMPETENCE!". Repulbicans need another conservative ideologue like they need a hole in their heads.
You actually aren't talking about anything near that number to win a major party's nomination.

Clinton garnered the most primary votes in American electoral history in '08 with just over 18 million. McCain raked up almost 9.5 million on his way to becoming the Republican standard bearer.

Even in a hotly contested Republican field, you're looking at 14-15 million tops to seize the nomination.

I have to say, though, I tend to agree with Prophet. Case in point, President Clinton; Hillary Clinton, that is.

The week following the 2006 midterm election, the media summarily crowned Clinton the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee. Though they diligently covered Obama's campaign announcement in February, 2007, it was treated primarily as a novelty.

While his candidacy had historical and emotional resonance, Obama's odds were better of winning the multi-state Powerball lottery than breaking out of the pack of the Democratic "Seven Dwarfs" to even begin to consider seriously challenging the media-anointed Hillary.

In the summer of 2007, Rudy was the presumptive Republican nominee, who would ultimately serve as the sacrificial lamb on Hillary's inexorable march to the Oval Office and the history books. Not till Obama successfully repelled Clinton's dogged, but ham-handed Super Tuesday counteroffensive did the media begin to grasp the force of the undercurrent that was swirling beneath the surface of the political waters and the possibility that they had jumped the gun.

Now here we are 367 days after the day Hillary was supposed to enter the history books as America's first female president and she's working for one of the "Seven Dwarfs" the vaunted Clinton political juggernaut was supposed to easily make mince meat out of.

So much for inevitability and long range political prognostication.

No, the record of early front runners, particularly more than two years out, is abysmally dismal. And that's not just Monkey Business, mind you.

My mistake. I was thinking inf the general election. Thanks for pointing that out.

I think the number will still be around the mark Clinton set, for the nominee. It's going to be a big battle for the soul of the Republican party in 2012. You're going to have the RPP-The Republican Purity Party vs. the BTP-Big Tent Party, and they're both going to be getting out the vote bigtime.

Palin has some incredible innate political skills; she is, as the saying goes, truly a natural. However, she desperately needs to augment her skills with substance and a demonstrable command of critical policy areas.

She connects with the people and can easily relate to them and their lives. I often hear people say she reminds them of someone from their church or the PTA. That's great and it's an incredible political asset. However, I personally don't know of anyone in my local churches or at the PTA I'd trust with the presidency of the United States.

Before I'm labeled a Palin-basher, let me be clear that I've been an ardent supporter of her. I've written glowingly about her skills and sincerity and how she electrified a Conservative base that was essentially out of the game till she was added to the McCain team.

That being said, though, I wholeheartedly believe she needs to do serious work to master issues such as national security, geopolitics, diplomacy and fiscal/budgetary policy. I likewise believe, that given the time and effort, she can do it.

Moreover, if she does, she will become a truly imposing political juggernaut in her own right. Democrats and Liberals loath her now for her candor, integrity and genuineness. If she takes the time to augment that with a strong intellectual foundation and a depth of policy knowledge, they will not only loathe her, they will truly fear her.

If I were to tell you why I loathe her, I would not use any positive adjectives.
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That's just not true. Democrats don't loath Sarah. They scoff at her as a light weight. They don't take her seriously and at this stage why should they? A Sarah Palin nomination is largely worth a big guffaw, as in, is this the best the Republicans can do? Well yea if you want to compete with W and Harding. You will not get moderates and independends to jump ship and vote Republican by nominating a light weight

Regardless of their touchy/feeley skills republicans need a man/woman of substance such as Romney or Whitman and screw the base!

W's political brillance was he was able to appeal to both the base and surburbanites, and pull in the middle. Later he alienated the middle. Republicans need to broaden their base and Sarah Palin is not the way to do that. The mantra for the Republican party needs to be "COMPETENCE!". Repulbicans need another conservative ideologue like they need a hole in their heads.

You don't need to nominate a moderate to win. You just need to appeal to peoples basest, most irrational emotions, like Reagan did. He was far out of the political mainstream, and was a large destructive force in America during his reign of terror, but the proles reelected him anyway, mainly because he played to fear, Americans penchant for cruelty, and ignorance constantly.
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You don't need to nominate a moderate to win. You just need to appeal to peoples basest, most irrational emotions, like Reagan did. He was far out of the political mainstream, and was a large destructive force in America during his reign of terror, but the proles reelected him anyway, mainly because he played to fear, Americans penchant for cruelty, and ignorance constantly.

Interestingly, much of this can be said of the sitting President, or any President for that matter. Few elections are won by candidates without some irrational feelings of the electorate behind them.

How did Obama transition from being frighteningly unqualified to decently Presidential material better able to address people's primary concerns than McCain? Feelings that the situation stirred up in people.
Interestingly, much of this can be said of the sitting President, or any President for that matter. Few elections are won by candidates without some irrational feelings of the electorate behind them.

