Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Well, our girls won by 25+ and our boys team lost by 2. Who’d hav thought that would happen. Oh well, happy for our girls. Our boys have got some work to do.

I love those old H&R break down revolvers. Had an old 50’s model double action, nine shot 22 once. It was plenty safe to shoot. I should have kept it but I was always a trader.

Raining here again. Cool too. That means I’ll sleep well tonight.

I put up another tree stand to give me another option for a quick hunt in the evenings after work. Getting ready to lose an hour after this weekend. :( I hate going back to regular time. As a working person who likes the out of doors I enjoy daylight savings time so I can have all the daylight possible after I get off work. Oh well. No one has asked me if I’d like to keep daylight savings time year round. One of these days, maybe. ;)

Here is the only gun my dad has guaranteed that I can have. The picture is from 2 years ago.

You wouldn't like Boston if you like daylight.
We're in the Eastern Time Zone with New York, but we're far enough east that we should be in the Atlantic Time Zone with the Maritimes and Bermuda. It gets dark early.
Soon it will be dark by 3:30PM or so.

Except for golf, my activities are basically not daylight dependent so it's all the same to me. It was the same in my working days and now in my retirement.
I've been retired for twenty years now--since I was 55.

MY H&R revolver isn't from the 1950s. It's from the 1920s. It's a keepsake from my grandfather now, not a functioning firearm.

If I need a handgun, which I most assuredly don't, I have a Colt Gold Cup 1911, a .44 Mag Ruger Super Blackhawk, a Browning Medalist .22 target pistol, and, if I ever need them for a duel, a matched pair of Thompson Contender break open single shots with multiple barrels. And I shoot zero of them. At this point, I doubt if I could even hit the paper at 50 feet. I was never good with a handgun. I just liked collecting them.
(From what I see in the movies, my people used them from one or two feet away, two behind the ear!)

I have a few small bore high velocity center fire rifles, a trap O/U, plus matching Ruger carbines in .22 rimfire and .44 Mag (those latter two aren't fancy at all), and none of them get fired anymore either.
The kids will sell them when I die. I lost interest in firearms after the war. The Gold Cup is the only one I acquired after that, and it was a gift.

But they are a great hobby if you're into them. I really was as a kid, even as a non-hunter.

Atlanta won the World series. I don't think that they even won 90 regular season games.
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I sort of knew I wouldn’t like the daylight hours of the Boston area in the fall/winter seasons. I don’t like it at my in-law’s place near Bowling Green, KY. Gets dark there at 4-ish. At least here I have until about 5 or so.

As you probably suspect guns are a hobby for me. I have several of many different calibers, long guns, revolvers, semi-autos, etc. I’m not a fan of the AR type weapons. Nor do I like new guns. I like to trade, dicker, whatever it takes then see what I end up with. If they shoot accurately I’ll fix them up. The 303 British that I modified/sporterized I bought from my old English teacher for $50. I have a Marlin 44 magnum (in the picture below) that I bought for $125 off of a friend in the parking lot at the store in our town. Yes, we only have one store. :) Anyway, I bought it because he couldn’t get it to sight in. It just needed a taller front sight which I bought from Midway. Once I verified it’s accuracy I re-finished and re-blued it. Then I killed that buck with it. Just used it for target practice since that day.

I like to target shoot more than I like to deer hunt. The only reason I deer hunt is because I like to eat them. I’d rather hunt small game…rabbits, squirrels, quail, pheasant, etc. I do duck hunt on occasion but since I don’t like to kill something I won’t eat (except for coyotes) I’m pretty careful about the kind that I shoot. No Mergansers or any type of divers, please.

Been a boring couple of days here. Not much happening. Kind of like a few days like this.
Like any town at the far east end of a time zone, Boston gets dark earlier than the rest of the EST/EDT time zone all year long.

We'd be better off at the west end of the Atlantic time zone where Maine definitely belongs
and probably all of New England excluding Vermont and Connecticut.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

One need read no further than your first sentence to know that it is an uneducated, factually false pile of leftist bile by a triggered leftist loon. This is called useless flailing.

