Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I never hunted, but I also have that same little Ruger carbine. Brand new, it cost $85 in 1965, I think it was.
When I was 21, I was able to buy the single action Super Blackhawk revolver that went with it. That was more expensive.
Also have the .22 rimfire carbine that matches the .44.

The revolver was an eye opener. .44 Mag is so gentle in a carbine, but in a revolver, for which it was developed in the first place, it's a beast.
Six inch muzzle blast visible in broad daylight and a rather noticeable recoil.

Prior to being drafted into the military after college, I used to enjoy shooting a lot, even though I never hunted.
Boston isn't a huge hunting town! After the army, I pretty much forgot about it, but I did buy a Colt Gold Cup 1911 to keep the Ruger revolver company.

I have a 44 mag revolver. Ruger Super Blackhawk. I have a 44 mag Marlin lever action rifle as well. I killed a nice Kentucky buck with it while visiting the in-laws several years ago. You’re right about that Ruger semi-auto carbine. It tames that 44 mag cartridge quite well.
Won the first two games of our district tournament. We’ll have to let the two teams that are left battle it out in the losers bracket, then we’ll play whoever is left from there.

The wife and I will be leaving for Norman about 11 tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing our boy.
Made it to Norman. The wife found us a 1/2 star hotel so hoping for a safe couple of nights and no bed bugs. ;) Seriously, hotel rooms were hard to come by since it is a home game weekend. Had supper with the boy and toured his daily route around campus. Went to an escape room. Had a good evening.

Going to pick him up at noon tomorrow, go eat lunch somewhere and then take him to buy a bill of groceries for him and his roommate. Game time is at 6 so we’ll be getting through security about 5. Looking forward to it.

My baseball boys back home took care of business today and won their District Tournament. We’ll see what our regional assignment is on Monday. Hopefully we get a favorable draw. We finished the regular season 20 and 8, ranked number 10 in the state in our class. Never could crack the top 8 though we thing we’re better than about 4 of those teams.

Gonna be a busy week. I’m sure we’ll have a tune up game and at some point I need to get a tree stand up. October 1 is gonna be here before I know it.
It’s been a good weekend visiting with my boy. OU won even if not in stellar fashion. Sitting in the hotel room this morning drinking coffee and reading all of the negative posts about the game…especially Rattler…on Facebook. I have a few theories I’ll post in the sports and hobbies area.

Waiting to go to church this morning then we’ll go somewhere for lunch and drive the 3+ hours home. It’s been a fun weekend but I’m tired. After next week I plans to do some hunting and golfing. We’re in severe drought conditions now but the forecast for the next two weeks claim that we might break out of that weather pattern. If not there’s going to be a lot of bare ground and hitting the ball off of the hard pan.

My Cards are playing crazy right now…and I haven’t got to watch a single game. I’m hoping that they do indeed make the playoffs so I can get to see a full series of them playing … I suppose it would be the Dodgers. Cowboys play the Eagles this weekend…maybe Monday? I’m hoping they’re as good as they started out this year. They haven’t been relevant past mid-December since I was in my 30’s. Hoping they can get back to form.
Congrats to your District Champions, and glad to hear that your boy is doing well.

I went to a fancy party at the Country Club Saturday night.
It was a double edged sword. The evening went off beautifully and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.
At the same time, it slammed me across the head, making me realize just how old I am.

In the good old days, a party was thought to have gone well if the police came to break it up.
Now I'm an old fart at a country club.
Is it really better than resting comfortably in a handsome brass urn? It's genuinely hard to say!
I never was a partier … but could hang with anything late night. Coon hunted from dark until daylight several times back when I coon hunted. Played in lots of softball tournaments until 2 and 3 in the morning. Police give me speeding tickets. I’d like a country club evening … but I’ve always had “old fart” tendencies. ;)

Like I figured, we had a tune up game today. The #10 ranked team in the class above us is just 12 miles or so up the road. We played them, pitched a different pitcher every two innings. Got beat 10-9 … but our guys really hit the ball well. We’ll have an easy practice tomorrow, just hitting. Then hit it Wednesday with full fielding and hitting workout. We play at 4 on Thursday.

We’re in the regional with the #2, #7 and #15 team in the state. We’re going to have to pull an upset or two. We open with the #7 team. We are ranked 10th.
I was a partier, leaning, and WAS can be a hard word with which to live!

The brief period between returning from the military and getting married pretty much was a party.
My daughter took after me in her college days and beyond; my son not so much.

The difference is that my daughter managed a 3.8 while partying and graduated summa cum laude.
I got a diploma because it was cheaper for the school than giving me a pension instead.
Good, short practice today. Tree stand is put up. Fried crappie for supper. Been a good day.

The boy was kicking around the idea of going to Italy this summer on a college trip and earning three hours of credit. Proud of him though, as he checked the cost he decided to wait and make a better trip at a lower rate for a full semester in the future. OU has a campus in Italy so he’ll get there eventually I believe. He definitely has aspirations of traveling the world though. His final reasoning … he wants to wait as long as possible to take out any kind of loan. Sound logic, IMO. Not bad for an 18 year old kid.
Good, short practice today. Tree stand is put up. Fried crappie for supper. Been a good day.

