Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Lol…I agree with your assessment of professional wrestling. I enjoyed it as a kid but learned very quickly that it must be a choreographed performance. Entertainment only…and now, bad entertain at that, IMO. But I used to buy my dad tickets anytime they were near here just to watch him watch it.

I watched boxing anytime it came near here and didn’t miss Tuesday night fights. I also had some scraps of my own. Loved the local tough man contests when they had them. I could see the local “bullies” figure out they weren’t as tough as they thought. If ewe were fortunate enough to see someone who had some boxing training get in the ring we got to see them clean up on the less skilled but more mouthy.
I had just one Mai Tai with dinner tonight, and I'm glad that I didn't have two before driving home.
For some reason, I can't keep my eyes open and it's not even nine o'clock.

Now I'm going to put on the Sox pre game show, fall asleep on my recliner, and at 2 or 3 AM, I'll wake up and go to bed.
The game will probably last until two anyway. Stupid West Coast baseball.

But then I won't fall asleep right away and the alarm is set for 6:30 for a 7:25 tee time.
I'll show up on the tee well-caffeinated but in no condition to play.
Despite that, I do better on the front than on the back when it catches up to me.

Sometimes I think that I may have been here before...maybe a few times.
It’s 9:10 pm here. I’m helping one of my 7th grade students with his math via text messages. It’s that 8 to 3 teacher job that we learn to love.

I have The Big Inning on while I’m helping him. Cards are winning if they can hold on. Hopefully Reyes can throw strikes tonight.

Went to Play It Again Sports and bought a couple 3/4 length black bottoms for a couple of kids whose parents won’t get them for them. Maybe they couldn’t afford them or maybe they can, but it matters not. The kids deserve to be able to dress out with the team no matter what suits we wear. We should be all set for our weekend tournament with suits for all three days. Hoping we play on Saturday anyway.

My wife took me to buy ammo and out to eat at Red Lobster while we were in town. Gotta love her.
Played nine again this early AM.
Short rounds are getting to be a habit.

But I played this nine like a forty year old kid in his prime.

Decent ball striking in conjunction with making a few putts can theoretically happen on the same day,
but if you play the game, you know that it rarely does.

It did today. I'm not going to flaunt a score out of humility,
but it didn't suck.
Had a couple of games against two weaker teams in our class tonight. Won both by run rule as we should. Heading north on Thursday for a tournament at a larger school near Stillwater. Should be a fun trip and if we keep barreling up the ball like we’ve been doing we might make some noise there.

Go Cards! Sorry, couldn’t contain myself. One-half game up on the Padres and I’m watching them losing to the Giants right now. Never rooted for San Francisco before but I am tonight. :D

Evidently Molina came unglued on a relief pitcher who couldn’t throw strikes. All I can say is, “Go Yadi!” I’ve been griping about that all year.

Be glad when this game is over…I’m ready to go to sleep.
My stupid Sox, whom I shouldn't even be still watching anymore, kept me up to the wee smalls this morning with their miserable West Coast trip.
Boston and Seattle don't share a time zone--who knew? We're only three thousand miles apart.
But God never intended for the Red Sox to ever travel farther than St. Louis.

Anyway, at least they won, based largely on one nuclear inning.
Cards won again. :good4u: Maybe we can play the Mets every day until the end. No, just got to make winning a regular thing from here on out.

Our tournament schedule got changed. One team had to drop out due to COVID so we will be playing the #6 team in the class above us in a meaningless game tomorrow then will advance to the semi-finals on Friday. Playing the #6 team will be a good thing for us even though we won’t be using any of our better pitching and they likely won’t either. Could be one of those 15-14 type of games.

Early morning coming up for me. Better go pack.
Just a question...

You two are obviously avid baseball fans...

What do you think of them putting a runner on second base to start extra innings?
Sounds like everybody knocking in the "zombie runner" only for four or five extra innings.

It does nothing to shorten the games.

They should have put the zombie runner on first if they had to do anything at all.

Not do anything at all would have been (and still would be) my vote. After all, it isn’t little league. We don’t even do that in high school.

BTW, we lost that game today 13-12.

We will play in the semis tomorrow.
Sitting in a hotel room in Cushing, OK. WiFi is terrible here. We just beat the #15 team in our class bu run rule, 9-1 in 6 innings. Play in the finals of this tournament tomorrow. Will be playing a team that upset the #6 team in the classification above ours. Got a chance to win this tournament too.