I am expecting many more threads like this as the left starts watching the Biden Presidency implode and with it, their Utopian dreams of turning America into a lawless, Fascistic third world shithole.
Figured that when I saw his post. I have the racist talking crew on ignore. Tdak, the Tennessee volunteer person, etc. They got to say some pretty bad stuff for me to put them on ignore though.

I’m very much in the middle of the Central Time Zone. The first time I went to the panhandle to pheasant hunt I was surprised to see how much longer the daylight was there compared to eastern Oklahoma.

I have venison marinating overnight to make jerky with. I also have a large (store bought) pork tenderloin brining and will smoke it tomorrow. I also have some wild hog ribs brining and will smoke them as well. I’m sure glad I’m not Jewish. I like pork too much. My Choctaw grandmother had a saying about how she liked pig…but it involved chitterlings which I don’t particularly care for.

I’ll hunt tomorrow morning. Should be a good day for it. Then I’ll fire up my smokers when I get home about noon.

Halloween is over. Time to take the wife’s spook stuff down and help her put up her Thanksgiving stuff.
Figured that when I saw his post. I have the racist talking crew on ignore. Tdak, the Tennessee volunteer person, etc. They got to say some pretty bad stuff for me to put them on ignore though.

I’m very much in the middle of the Central Time Zone. The first time I went to the panhandle to pheasant hunt I was surprised to see how much longer the daylight was there compared to eastern Oklahoma.

I have venison marinating overnight to make jerky with. I also have a large (store bought) pork tenderloin brining and will smoke it tomorrow. I also have some wild hog ribs brining and will smoke them as well. I’m sure glad I’m not Jewish. I like pork too much. My Choctaw grandmother had a saying about how she liked pig…but it involved chitterlings which I don’t particularly care for.

I’ll hunt tomorrow morning. Should be a good day for it. Then I’ll fire up my smokers when I get home about noon.

Halloween is over. Time to take the wife’s spook stuff down and help her put up her Thanksgiving stuff.

Did you shoot a deer?
Not yet. Had a few cuts left from last year. Heading out the door after I finish this coffee to spend the morning looking.
I went to bed before midnight last night--quite rare for me--and still slept until almost ten.

That isn't sleep--that's a coma. People my age can't usually go that long without peeing, but I thankfully woke up in a dry bed!

I don't feel sick, so I'm not sure what happened; but in all likelihood, I'll be looking for my afternoon nap anyway.

Probably boredom.
Someone was in my #1 spot this morning so I had to resort to plan B. No deer.

Back home I fired up the smokers and am drinking coffee, constructing sermon outlines and watching football. Overtime. Go Army!

I have to walk back down into the woods and retrieve my climbing stand some time this evening.
I don't know what that "food" is, leaning, but more than likely, I've never attempted to eat it.
But please, do enjoy if game is your thing.
Meh, the top pic is just a pork tenderloin cut in three pieces. I brined it overnight then smoked it for 3 1/2 hours. It’s store bought, not unlike what you’d get in most any barbecue restaurant. Rib Crib has some good smoked tenderloin. The other is deer jerky. I used a lot of it for “motivation” at school today. The kids will stand on their heads for some of that. Well, I don’t have them stand on their heads … just solve equations and inequalities. :)

Hate this time change.

Took my flu shot today. So far no reaction. Hoping it stays that way.

Steelers and Bears. Sounds like a snoozer to me. I’ll check in and if it’s a close game I’ll watch.

Did I mention that I hate the time change. Oh well, tomorrow’s a new day.
Got our first home basketball game tonight. Playing a team that is pre-season ranked pretty highly in our class. We need to have a good showing. Also there is a bake sale at the game for our Academic teams, Elementary through High School. When kids advance to state competitions it takes some money to take them there and often we have to provide hotel rooms for them. I made a pumpkin pie last night (it just sold for $25) and three loaves on pumpkin bread. Looking forward to this evening. I like to get out and visit the people at the games.

We're supposed to have rain this afternoon and that is a good thing in one way because we could use it after the drought at the end of the summer. But in another way is is not so good. It is November 9 and I saw two fields with hay cut and curing on my way to work today. November 9 ... and hay. Unheard of.
I genuinely admire leaningright's community dedication.

