Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

My dad's baby brother, the very youngest member on either side of my family from the previous generation, has passed away. He was 91.
Now there is no family member on this planet from the generation that preceded me.
I'm 76, so that's not unexpected, and more than half of my cousins of my own generation have already passed.

My uncle and I were not particularly close.
He lived in Florida, and the last time that we spoke, he told me that he liked Ron DeSantis.
I never called him again. That will be my last memory of him, unfortunately.

One thing about being my age...most of your life is in the near view mirror.

What you wanted to accomplish and didn't, you never will.
What you wanted to acquire and never did, you never will.

You know that the world will scarcely notice that you're gone,
and you discover that you don't really care.
Everybody has regrets, but you try not to dwell on those much.

These are things that cross your mind when somebody that you've know for your entire life dies.
And then, fairly soon, you stop thinking about it until it's the next one,
but I'll almost certainly be one of the next two or three myself.
There's one, maybe two, that might go before I do, maybe.
I'm not close to either of them, either.

In the end, you don't find it hard to face the reality
that it's just not that big of a deal.
The reality of death stares me in the face almost every day. As a preacher I deal with death on a fairly regular basis. Of course, as a Christian I view it as the beginning … and if I’m wrong I haven’t missed out on anything much I don’t figure. We are getting ready to leave tomorrow to go to Kentucky to help Daphne’s dad with her mother. Whether she is dying or whether there is something we can help her daddy with to make her mom’s life better at this point, we don’t know, but we’re going to try.

On a lighter note, I was reminded today why I love where I live. I was teaching Geometry and what appeared outside my classroom door? …

I thought, “Only in places like where I live would this be considered normal.” :)

We paused, took a look and I snapped a picture. Then we went back to learning triangle side relationships … Sine, Cosine and Tangent to be exact.

When I got home a package was hanging from my mailbox. My candy bars finally came in. It seems that Hershey’s decided to use a freak in their celebration of women last month.

Some dude decided to make and sell these candy bars as an alternative to Hershey’s. Notice, the HeHim bar has nuts while the SheHer bar in nutless. Made me laugh…so I bought $100 worth of them.

Some people would claim that I got taken by a conservative capitalist and wasted $100. I say that I’ll have more than $100 worth of fun with those candy bars at the local coffee shop and with my co-workers and family.

It’s raining now for the second straight day. We have had more than 4 inches and more is expected tomorrow and Friday. It’s like we get all the rain at once nowadays. If I was going to be home I’d catch a lot of catfish this weekend as the water is rising and the bite will be on. But hopefully the wife’s mom will be OK and we can be of some help. It will be about a 12 hour drive to Kentucky. Maybe the rain will give us a break. I hate driving in the rain.
The reality of death stares me in the face almost every day. As a preacher I deal with death on a fairly regular basis. Of course, as a Christian I view it as the beginning … and if I’m wrong I haven’t missed out on anything much I don’t figure. We are getting ready to leave tomorrow to go to Kentucky to help Daphne’s dad with her mother. Whether she is dying or whether there is something we can help her daddy with to make her mom’s life better at this point, we don’t know, but we’re going to try.

On a lighter note, I was reminded today why I love where I live. I was teaching Geometry and what appeared outside my classroom door? …

I thought, “Only in places like where I live would this be considered normal.” :)

We paused, took a look and I snapped a picture. Then we went back to learning triangle side relationships … Sine, Cosine and Tangent to be exact.

When I got home a package was hanging from my mailbox. My candy bars finally came in. It seems that Hershey’s decided to use a freak in their celebration of women last month.

Some dude decided to make and sell these candy bars as an alternative to Hershey’s. Notice, the HeHim bar has nuts while the SheHer bar in nutless. Made me laugh…so I bought $100 worth of them.

Some people would claim that I got taken by a conservative capitalist and wasted $100. I say that I’ll have more than $100 worth of fun with those candy bars at the local coffee shop and with my co-workers and family.

It’s raining now for the second straight day. We have had more than 4 inches and more is expected tomorrow and Friday. It’s like we get all the rain at once nowadays. If I was going to be home I’d catch a lot of catfish this weekend as the water is rising and the bite will be on. But hopefully the wife’s mom will be OK and we can be of some help. It will be about a 12 hour drive to Kentucky. Maybe the rain will give us a break. I hate driving in the rain.
“A freak”, is that a term Jesus would use?
“A freak”, is that a term Jesus would use?

I honestly don’t know. He referred to some folks as “children of hell” and others as “fools.” He didn’t always use soft language and always took a strong stance against sinful behavior. He had a way for people to overcome sin and wanted to tell them about it. I try to do the same.

