Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

It's a tradeoff, leaning.

We do live with plenty of traffic.

But we can find around the corner something for which you may have to drive thirty or forty miles.

If we're all in the place that fits us the most comfortably, we're doing equally well, right?
It's a tradeoff, leaning.

We do live with plenty of traffic.

But we can find around the corner something for which you may have to drive thirty or forty miles.

If we're all in the place that fits us the most comfortably, we're doing equally well, right?

To the bolded above…absolutely. Been my motto all my life. I love going places and seeing the sights…and some have been worth more than one trip. I’ve traveled most of the US and visited a few other countries, but I love my home. I count myself blessed to be able to live where I want to live and wish for others the same.

Going to watch The Eternals tonight. We’ll go visit the wife’s grandmother (she’s the same age as Betty White), get a bite to eat at a restaurant of my wife and her mom’s choice then on to the movie. No popcorn for me … just a Coke Icee.

Glad to be here at the in-laws for the week. It’s a comfortable house on a farm just outside the city of Bowling Green. My father-in-law raises cattle and still works (he’s 77) as an engineer for Corvette … because he loves to work. I was in the woods before daylight this morning deer hunting and I head his tractor fire up promptly at 7:30. He was putting hay out for his cows. He did take next week off from the plant because his daughter and I came to visit.

He is definitely in the “place that fits” him and I hope he can spend the rest of his days here. He would be miserable if he had to come stay with us.
I’m adding this post for no reason other than to remind myself this time next year. Mr. Niblick’s MySpace (or whichever it was a while back) comes to mind.

At my in-law’s in KY. Went to church with them yesterday. I’m always struck by the more formal setting in larger congregations. Same beliefs, same practices in worship, but our congregation of 45 or so is much less formal than theirs of 300+. Nothing wrong with it, just different. Their singing is definitely much better with more people participating.

We have eaten at a restaurant for almost every meal since we left Oklahoma. Not good for my waistline. I have pumpkin bread in the oven for my mother-in-law. Went driving around in the Mule with the father-in-law to look at cattle this morning. It’s cold here. Enjoying our visit.
Finally had one walk up and surrender this morning. Kentucky bucks taste good too.

Our boy is flying in today. Worried about him to say the least. Driving to an unfamiliar airport, finding long-term parking, but mainly hoping he doesn’t get stranded somewhere between here and OKC. Supposed to pick him up at 9 pm in Nashville. Then it’s an hour and a half drive north back to the in-law’s.
I got all of my errands done this morning.

Took the dog to get her stitches and miserable Elizabethan cone removed.
Biopsy on the growth was negative.

Picked up my own meds at the pharmacy. As a 75 year old, I'm a walking chemistry set. Thankfully have a good prescription plan.

Got all the necessary last minute things that the Gestapo said we need for Thanksgiving.

And brought home take out for lunch.

I was like Mr. Efficiency. It felt like playing a round of golf without making a double--usually my definition of a great day.
Ok, we fly a lot, but never during the holidays. My son navigated through the 3 airports he had to go through just fine yesterday and for that I am thankful. But every year I hear about how crowded and packed the airports are and the need for patience. I always thought, “I have to exhibit extreme patience no matter the day when I go to airports.” Nope. I was wrong. Good grief Charlie Brown, I’ve never been through what we went through last night to pick our boy at Nashville airport. It all worked out OK but we did have to circle the airport twice and communicate (really glad for cell phones) well with him to make the connection. No short term parking anymore, just cell phone lots. We learned on the fly. It was … educational. Got back to grandma and grandpa’s house at 12:30 am.

Will rest today. May go on a short squirrel hunt before dark…may not. I have to make my wife a pie crust at some point today so she can make a pecan pie for tomorrow. Lazy holiday times. I love it.
I have said it many times.
Commercial flying was a much more palatable industry sixty years ago than it is now.
It's become a horror.
Made that pie crust for the wife. I’m still waiting to try the pecan pie though. At too much chicken and dressing ant trimmings at lunch.

There are 5 of us here today…My wife’s folks, our son, my wife and I. Thankful for health and well being.

Got up and started helping the wife and my father-in-law cook at 8. Traditionally I fry some chicken livers and gizzards to graze upon while we cook the rest of the meal. No turkey…a single hen is plenty big enough for our group. We’ll eat leftovers for supper then do Christmas tonight. In the meantime, I’ll watch some football. Can’t believe we’re having to catch the Bears and Lions this year. It’s like the NFL thought, “What game would get the lowest rating if aired on Sunday. We’ll air that one on Thanksgiving to a slightly captive audience.” Oh well, it beats the Hallmark channel by just a little bit.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives are able to destroy the republic as a minority
because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
That, however, they can only do with our help.
Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
who hate our modern and humane ideas,
who worship a magic man in the sky,
and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
They have lots of guns.
They have no brains whatsoever.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers.
They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

Resting in Forest City, AR. Traffic not too bad so far. The west bound lane of I-40 was clogged with trucks for about a 15 mile stretch between here and Little Rock. Every other TV commercial back home is advertising for jobs for truck drivers. I’d hate to think of what it’d be like out here if all those jobs were filled.