That amount of participation in the lives of my neighbors would probably make me suicidal.
I get a headache just thinking about it.

I know the names of most of the dogs on my street, which is of some importance to me as I love dogs,
but not those of many people on the opposite end of the leashes.

We cordially greet each other's pets and then just nod at each other with a forced half-smile.
Preparing for the traditional Veteran's Day breakfast tomorrow here at the school. Bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, coffee, juice, milk. The one day a year my dad will let himself eat some of his favorite breakfast foods. Same for a lot of our Veterans.

Most are now veterans of the conflicts in the ME, but there are still a few Korean war vets who attend and several Vietnam vets as well. My dad comes closest to a WWII vet left in the area but he signed up just at the end of the war and missed any conflict. He was a part of the reoccupation efforts in Germany. Then he was in Korea and Vietnam.

Dad signed up when he was 17. Lied about his age as I am told many did back then. He attended school at the same place where I teach. He said he asked to be excused from the Ag class to go to the outhouse, hitch-hiked his way to the county seat some 25 miles away and signed up. He truly was better off joining the Army than staying home and finishing school. He eventually got his GED while in service and then got an Associates Degree as well. He still can't add fractions.

I think of the freedom I have to do the things that I do. I have traveled, have many acquaintances worldwide in many different countries and I know that several of the things I enjoy are either not allowed or are priced out of the range of most middle class folks. I think of that and then of the people like those who will be coming to breakfast tomorrow, most of whom I've known all my life, and I cannot help but to be overwhelmingly thankful.

Working with my 8th graders this morning. Solving inequalities. Yes, we're a bit behind. But when a kid has to ask where 2/9 is on a number line (and he's one of your better perfoming students) then some teachers in grades 5-7 haven't done their job. We're never going to be where we should be educationally, especially in mathematics.
I was was almost home from walking the dog when I heard the Gestapo's voice bellowing from the front door.

Crazy Terrier has only a one length lead but Fat Dago is fading fast!

I really wanted to give her a swat, but I didn't have the energy.

Today is a perfect November day in Boston. Bright blue sky and temperature in the mid 50s.
I could take June, July, August, and nine months of this very happily.
There are no ski lifts on Boylston Street.
We don't need to get any colder than this
But trust me, we will.
I really, really could have used a bathrobe and slippers day today--just don't have any interest in doing ANYTHING productive.

But I've already walked the dog, and now have errands to run a bit later.
Since I'm the one who cooks, I'm the one who has to do the grocery shopping, which we call "fare la spesa" in Italian.

But don't count on me cooking tonight. The Gestapo is getting take out whether she wants it or not.
I'll let her choose between subs, pizza, KFC, or whatever. If she says Chinese, all the better.
If she's says fish and chips, clams, or lobster roll, however, I'll have to make separate stops for us-- so the smart money is on that.

Broads were clearly invented to abuse us, and our libidos were invented to give them the opportunity.
The Veterans Day breakfast was very good. All the vets enjoyed it and the little kids made them all some thank you cards.

Every year our FFA chapter sells 280 tickets at $100 each for an opportunity to win a John Deere Gater…we call them by their generic name, “side-by-sides” around here. The ticket gets you two plates catered by a nearby barbecue place and an opportunity to win prizes or the ultimate prize, the Gater. At the dinner, the tickets are drawn one by one and the names and numbers called out and X’ed off poster boards on the walls around the gym. Every so many tickets intermediate prizes are given away. This year there were 5 guns given away, a gun safe along with chainsaws, leaf blowers and various other tools and jewelry. It nets our FFA chapter about $15,000. That dinner/drawing was tonight. I didn’t win anything but I sure enjoyed myself.

Taking the wife out for her birthday dinner tomorrow evening. Got reservations at a place we’ve tried to get in to a couple of times in the past year and a half. Hope it’s worth the wait.

I spoke too soon about the fall colors not looking to good around here this year. They’ve really exploded this week. I’ll post some pictures below.