The definition of freak is “one who behaves or acts in a wild and irrational way.” I think men and women who want to act against nature (really they’re acting against the way God made them) are acting in an irrational, if not wild way. I don’t think I’m doing a disservice to Christ by referencing these people with that term. But then I get called a “Bible Thumper” or “Religious/Jesus Freak” quite often so labels don’t tend to bother me much anymore.
I honestly don’t know. He referred to some folks as “children of hell” and others as “fools.” He didn’t always use soft language and always took a strong stance against sinful behavior. He had a way for people to overcome sin and wanted to tell them about it. I try to do the same.

The definition of freak is “one who behaves or acts in a wild and irrational way.” I think men and women who want to act against nature (really they’re acting against the way God made them) are acting in an irrational, if not wild way. I don’t think I’m doing a disservice to Christ by referencing these people with that term. But then I get called a “Bible Thumper” or “Religious/Jesus Freak” quite often so labels don’t tend to bother me much anymore.
I think it is cruel and not the Jesus I’m familiar with in the Bible. Those he condemned were harming other and that is why he addressed them in the fashion he did, or they were hypocrites. He always showed kindness to people others condemned, like the lepers and the adulterous woman. I do not believe he would call them freaks. They are still humans.
The candy bars have been a big hit. And like Forrest Gump, that’s all I have to say about that.

We made the drive to the in-laws place in Kentucky to help the FIL take care of the MIL for a few days. So far today I’ve repaired a power washer (just needed the carburetor cleaned), researched grip laser sights for the FIL’s revolver (will order them after dark), worked on his generator, helped him feed his cattle and currently we’re working on tearing down an old well house. It has been good for his psyche to get out of the house for a while. We may stay until Tuesday instead of Monday. If work doesn’t like it they can fire me.

Sadly while I was eating lunch today I checked FB and saw where one of my former students (she graduated three years ago) was killed in a single vehicle wreck. So sad. In a school where the average graduating class size is about 14 kids you really get attached to the students.

Speaking of small schools, our enrollment is around 235 kids in K-12th grade. This is the third consecutive our Academic Team has qualified for the national Tournament in Chicago but it’s the first year they got to go. We are easily the smallest public school there. They went 7-3 today and qualified for the final round tomorrow. However it winds up I am immensely proud of these kids. And to my Governor and State Superintendent of Public Instruction I want to say: “This is the kind of school you are trying to eliminate. Anything with fewer than 750 students. Don’t try to tell me it is because of the quality of education they’re receiving.”

Go Savages!
I honestly don’t know. He referred to some folks as “children of hell” and others as “fools.” He didn’t always use soft language and always took a strong stance against sinful behavior. He had a way for people to overcome sin and wanted to tell them about it. I try to do the same.

The definition of freak is “one who behaves or acts in a wild and irrational way.” I think men and women who want to act against nature (really they’re acting against the way God made them) are acting in an irrational, if not wild way. I don’t think I’m doing a disservice to Christ by referencing these people with that term. But then I get called a “Bible Thumper” or “Religious/Jesus Freak” quite often so labels don’t tend to bother me much anymore.

That is why we Jews reject Jesus, a man proclaiming himself god and claiming what God wants , God is one , nothing exists outside of God, no demigods, devils etc

Isaiah 45:7

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

Everything that is , is of God

God who is without form, neither male nor female made all

I am old enough to remember when racism was justified

Never understood that people of the majority demean others not like them
ER with the MIL again at 2:00 this morning. They cannot get her A-fib regulated. We have to go back to Oklahoma tomorrow though. I feel so sorry for my FIL as he tries to take care of her.

The young lady’s parents who was killed this past weekend contacted me and wanted me to preach her funeral. I cannot since we will not be back to Oklahoma in time to make preparation. Such a tragedy. I am told that either alcohol or lack of sleep or both were involved as she was driving home from an all night party. So many get by with it. Sadly she did not. She would have graduated with her RN license/degree this Thursday.

I have contacted my son more this weekend than I have in quite a while. He is entering “dead week” this week where the professors cannot introduce any new material but several writing assignments are due. Next week are his finals. I think he has two of them at 8 in the morning, which is quite early for him. Hopefully his training will kick in and he’ll get up in time.

All of this stuff my MIL has been dealing with for her A-fib makes me dislike insurance companies even more. I know that the ladder has to be climbed. They admit you, start you on meds to control the A-fib and get the dosage right for you, then send you home. If that doesn’t work you have a spell, return to the ER or if you can hold out, to the doctor and get admitted again, some other medication is tried, same procedure. I don’t know how many meds they’ll try before they try an ablation. That worked for my cousin. But for my BIL, he had to have a pacemaker installed. Climbing the ladder, especially for someone with clinical depression who has been taken off of those meds to keep from any interactions while they “experiment” is difficult for the person going through it and for those around them.
Being elderly and the alternative of not getting there...for which one of them is one supposed to hope?
I'm already there and I still have no answer. This is a very trying world.