How did Obama transition from being frighteningly unqualified to decently Presidential material better able to address people's primary concerns than McCain? Feelings that the situation stirred up in people.

You don't need to be in the reasonable political center to win. You need a personality. Only a certain percentage of the population is going to vote by ideology, and the moderates aren't usually that group. Which is why you never win by appealing to a moderate ideology.

You can win by having a strong personality even if you're a moderate, but it's easier for a conservative or even a liberal with a strong personality to do so. Which is why I tell liberals not to write off the teabaggers; they're out of the mainstream, fo sho, but they can absolutely win an election if the right circumstances come into place and wreak havok. We must be on guard, always, against ignorance with a strong personality.
Are you kidding me? Were you overseas or under a rock from 2005 to 2008? I can't speak for Palin but just about everyone but the far right wing loonies considered John McCain the heir apparent for the Republican nomination for 2008. Where were you? LOL

/ 2005?.....find me something where people were even talking about who would be nominated in 2005......
That's just not true. Democrats don't loath Sarah.

LMFAO... Dude, they have late night comedians cracking jokes about her minor daughter... magazines doing exposes on her downs syndrome son... Every liberal in the country lecturing her about parenting after her teen daughter became pregnant... not to mention her ties to radical fundamentalist bible-thumpers! IF you believe the Democrats don't absolutely loathe Palin, YOU are the one living under a rock! And that's not the worst of it, the pinhead liberals have help, from of all places, the establishment wing of the republican party itself, the beltway crowd willingly joins the liberals in the Palin Bashfest!

But even with the Liberal Machine and Fat Cat Republican machine working 24/7 against her, to undermine her credibility, intellect, values, ethics, or whatever else they can find to undermine... she still remains the hottest ticket on the right, and her book will still debut at #1. The People like her, bottom line... and your Anti-Sarah campaign has not worked, and will not work! So do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up!
I think we are going to ultimately nominate Sarah Palin, I know that sounds like a joke right now, and many liberals will laugh their asses off at the possibility, but a lot of shit can happen between now and the election of 2012. If it's not Palin, it will be someone completely off the radar right now.

I base this on the fact that Palin, thus far, has been the only politician on the republican side, to have any real traction with the base. Wherever she goes, literal droves of people show up to hear her speak. When you have that level of personal charisma, and you can articulate a popular message, it is a deadly political weapon, ergo Ronald Reagan.

Running mate? Jindal, Pawlenty? I have no idea, and it really won't matter.

The reason they laugh her off is that they are scared shitless of her: Palinophobia. That way they don't have to argue against her ideas.
The reason they laugh her off is that they are scared shitless of her: Palinophobia. That way they don't have to argue against her ideas.

SM, right now, I honestly and truly don't think they fear her a bit! I think the mush-brains are so out of touch with mainstream America, they believe the koolaid spewing from the left (and right) about her, and they think she spells certain death for the GOP!

They won't argue against here ideas, but face it, they don't argue against ANYONE'S ideas! All they know how to do now, is call people names, pigeonhole them into groups, tell one fucking lie after the other so we can't possibly point them all out, and continue trying to ram socialism down our throats against our will in Fascist style.
SM, right now, I honestly and truly don't think they fear her a bit! I think the mush-brains are so out of touch with mainstream America, they believe the koolaid spewing from the left (and right) about her, and they think she spells certain death for the GOP!

They won't argue against here ideas, but face it, they don't argue against ANYONE'S ideas! All they know how to do now, is call people names, pigeonhole them into groups, tell one fucking lie after the other so we can't possibly point them all out, and continue trying to ram socialism down our throats against our will in Fascist style.
That's fear manifesting itself in different ways, my friend. Most liberals are sheep mindlessly following their leaders, who truly fear her.
why do you guys like palin so much? everything i've seen from her shows she is not well versed in worldly events, gives terrible interviews, is a quitter....

i like romney
The reason they laugh her off is that they are scared shitless of her: Palinophobia. That way they don't have to argue against her ideas.

I don't think she has very many original ideas. I was excited when her candidacy was announced because I had thought she would have a real spirit for limited government being from Alaska, but in the end she was picked to put a more empathetic face on the same big government policies. .

I understand she couldn't distance herself too much from McCain, but demonstrating her own intelligence and critical vision would have been helpful in the campaign, and she did not appear able to do that.

That's one reason I think from a personal and tactics perspective, you'd rather have a VP like Biden (who slapped Sarah Palin silly in their debate). He might play the crazy uncle once in a while, but still can hold his own.

He had to conform his ideas to the big picture of his boss, but he at least has his own ideas. I never sensed that she had that, and she will need it to be a viable candidate next time around.
At the end of the day, in a post-Iraq War environment, where the economic issues will remain at the forefront, they all get another shot in my mind to some extent.