I love working with these kids. They learn so much more than baseball. For instance, tonight our pitcher (who is also our lead off hitter) was batting and we’re rallying a bit. There was a high and tight pitch and our runner stole third, but in the process of our hitter getting out of the way of the pitch and the catcher making the throw there was contact between the catcher and our batter. The ump called our batter out and the runner had to go back to second. Our batter was not happy, wanted to talk back to the ump but our coach intervened. When our batter went back to the dugout he tossed his bat, making our coach holler at him a bit more. He’s seething in the dugout telling his side of things to his teammates. I give him a second (we’re in the first base dugout so I can hear everything) then go to him between pitches and simply say, “I know your mad but if we’re going to win this ballgame you’ve got to get yourself right between the ears and get ready to pitch.” He shook his head and I gave him a few more pitches (we’re rallying and they’re changing pitchers) then go to him and have him tell me his side of the play. I saw it. I knew it was a questionable call but I wanted to let him get it off his chest. He goes out and throws two more shut out innings, we score two more in the bottom of the 6th to polish off the run rule. After the game I made a point to tell the team that things aren’t always going to go the way you think they should but you have to move on and do your job anyway. A good lesson for the kids.

Hitting the sack now. Play at 3 tomorrow then have 3.5+ hour drive home.

I have no idea how my Cards are doing. No good TV and terrible internet service in this hotel.
Home now. Our kids hung in there and won 5-3. A good win and the second invitational tournament championship for them this season. Hope our strong play carries over into the playoffs next week.

I think my Cards have won two in a row over the Padres. If so … :good4u:

We also found out this week that my dad’s biopsy of his lung turned out to be non-cancerous.

It’s been a great week.
Home now. Our kids hung in there and won 5-3. A good win and the second invitational tournament championship for them this season. Hope our strong play carries over into the playoffs next week.

I think my Cards have won two in a row over the Padres. If so … :good4u:

We also found out this week that my dad’s biopsy of his lung turned out to be non-cancerous.

It’s been a great week.

Good news all around, then.

Your dad especially, but also the kids at school.

St. Louis is a great baseball town, losing the Browns notwithstanding, but I'll let you worry about the Cardinals!
Good day at work. Just finished recording grades in my old fashioned, paper gradebook. I'll transfer them to the interweb later.

We have a tune-up game with a school we should beat today. Districts start Thursday. I will miss the Friday ballgames this week. I have an event at OU with my boy...parent's day or family day. Anyway, they call it something and have activities scheduled throughout Friday and Saturday. We will be attending the OU-West Virginia game on Saturday, Lord willing. There are activities for families who do not want to go into the crowd as well. Whatever ... I'm looking forward to seeing my son this weekend.

It's hot here. Once again, high nineties and high humidity. But a cold front is supposed to come into the area tomorrow dropping our morning lows into the low 50's, with some high 40's forecasted just to our north. Come on Fall. My favorite season.

Looks like the Red Sox are on a surge as well. I looked at some MLB sites today to try to get caught up on what's happening around the league.
70s here.
Our 90s are over for this year.
Boston is beautiful in the fall, even with the influx of college kids from New York and New Jersey.

They're not bad kids, but they don't have the appropriate accent and can't always hold their liquor.
The freshman are usually the ones to watch. Some of them don't acclimate to the sudden freedom so gracefully.

When I was in college, I could go to sleep in my old bed and eat my mother's cooking for the price of a subway token.
I could have commuted to school very easily, not much harder than going to high school, truthfully, but my parents needed a break and got me an apartment just off campus after letting me experience a year in the dorms.
Seems I went home TOO often from the dorm. I might as well have commuted. I basically did.

It was little more than a healthy walk to go back home, truth be told...and I did that frequently enough. Whenever I needed clean laundry, as a matter of fact. Or needed money.

Big brawl at a high school football game this weekend. Not good.
One of our inner city schools visited a town up north and a racially based brawl broke out, with parents shamefully included. So much for being 2021. It must have felt felt like 1969.
The game was never completed, and investigations are under way. The audio snippets are all bleeped on the TV news, so one can imagine what was being said.

If something that stupid had to happen, I'm glad that it happened up there and not here in town.
Maybe the scheduling wasn't so bright, either, but people in charge like to believe that it's all good.

I don't know. The pols get paid for making those decisions. Not I. Bright red towns in a bright blue state can get scary.
Wonderful weather here. Rode my motorcycle to work and a light jacket would have felt good. I didn't wear one and it was OK. Ball practice today should be comfortable. Just going to let them hit some and give the arms a rest.

Got caught up on my grading and recording...even the grades I have to put on the web based gradebook. I hate that thing. Looking forward to a relaxing evening at home before the week's activities begin in earnest.

Brawls in sports are not good. Bad behavior is bad enough. Was watching the 3rd place game in the tournament we were in last week and a couple of dads got thrown out. Foul language, hand gestures ... it was pitiful. The umpire pointed out how they were being "good examples" to the teenage boys there.

In contrast, our Superintendent told me yesterday that he received an email from a school board member at the host school of last week's tournament telling him how he appreciated our boys' behavior and (and this part I loved) "respect for the game." I told him (our supt.) that we try to teach other things than just baseball.

