Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Friday night date night… Lots of fun. Went out to eat at a favorite restaurant then went to see Alton Brown. We really didn’t know what to expect but we knew we liked everything he did on Food Network. It was a really good show. We laughed at his stories and crowd interactions and he had a contraption that cooked 15 lbs of chicken wings in about 20 minutes.

I’ve gotten lots of exercise working with my pup this past week. My Fitbit is working overtime keeping up with my steps. But I’m not losing any weight because it is the wrong time of year. I cook too much. I’m making candy and pumpkin bread to deliver to the old folks during the next two weeks. Too bad Mr. Niblick is so far away, I’d drop off a care package for him. ;)
What a week so far. Great food, great visits and a little work. I took my dad (91), my brother-in-law (80) and my cousin (73) down to a pecan grove about 2 hours south of here to pick up pecans. The Choctaw tribe owns the grove and harvests the nuts to sell in the different travel plazas. As part of a “Let’s keep the old folks active and healthy” effort they take the Seniors (I’m now considered one at 56) down there to pick up pecans in the Fall. I drove my crew down instead of riding the charter bus. Altogether we picked up over 100 lbs to bring home. Dad already has most of his shelled, bagged and in the freezer.

Had to preach a funeral today. It really stinks having to preach funerals. That’s the most difficult thing about being a preacher.

I have been enjoying visiting with my boy. I guess I should be disappointed in him…he got a “B” in Calc III this semester. That’s his first “B” ever. Glad he got that out of the way. My niece and her family came to visit my dad today so I got to see her. Her husband is also a preacher. They have adopted 3 kids, one of which is blind. He is talking and communicating well this trip. I think he is about 9 years old. Sad thing, back in October he was being physically abused by his teacher at his special school. The aids suspected, witnessed and videoed to finally catch the teacher on video. She was hitting him, slamming him on tables and such. It’s kind (one of) of a parent’s worst nightmare. Glad they caught and arrested her.

Ready to relax and watch football the rest of the week. Catching a few reruns of Bones as I relax tonight. Time marches on …
Enjoying the last few days of my break. Getting ready to go with the wife and the offspring to see the new Avatar movie. 3 hours and 12 minutes … hope it’s good and doesn’t make me want to yell at the screen.

Have a New Year’s party planned for Saturday night … but we’re ending it before midnight because we’re old and have church the next morning. Still looking forward to good company, visiting, games and eventually firing off the cannon and shooting a few fireworks.

Then back to work on Monday.
Home from church now. Thought I’d take the time to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. Hope everyone stayed safe last night.
This is why we can't ban firearms in America.
The good Reverend will starve to death, and the heartland will become completely overrun with squirrels.

Still, I would recommend that the exuberant M16 afficionados stick to headshots or there won't be much squirrel left to eat.

What would you recommend, a shot gun? :rolleyes:
What a week so far. Great food, great visits and a little work. I took my dad (91), my brother-in-law (80) and my cousin (73) down to a pecan grove about 2 hours south of here to pick up pecans. The Choctaw tribe owns the grove and harvests the nuts to sell in the different travel plazas. As part of a “Let’s keep the old folks active and healthy” effort they take the Seniors (I’m now considered one at 56) down there to pick up pecans in the Fall. I drove my crew down instead of riding the charter bus. Altogether we picked up over 100 lbs to bring home. Dad already has most of his shelled, bagged and in the freezer.

Had to preach a funeral today. It really stinks having to preach funerals. That’s the most difficult thing about being a preacher.

I have been enjoying visiting with my boy. I guess I should be disappointed in him…he got a “B” in Calc III this semester. That’s his first “B” ever. Glad he got that out of the way. My niece and her family came to visit my dad today so I got to see her. Her husband is also a preacher. They have adopted 3 kids, one of which is blind. He is talking and communicating well this trip. I think he is about 9 years old. Sad thing, back in October he was being physically abused by his teacher at his special school. The aids suspected, witnessed and videoed to finally catch the teacher on video. She was hitting him, slamming him on tables and such. It’s kind (one of) of a parent’s worst nightmare. Glad they caught and arrested her.

Ready to relax and watch football the rest of the week. Catching a few reruns of Bones as I relax tonight. Time marches on …

Except for a son and daughter, neither of whom are religious, the Gestapo and I don't have anyone to come to a funeral.
Thus, nobody will have the ordeal of having to preach at ours.
Somewhere a Catholic priest will get to play golf or sleep in rather than preach those mornings. We're thoughtful old people, right?

Our final disposition is already planned and paid for.
We're going straight from death bed to crematory.
Not even a newspaper notice in the Globe or Herald.
It shouldn't be too long now!
All quiet on this thread these days.
Not much going on.

Really busy with life at the moment. Work, helping the elderly…my dad and my BIL, church members with cancer, mother-in-law in hospital trying to get adjusted back to equal sinus rhythm. Nothing exciting happening here.
Really busy with life at the moment. Work, helping the elderly…my dad and my BIL, church members with cancer, mother-in-law in hospital trying to get adjusted back to equal sinus rhythm. Nothing exciting happening here.

My wife and I were both only children, so I had to Google "BIL."