So long as they now realize they need the libertarian wing of the party, any one of them could get my approval. But I won't say their records aren't severely tarnished from 2008, where without the enlightenment offered by Ron Paul, the debates were largely a contest to see who could make more dramatic promises to shed more blood and commit us to yet another war.
why do you guys like palin so much? everything i've seen from her shows she is not well versed in worldly events, gives terrible interviews, is a quitter....

i like romney

If Palin had any thoughts of running for President or being a player on the national scene she had to get out of Alaska so for that reason I don't really view her as a quitter.

I think she's hot and I like her but I thought she was trying too hard to be folksy and 'joe six pack' and a populist when she was running for VP. And I'm with you in feeling that she wasn't as well versed as she could have been in world events and matters of economics. Now with two years to focus on those issues we may see a different Sarah Palin running for President than the one we saw run for VP. If we had to choose someone today I would choose Romney as well.
If Palin had any thoughts of running for President or being a player on the national scene she had to get out of Alaska so for that reason I don't really view her as a quitter.

I think she's hot and I like her but I thought she was trying too hard to be folksy and 'joe six pack' and a populist when she was running for VP. And I'm with you in feeling that she wasn't as well versed as she could have been in world events and matters of economics. Now with two years to focus on those issues we may see a different Sarah Palin running for President than the one we saw run for VP. If we had to choose someone today I would choose Romney as well.

her term was up in something like only one year....wasn't it? and really, quitting an executive position to campaign makes her more worthy of holding the highest executive job in the country?

she's hot counts, makes her photogenic...she is not well versed, and even if she gets educated, all her opponent has to do is run her news interviews /comments from 08' and she's looks stupid...
why do you guys like palin so much? everything i've seen from her shows she is not well versed in worldly events, gives terrible interviews, is a quitter....

i like romney

You would like Romney, he is a social liberal. I think Palin is very well versed in worldly events, but the left is very well versed in distorting what people say, thus you have a warped perspective presented my the mainstream media. Honestly, I don't know many right-wing conservatives who could give a "good interview" with Katie Courick, do you?

And yeah, she quit being governor of Alaska so she could go around the country speaking and proactively help to mold and shape the new republican party for the future. I think that was a selfless act of courage on her part, not "quitting."

I don't think she has very many original ideas. I was excited when her candidacy was announced because I had thought she would have a real spirit for limited government being from Alaska, but in the end she was picked to put a more empathetic face on the same big government policies. .

I understand she couldn't distance herself too much from McCain, but demonstrating her own intelligence and critical vision would have been helpful in the campaign, and she did not appear able to do that.

That's one reason I think from a personal and tactics perspective, you'd rather have a VP like Biden (who slapped Sarah Palin silly in their debate). He might play the crazy uncle once in a while, but still can hold his own.

He had to conform his ideas to the big picture of his boss, but he at least has his own ideas. I never sensed that she had that, and she will need it to be a viable candidate next time around.

Adam, with all due respect, what you saw was Palin playing the role of McCain's running mate. Everything she said and did, was specifically designed to conform with McCain's platform, with McCain's philosophy, and with McCain's ideas. She was never allowed to speak on her own behalf, they kept her completely muzzled, and I think, actually helped to ambush her when she began stealing some of McCain's limelight.

As for the VP debate, you saw something completely different than me... I thought Palin mopped the floor with Biden, and all he was able to do was tell one bald-faced lie after another. Yeah, he told bigger whoppers than Palin, is that what you meant???
You would like Romney, he is a social liberal. I think Palin is very well versed in worldly events, but the left is very well versed in distorting what people say, thus you have a warped perspective presented my the mainstream media. Honestly, I don't know many right-wing conservatives who could give a "good interview" with Katie Courick, do you?

And yeah, she quit being governor of Alaska so she could go around the country speaking and proactively help to mold and shape the new republican party for the future. I think that was a selfless act of courage on her part, not "quitting."

Adam, with all due respect, what you saw was Palin playing the role of McCain's running mate. Everything she said and did, was specifically designed to conform with McCain's platform, with McCain's philosophy, and with McCain's ideas. She was never allowed to speak on her own behalf, they kept her completely muzzled, and I think, actually helped to ambush her when she began stealing some of McCain's limelight.

As for the VP debate, you saw something completely different than me... I thought Palin mopped the floor with Biden, and all he was able to do was tell one bald-faced lie after another. Yeah, he told bigger whoppers than Palin, is that what you meant???

i am, for the most part, a social so called liberal as you want me to leave the republican party? yes or no?

palin......give me a break...she can't interview and stop blaming katie for her piss poor interview....what are you blame anyone but....
i am, for the most part, a social so called liberal as you want me to leave the republican party? yes or no?

palin......give me a break...she can't interview and stop blaming katie for her piss poor interview....what are you blame anyone but....

I don't know what being socially liberal or conservative has to do with anything right now. With the economic mess our country is in should we be worrying about abortion or other social issues?