The boy was kicking around the idea of going to Italy this summer on a college trip and earning three hours of credit. Proud of him though, as he checked the cost he decided to wait and make a better trip at a lower rate for a full semester in the future. OU has a campus in Italy so he’ll get there eventually I believe. He definitely has aspirations of traveling the world though. His final reasoning … he wants to wait as long as possible to take out any kind of loan. Sound logic, IMO. Not bad for an 18 year old kid.

Sounds like a plan.
My daughter did her junior year in London back in the 90s.
I'm pretty sure that it was a year long party, though.
She was all over Europe that year, but still got good grades.
I can imagine what those "classes" were like.
Spent nearly 4 hours on a bus (round trip) to be rained out. I guess I should be happy because we need the rain desperately, but man I think our guys were ready to play. Hope they can get up again for tomorrow.

I did get to text with one of my Senior boys who is quarantined with COVID while we were driving (math student, not an athlete) and check on him. He and his dad are doing better and hoping that they regain their sense of taste and smell soon. I told him that when I had it mine didn’t come back for nearly 2 months. My niece has been without hers since last October. Ugh…
As a senior citizen, I was among the first to get vaccinated in my area.
Everyone I know was inoculated, and it's required at our club.
With the new variants, though, it's still not safe.

I can't live in fear, but I can be reasonably careful so we still wear masks in stores and in crowds.
It's somewhat more accepted here than in places with more resistance to it.
You know how that goes.
As a senior citizen, I was among the first to get vaccinated in my area.
Everyone I know was inoculated, and it's required at our club.
With the new variants, though, it's still not safe.

I can't live in fear, but I can be reasonably careful so we still wear masks in stores and in crowds.
It's somewhat more accepted here than in places with more resistance to it.
You know how that goes.

As a Native American public school teacher I was vaccinated early as well. All my family has been. The young man I mentioned was also vaccinated back in April. His case was mild as a result, but a case nonetheless. The young man’s dad had had only one shot, got COVID and brought it home. They’re both much better.

The bolded above is exactly where I stand. I have gone about my life as normally as possible, taking some obvious precautions. As an elder (overseer) at our congregation, we encourage vaccinations (about 85-90 percent of our congregants are vaccinated) and masks, have our auditorium set up for social distancing, serve the communion in a way where it isn’t handled by anyone but the participant, provide an alternate way of attending by broadcasting the service on FM radio (we still have a couple of families that drive up but do not come in), have installed an exhaust fan to provide adequate air circulation and replacement, installed hand sanitizer stations, etc.

School is another story. I am not “in control” there. Masks, hand sanitizer and such are available but rarely used by the students. All the same, I control what I can control. I have my classroom set up where the kids have to be socially distant, provide for good air flow and replacement. I just do what I can do there. It’s all good.

You’re right about places more “resistant” to protocols that lessen the spread. That describes many of the folks where I live. I don’t get it but it is reality.
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Typing this while we’re motivating down the road on our yellow bus this morning because I got home after bed time last night and was too tired to reflect. Got beat in the opening game 9-3. Our mediocre pitching caught up with us as 7 of their nine runs came via the home run…a two run shot, a solo and a grand slam. If we’re to advance we’ll have to fight back through the losers bracket.

Had to sleep by myself last night as my wife is in Norman. She drove the school’s Academic team up there for a competition that started this morning.

Hope we do well and compete today. I can do one more week of volunteering. I will enjoy the break that basketball season brings though.
Won the first game today. Got beat 8-7 in the game to go to the state tournament by the same team that beat us yesterday. Finished 22-11, one game away. One game away and it being so close makes it a hard pill to swallow but I’m proud of our skinny boys. Good season. Time for them to play basketball and for me to go [Edited for Mr. Niblick] play some golf and do some deer hunting.
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Hunting is OK, leaning.

Bowling is OK.

Hiking and swimming are OK.

But leaning, GOLFING is NOT OK!!

It's like saying "tennising."

Those of us who respect the traditions of the game never use "golf" as a verb!
That's for vulgarians, and that's not you.
Hunting is OK, leaning.

Bowling is OK.

Hiking and swimming are OK.

But leaning, GOLFING is NOT OK!!

It's like saying "tennising."

Those of us who respect the traditions of the game never use "golf" as a verb!
That's for vulgarians, and that's not you.

:) Point taken. Can’t make any promises but will try to do better. ;)
Tonight's game broke my heart. I feel unattached to reason and sense.

Watching Brady play against the Patriots, for whom I've rooted since their AFL inception in 1960,
is like being in hell. I didn't care who won or lost. I just wallowed in misery. Brady is not supposed to be playing against the Patriots.

It's genuinely unlikely that I'll ever watch another football game in whatever time I've got left on this earth.

Once the Red Sox blow the play-in game against the Yanks Tuesday, I'll be bereft of sports entertainment until spring training opens up.

Also, our local golf season is coming to an end, and Mazikeen, my beautiful 1962 Corvette roadster, soon gets tucked away for another winter.

Will I play golf again? Will I drive Mazikeen again?
I'm at an age where I can't be sure.
It's going to be another touch winter. Thank God for my dog.