At the other end, we got away with a lot when we were young.
Everybody doesn't.

Again, do we live safely or do we enjoy being young while we still are?
If we live safely, we miss out on a lot of life.
If we grab everything life has to offer, a bad end is always on the table. And it takes in other people as well.

Don't ask me for an answer. Follow your gut, I guess.

We--the Gestapo, myself, and our son and our daughter--were in the old neighborhood today.
I loved growing up in the North End. A part of me will always be there.
All of me was there today to have dinner with the Gestapo and our now middle-aged babies.
The restaurant was great.
It was great seventy years ago under different management, and thankfully, it was great today as well.
I've got to get back to the hood more often.
It makes me remember the many who are gone, that's true, but it recharges my batteries nonetheless.
Being elderly and the alternative of not getting there...for which one of them is one supposed to hope?
I'm already there and I still have no answer. This is a very trying world.

At the other end, we got away with a lot when we were young.
Everybody doesn't.

Again, do we live safely or do we enjoy being young while we still are?
If we live safely, we miss out on a lot of life.
If we grab everything life has to offer, a bad end is always on the table. And it takes in other people as well.

Don't ask me for an answer. Follow your gut, I guess.

We--the Gestapo, myself, and our son and our daughter--were in the old neighborhood today.
I loved growing up in the North End. A part of me will always be there.
All of me was there today to have dinner with the Gestapo and our now middle-aged babies.
The restaurant was great.
It was great seventy years ago under different management, and thankfully, it was great today as well.
I've got to get back to the hood more often.
It makes me remember the many who are gone, that's true, but it recharges my batteries nonetheless.

Been forever since I checked in on this MySpace thread. Loved this post, Mr. Niblick.
The last time I checked in on this thread my MIL was being treated for AFIB. She is still being treated for AFIB and they still haven’t gotten it under control. I’ve never had a family member go this long except for my mother and they never got hers under control. She finally died at 70 of congestive heart failure. I am worried for my MIL.

School has been out for a few weeks and my son has been home for one. All A’s for him this semester. We’re planning a trip to the badlands and will visit Wisconsin and Minnesota in the process. We will fly into Sioux Falls and use a rented vehicle for a couple of weeks. For the first time I am going to fly with my CC pistol. Bought the necessary lock box yesterday.

Today we are leaving to stay a few days near Oklahoma City while I preach a gospel meeting. I’m just a guy with no formal preacher training but congregations keep calling me every Fall and Summer to preach a meeting for them. I try to limit how many I preach because preaching isn’t my “main” job. Maybe when I fully retire from teaching.

Also with all of the busy stuff happening I am trying to keep my garden growing, yard mowed and trying to train a new squirrel dog. Big Nate is his name and he’s coming right along. He treed his first one last Monday and did most things right. When he gets his “puppiness” out of his system he’s going to be OK.

I’ve also managed two trips to the golf course this spring as well. The game isn’t so good but it’s early. I’m taking my clubs to this gospel meeting in case I get a chance to play a round either with my son or with some of the members of the congregation I will be working with.

Summer has officially begun…everyone have a safe Memorial Day weekend.
The last time I checked in on this thread my MIL was being treated for AFIB. She is still being treated for AFIB and they still haven’t gotten it under control. I’ve never had a family member go this long except for my mother and they never got hers under control. She finally died at 70 of congestive heart failure. I am worried for my MIL.

School has been out for a few weeks and my son has been home for one. All A’s for him this semester. We’re planning a trip to the badlands and will visit Wisconsin and Minnesota in the process. We will fly into Sioux Falls and use a rented vehicle for a couple of weeks. For the first time I am going to fly with my CC pistol. Bought the necessary lock box yesterday.

Today we are leaving to stay a few days near Oklahoma City while I preach a gospel meeting. I’m just a guy with no formal preacher training but congregations keep calling me every Fall and Summer to preach a meeting for them. I try to limit how many I preach because preaching isn’t my “main” job. Maybe when I fully retire from teaching.

Also with all of the busy stuff happening I am trying to keep my garden growing, yard mowed and trying to train a new squirrel dog. Big Nate is his name and he’s coming right along. He treed his first one last Monday and did most things right. When he gets his “puppiness” out of his system he’s going to be OK.

I’ve also managed two trips to the golf course this spring as well. The game isn’t so good but it’s early. I’m taking my clubs to this gospel meeting in case I get a chance to play a round either with my son or with some of the members of the congregation I will be working with.

Summer has officially begun…everyone have a safe Memorial Day weekend.

Kudos to your boy for his superb academic achievements. That's serious achievement and hard work.

I'm reminded of those ancestry DNA tests that are so popular today.

When my daughter graduated Summa Cum Laude,
it didn't make sense for either the Gestapo or myself to be her parent.