Our two kids had no aunts, no uncles, no cousins, but they did have dogs, even in the city.
Dogs pretty much handle everything anyway.
Mine is wondering why I'm still up at almost 3AM.
So am I.
My wife and I were both only children, so I had to Google "BIL."

Our two kids had no aunts, no uncles, no cousins, but they did have dogs, even in the city.
Dogs pretty much handle everything anyway.
Mine is wondering why I'm still up at almost 3AM.
So am I.

Dad is 92 today. My BIL is 80. They do a lot of things for themselves. But occasionally need some help. We had a wet, heavy snow week before last which caused some tree damage. My BIL had an extremely large tree fall in his yard. He’s not experienced using a chainsaw so I worked Saturday afternoon after lunch cutting it up into firewood and stacking the brush into piles to be burned.

My BIL is tearing down an old house near where he and dad live. He brings the boards with nails in them to my dads shop building and dad pulls the nails out of the boards. I suspect they have salvaged $5000 worth of lumber. I have used some of the lumber for some projects I wanted to do. All of us are staying busy even in this winter weather.

I took my dad to his cancer doctor for his 4 month check. He’s still in remission and doing very well for his age. While we were at the doctor’s office she asked him if he was having any pain. He said sometimes on his right side … when he turns a certain way. We finally figured out it was from putting in 3-4 hours a day pulling nails out of boards. Lol… We’ve bought him a tomato planter and a Hydrangea plant for his birthday. He’s really got a green thumb.

Dogs are the best. I’ve got three. They are great companions. I need to get recent pictures of my Kemmer Curs. After my Mountain Cur died last year I finally got a couple of Kemmer Curs. I had never had this breed before but they’re working out great. Time to go to work. It’s my Friday so…woohoo!
Dad is 92 today. My BIL is 80. They do a lot of things for themselves. But occasionally need some help. We had a wet, heavy snow week before last which caused some tree damage. My BIL had an extremely large tree fall in his yard. He’s not experienced using a chainsaw so I worked Saturday afternoon after lunch cutting it up into firewood and stacking the brush into piles to be burned.

My BIL is tearing down an old house near where he and dad live. He brings the boards with nails in them to my dads shop building and dad pulls the nails out of the boards. I suspect they have salvaged $5000 worth of lumber. I have used some of the lumber for some projects I wanted to do. All of us are staying busy even in this winter weather.

I took my dad to his cancer doctor for his 4 month check. He’s still in remission and doing very well for his age. While we were at the doctor’s office she asked him if he was having any pain. He said sometimes on his right side … when he turns a certain way. We finally figured out it was from putting in 3-4 hours a day pulling nails out of boards. Lol… We’ve bought him a tomato planter and a Hydrangea plant for his birthday. He’s really got a green thumb.

Dogs are the best. I’ve got three. They are great companions. I need to get recent pictures of my Kemmer Curs. After my Mountain Cur died last year I finally got a couple of Kemmer Curs. I had never had this breed before but they’re working out great. Time to go to work. It’s my Friday so…woohoo!
Happy Birthday to your dad.
Went for a walkabout this morning. Got in 7000 steps. My cousin always takes pictures of stuff when she goes for a walk so I decided I would too. Saw some smart pills, found a hog sleeping in a briar patch and a swamp rabbit. I gave the swamp rabbit to another cousin and his wife for their supper.

The weather has been warmer than normal the past two days and the ground is too wet to work the garden so I loaded my little scamp and headed to the creek as soon as I got off work today. What a nice, relaxing afternoon…and I got supper…again.

Going out to dinner with friends, tonight.

We've been doing this for over fifty years with these folks.

My wife [the gestapo--I still have the same wife] always makes me get a haircut.
Twenty-five bucks plus tip to trim my sorry fringe with a buzzer for two minutes.

If I were just a bit more flexible, I could do it myself.

On a happier note, I do like the restaurant. Then it's back to their house for a nightcap or coffee or something,
but at our age, the evenings end a lot earlier than they used to!

76 years old. With my life, that absolutely defies nature. Today meds must be really something, no?
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Going out to dinner with friends, tonight.

We've been doing this for over fifty years with these folks.

My wife [the gestapo--I still have the same wife] always makes me get a haircut.
Twenty-five bucks plus tip to trim my sorry fringe with a buzzer for two minutes.

If I were just a bit more flexible, I could do it myself.

On a happier note, I do like the restaurant. Then it's back to their house for a nightcap or coffee or something,
but at our age, the evenings end a lot earlier than they used to!

76 years old. With my life, that absolutely defies nature. Today meds must be really something, no?

Following up, my filet was quite good. The soup was also excellent.
Yesterday, I had to take the avatar for her allergy shot.
On the way home from the vet, I stopped at this little mom and pop Chinese take out place because I didn't feel like cooking when I got home.
The place had closed during the height of the covid pandemic, but has apparently re-opened under new management.

The food from these places is usually mall-food-court-quality, but this food wasn't bad at all. But that's not the issue.

The little girl who took my order had to still be high school age.
Thus, one hundred years in purgatory for my internal reaction to her.

Then her mom came from the back with my food.
Add another hundred years to my sentence.

What is it with me and pretty Asian ladies?
I didn't go out for donuts today.
I've got my quarterly bloodwork tomorrow morning.

I should have had a few donuts, just to impress the phlebotomists.