APP - Republican Ideology through History

FDR masterfully fought WWII along with Churchill and Stalin LMAO.... tell us please how FDR masterfully fought WWII. That is a severe stretch by any sense of the imagination

We won didn't we?
FDR wins three terms and is ranked by most as the greatest modern period American president In all that you fail to mention that the Depression lasted for almost the entire time FDR was in office?

Proving what?
Wrong. The Middle Class was substantially better off under Reagan than Carter.

Wrong. Just because you read it doesn't make it so.

That is the problem iwth the whole "history is written by the winner" scenario.
Reagan reduces taxes for wealthy - corporations and think tanks gain persuasive powers
Reagan or his administration realize their errors and raise taxes several times, including largest peace time tax

This is quite silly. Corporations and their execs have had great power in DC long before Reagan even stopped acting. See Kennedy, Rockefeller etc...

Huh? Doesn't even address the points.
Wrong. America became a debtor nation in 1973.

Thanks Tricky Dick (R)

Thanks for creating all those jobs (in China) too.
Reagan reduces taxes for wealthy - corporations and think tanks gain persuasive powers
Reagan or his administration realize their errors and raise taxes several times, including largest peace time tax

This is quite silly. Corporations and their execs have had great power in DC long before Reagan even stopped acting. See Kennedy, Rockefeller etc...

Huh? Doesn't even address the points.

your ignorance is astounding. guess who controlled congress....
As I noted above - and proven by the empty attacks on him - the right is still fighting FDR's accomplishments and his work remains the most significant in terms of real goods returned to all American citizens. No republican has ever put forth a proposal to help all Americans. And yes I know Lincoln was a republican, at least in name.

I also love the way the right will give credit/blame to Congress when the economy is good/bad as a way of side stepping real thought. Consider our current bunch of useless self-centered ideologues as an example - can anyone really be serious that this bunch of children could get anything done except deny freedom to our soldiers, to women and to gays? It is only 'the few,' it seems, who consider the well being of the nation and very few of the good guys have been on the republican side of this fence, very very few.

I remember distinctly America being labeled a Debtor nation under Reagan, but as I review various sources online I get lots of smoke screens and economic jabberwocky. Consider "By the 1980s, the inevitable happened. As generations of accumulated wealth disappeared, a line was crossed. America now owed more to the rest of the world than the world owed to it. The United States had become a debtor nation, and it has continued to run up the tab in the decades since."

Now who is right, this one I want to research in some history books as online the same BS is copied and copied and wrong much of the time.

Check this chart out.
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The above dialogue is an example of the usual content or is that lack of content online. Two children argue with each other over nothing but on they go. Is there any wonder why America is becoming a third string nation when these are the best and brightest?

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

Back OT. It has been suggested the republican power structure does not trust their primary candidate Mitt Romney to be inflexible enough. Romney polls low among a party driven by ideology only. In a real sense republicans are at their best when in opposition to change and progress, the outline in the OP testifies to their failure to govern, but their constant whining, as shown by the tea party and tax pledges, demonstrates how narrow focused republicans remain. So unless a real conservative in their ideological image appears, they may just continue to be against progress for America. They do that one thing better than anything else. That is they do 'nothing' very well.