I won't venture in to the political/racial side of things other than to say that our kids (several of Native American descent and lots of white kids, no black kids) play teams with kids of color all the time. So far it has always been good, with both teams showing respect. While there aren't many blue towns in our bright red state, anytime we go to Tulsa (our bluest city) I have no fear of bad things happening with our kids. I think it goes to what we (coaches and parents in general, not just our school) teach the kids along with or in addition to sports. We had a parent who embarrassed himself last year at an away basketball game. Our administration suspended him from 2 of our subsequent home games as well. The dad agreed and simply responded with, "Lesson learned."

Cards are still 3 up for that last wildcard spot. Hoping they hang in there and at least give the Dodgers a scare. That "other league" race is looking like it's going down to the wire as well. Should be a fun Fall.
Finally, we've got enough miscreants on "ignore" that we can use JPP in the most useful way: monologue.

We fucking hate each other with a burning passion that was readily visible here on JPP,
at least until I put a few dozen "contributors' on 'ignore," with more to come, of course.

America has three choices for all intents and purposes.

ONE: We can continue to live like this, kicking the fuck out of each other until we're so weakened that Mexico takes her old property back
and Canada liberates the states worth saving.

TWO: both sides can go for it all in a war of genocide.
This is a better option than "option one" for the winners and losers alike.
Short of North Korea, what can be worse than living in this dystopia?

THREE: We can partition into nations in such a way that as many people as possible get what they want.
If we're not writing each others laws and tax codes, there's no reason for us to fight.
If we WANT to fight for fighting's sake alone, then that's the reason to go with options one or two.

Never have more stupid people been more blatantly proud of their stupidity than what we see now in Red State America.
Living under the same flag as these devolved mutants has become a humiliation.

My flag, the flag of the Northeast States of America,
symbolizes the fact that we have room for all kinds of blue voters. Sky Blue. Navy Blue. Royal Blue. We have room for everybody...
everybody except Red voters.

The ones, the few, who already live here can learn to shut the fuck up or can leave.
Put your home on the market. We won't even steal it.

Respond or not. I probably can't read your posts anyway so I don't care.
This thread is for my ideas, not yours.

That's a hot mess.....partitioning in nations essentially reruns our history to a degree....various foreign nations with their own interest and agenda finding ways to assist the separate "nation" of their choice. Essentially we devolve into a modern day "Game of Thrones".

I predict natural disasters will play a major role in restructuring what is currently known as America. IMHO, when the shit hits the fan Mexico and Canada are going to have to beef up their border security!
I took advantage of the Fall-ish weather and not having a late baseball practice yesterday evening and sighted in a couple of guns for my brother. Needed to get that done before deer season. He has a nice Remington pump 308 that he used last year to harvest a deer but he claimed that it shot low. I can verify that it was my brother that shot low as the gun was dead on at 100 yards. He also has a Ruger 44 mag semi-auto rifle that was his late wife's gun. He wanted me to sight it in. I am always amazed at the accuracy of those little guns. It needed to be sighted in but was grouping off of sand bags at about 1.5 inch at 75 yards. While I was at it I made sure the muzzle loading rifle that I hunt with was still zeroed. It was. I cleaned all three guns before coming to work this morning. They're back in the safe waiting until the season opens. I need to shoot my crossbow before October 1 to make sure it's operating well. That season opens October 1.

It's my planning period and I'm going to text one of my senior students. His dad has Covid so this student won't be in school for a while. He's smart and won't have trouble making his work up. He missed a test yesterday and I want to see if he'd like me to make him an online version so he can take it now while the material is fresh on his mind or if he wants to wait until his quarantine time is up. I do worry about this kid's dad. He is in his 60's has some of the comorbities that lead to difficulty with Covid. That's one of the things (good or bad) about teaching in a small school. You know almost everyone, their family and a lot of their extended family. I am teaching kids of kids that I have taught here in my 33+ years.

Edit: Fired my crossbow before Bible Study. It’s still zeroed. Now I just need to put my tree stand up. I’m stealing my son’s spot this year. He’s taken a buck from this spot the first day the past 3 or 4 years. He’s off to college now … and too old for youth season anyway. My turn. ;)
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I never hunted, but I also have that same little Ruger carbine. Brand new, it cost $85 in 1965, I think it was.
When I was 21, I was able to buy the single action Super Blackhawk revolver that went with it. That was more expensive.
Also have the .22 rimfire carbine that matches the .44.

The revolver was an eye opener. .44 Mag is so gentle in a carbine, but in a revolver, for which it was developed in the first place, it's a beast.
Six inch muzzle blast visible in broad daylight and a rather noticeable recoil.

Prior to being drafted into the military after college, I used to enjoy shooting a lot, even though I never hunted.
Boston isn't a huge hunting town! After the army, I pretty much forgot about it, but I did buy a Colt Gold Cup 1911 to keep the Ruger revolver company.