Republican quislings help make white nationalists stronger than ever

White nationalists and right-wing hate groups are stronger than ever after a year in which their political patron lost the presidency and they led a violent mob assault on the United States Capitol.

"They have become more emboldened," says Kathleen Belew, a University of Chicago professor who has written extensively about white power terrorism. "There is a very concerning rise in activity."

Former President Donald Trump continues to celebrate some of these goons.

You should move out of America. You're afraid of everything aren't you? Back in the day people like you would called a pussy but it seems like a badge if honor to you cunts
Got news for you...

White supremacists and other fringe groups on the far Right are a bunch of disorganized knuckleheads and mouth breathers. They aren't a threat as they are poorly organized and even more poorly led.

It's groups like Antifa or BLM that are a much bigger threat. They not only riot on a mass scale, but their political ideas infuse Progressives and the Left who are actually elected to office like say, AOC.

There aren't any fringe radical Right assholes in Congress, but there are a good number of fringe, radical Leftist assholes there.

Right on cue!
So? There wasn't one. Unarmed and unorganized, they entered the "Peoples House," made a mess and asses of themselves, then left.

The White House is "People's House" too. How many retards would come out alive had they invaded it?