Probably about the same.
Leaving Kentucky driving back to Oklahoma and normal life tomorrow. Going to drop the boy off at the airport in Nashville on the way.

We’ll be carrying our years supply of beef and an Elliot (from the kid show Open Season) back with us. We have two chest type deep freezers at home to store food in throughout the year. We used a new butcher this year so this is the first year the beef is vacuum packed. I know from experience it will be less likely to freezer burn and will keep longer. I’ve been vacuum sealing our fish since the mid 90’s. I don’t think the ground beef packages weigh a pound though. They’re kind of small.

I’m ready to get settled back in to normal life now but, as usual, I’ve enjoyed the visit with the in-laws and my Sunday off from preaching.

We’ve got to set up appointments to get our booster vaccine when we get home. We had just received our reminder cards the day we left home. Strange how life changes over time and periods of a person’s life. I haven’t decided if I like this stage of not having my son nearby. I better get used to it though because if he has his way he’ll be living in Japan after he graduates college … if not before.
Is your son financially independent, Mr. Leaning?

Will he be able to migrate to Japan on his own without help?

From what I understand, Japan is a very expensive nation in which to live.
Certainly more expensive than Middle America.

I'm sure that he'll do his due dilligence and look into it.

That being said, Asian girls are smoking hot from what I can see on Netflix..
The Patriots won their sixth in a row after a 2-4 start.

I expected NOTHING from them this year.
I still have them on as background noise, but I look up more often.
I have loose ties (my wife lived in Nashville when we met and was a Titans fan) with the Titans so I was rooting for them today. Hoping they can get healthy and make a playoff run. I’ve watched several Patriots games this year and have witnessed them getting better and better.

Hoping my Cowboys can get better but they seem typical for the Cowboys of the last 25 years. Glad I got to enjoy them being good when I was young. I was a lot more passionate about it back then. If I “cared” as much now as I did then I’d have had a heart attack by now. I used to visit with a liberal friend on here with the moniker of “Lorax.” Poor guy was from Buffalo and absolutely hated the Cowboys. I enjoyed our back and forth.

Three weeks of work then Christmas break. I always enjoy Christmas except that I never know what to get my wife. Stressful. I’m hoping something will catch my eye between now and then.
Been a crazy day in Oklahoma. Gut punches and all, we’ll see how bad things get going forward. I predict dark days ahead. First time since 1946 this has happened. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as I think it will be.

I gave a “groan” today on the board. Not proud it but I feel a bit betrayed and am angry right now. It will pass. Just got home and I see the barn burner of a game between the Redskins and Seahawks. At the half… 9-9. Don’t know if I can contain my excitement.

Home basketball games tomorrow night. I see they have me operating the score clock. As good an excuse as any to get out and go to the game. I’ll attend my aunt’s funeral after I get out of school then work on butchering the deer I killed last week until time to go back to the school. It’s just a 6-7 mile drive so no big deal.

I may not care as much about my Cowboys as I used to but I do love my Sooners.
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Ever since Boston College decided to join the ACC and stop being an "eastern" team, the once popular football program has gone into witness protection.
Except for a small handfull of alumni, NOBODY CARES. Tobacco Road is not part of our culture, and we're very provincial and even parochial.

We're in an area where culturally if not practically, the private schools are more important than the state universities.

Thirty or forty years ago, in the Doug Flutie era, the Eagles were at least as popular as the Patriots and far more successful.

A recent poll shows that FCS level Harvard is Boston's favorite college football team, and they're not exactly selling out every game either.

Condolences for the loss of your aunt, Mr. Leaning.
I lost my very last one two or three years ago, actually an aunt through marriage. She was 100 even.
Never fails…get me running the scoreboard and we go into overtime. Girls won by two in OT and our boys won easily.

Getting record high temperatures here. Rode my motorcycle to work today. Supposed to be 76 Thursday. I may have to break out the golf clubs.

My dad went with the Choctaw senior citizens (they’ve adopted him as their paleface friend) to pick up pecans at a commercial pecan grove the tribe owns. He’s the oldest on the trip and I haven’t talked to him to see how many he got. Most of them were carrying buckets of some sort but he had his 50 lb burlap feed bag. I told him he was going all old school on those young 70 year olds. ;)
It's been steadily in the thirties here in Boston for the past week.
I had stopped wearing a mask outdoors while walking my dog, but now I'm wearing one again because it keeps my face warm.
Plus I like the look. Hoodie. Ray Bans. Covid mask. I may as well be Darth Vader!