Golf season is over here.
Mornings are too cold.
Afternoons get dark too early.
If times zones were straight lines, Boston wouldn't be in the Eastern.
It would be in the Atlantic with the Maritimes and Bermuda.
Because we're lumped into the Eastern with New York, it gets dark pretty early.
Since I do my hunting at the supermarket like most Bostonians, I'm entering lazy season.
I'll probably finish Elizabeth Warren's latest book tonight, and that will give me an excuse to go to Barnes and Noble and buy something else.
Probably something not political so I don't overload. That's how I intermingle books in the winter so I manage to not go bonkers.
One serious book. One for fun.
One way of keeping in good winter shape used to be shoveling snow.
Those days are gone.
The same contractor who cuts my grass shovels my snow.
I'd prefer to get my lethal heart attack in my bed, not on my driveway or on my lawn.
Walking the dog is my only workout. If I lived near you, I wouldn't even have to do that. I could just open the door and let her run for a bit.
But I'd have other chores to do, and I'd almost certainly be dead by now.
I remember college days when I'd get up at dawn to do my roadwork before classes.
After classes, I'd go to the gym. I'd do my studying at night in a state of semi-consciousness.
I'd actually be less out of it during an actual match when I was getting punched in the head.
Good thing that the club pros I was fighting for spending money weren't as good as the guys I had seen in amateur tournaments.
When I returned from military service, I was determined to never abuse myself with "physical fitness" nonsense again.
Golf became my most strenuous activity and until I was in my mid forties, I smoked a pack and a half of Camels a day.
When I finally quit smoking, I went through a phase where the only clothes that fit me had the "Goodyear" logo plastered across them and flew over ballparks.
As a union rep, I took on the look of "Bobby Bacala" from the Sopranos.
Finally, I found a happy medium sometime in retirement and that's where I am now.
You're a little too active to hang with me, so the internet correspondence thing works out well.