Since she actually emerged from the Gestapo's body, I tried to imagine who the Gestapo must have taken for a lover.
I didn't remember her having any particularly smart friends.

Anyway, I always got my clean laundry, so I figured it best not to say anything or pursue it further.

Then, a few years back, those DNA kits got real popular and my daughter tried at least two of them.
There is actually no doubt that both the Gestapo and I are her real parents.

This is genetically impossible to explain.
Our son's Magna Cum Laude raised suspicion, but I preferred not to think about it and just call it a fluke.
There are no Summa Cum Laude flukes, however.

This proves beyond any doubt that mutations are real and actually happen.
Also, I'm glad that I didn't make a big deal out of the lover that the Gestapo probably never had.
Wouldn't I have looked like an asshole when those DNA results came in?

The Gestapo and I both have parental graves to decorate tomorrow.
Our cremations are already arranged and paid for, so unless the kids decide at some point to bury the ashes, they won't have to deal with flowers.
If they're smart, they'll just scatter them. Or flush them down the toilet.

If they do bury them, though, there are dog urns that will have to be buried with them.
I could never say goodbye to my dogs.
City dogs don't hunt, don't herd livestock, don't pull sleds, and very few guard warehouses.

They live in the house, they often sleep with the humans, and the only thing that makes them different from the other family members
is that they only live from 10-15 years. We have to go through losing them.
The avatar will turn nine this August, so if I stick around too long, I'll lose her, too.
I'd rather that didn't happen.
She'll handle losing me easier, I think.
And there isnt a fucking thing you can do about it. In fact,...we will drink your tears and take a piss on you with them.

Just remember, it isn't red cities that are publishing poop maps, littered from end to end with shit, trash, piss, homeless, criminals, and abandoned buildings... It isn't red states and cities that punish the productive with onerous taxes and regulations only the law abiding follow to their own demise. People aren't fleeing red states so fast there's no U-Haul's to be had to more their shit out of the state...

Nope. Democrats and the Left are the ones doing all that to their citizens, just as they always have...
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

Fuck off Nazi shitbird.
TAG and Guille not doubt contributed something incredibly stupid or vulgar here,
but with my ignore list back in operation, I don't have to see it.
I have enjoyed my time in Central Oklahoma this week. It is a much different area from the corner of the state where I live but the people are so friendly. I have only paid for two meals so far. Tonight is the last night of the meeting so we will be going home tomorrow. While it has been good to be here and the work has been successful, I am looking forward to getting home to spend some time with my critters and to work my garden out. Then it is off to South Dakota next Monday.

Baseball has been so disappointing this season, but I saw it coming. My Cardinals needed to beef up the bullpen and get another starter during the off season and they made zero, zilch, nada moves to do so. I don’t know why. But it is hard to watch them. If we have a 3 run lead going into they 8th I speculate we have a 40% chance to win. If we have a 2 run lead that goes down to 25% and a 1 run lead I’d say we have a 15% chance to win. Pitcher can’t throw strikes and when they do they get hit … hard. Tough to watch.

If they do bury them, though, there are dog urns that will have to be buried with them.
I could never say goodbye to my dogs.
City dogs don't hunt, don't herd livestock, don't pull sleds, and very few guard warehouses.

They live in the house, they often sleep with the humans, and the only thing that makes them different from the other family members
is that they only live from 10-15 years. We have to go through losing them.

Country dogs have very similar lives … except mine do hunt. Lots of folks have dogs that live in the house. I’m the exception as I like to use my dogs to hunt. I have sold hunting dogs for as much as $2000 and know guys who have sold them for more. But I was very picky as to who I would sell to. If I had hunted with a guy and he mistreated his dogs (sadly some do) he wasn’t getting one of mine.

I don’t train dogs to sell or trade now. I simply don’t have the time or the connections. By the time I get a dog trained nowadays, I get way too attached to it to even think about selling it. My deceased dogs are buried in various places on my property or are lain to rest near the places where they enjoyed hunting on the WMA behind my place.

Going to eat the last lunch this week that I am not going to play for. Mexican food…
First full day back home. Got the garden hoed out and ready to till (<— See that word right there? I had to edit this post because the iPad changed it to “fill.” Guess the creators of the autocorrect function never heard of tilling a garden.) if we can get a rain before I leave again. Painted my dog box trying to extend its life a bit. Then I worked in my shop this evening. I’ve been trying to reclaim it to make it a workable/useable shop again. I have a few wood working tools and I do some shade tree mechanic work for myself. I haven’t used my shop for anything but storage for the last 15 years so things were really piled up. I’ve been using my dad’s in the meantime.

I’ll be making at least one trip to the transfer station before all of this is over. Of course there are always protestors when you try to change things. I had to use my back up CC weapon to take care of it. A 22 stinger will ruin a rat’s day not to mention its head.

First full day back home. Got the garden hoed out and ready to till (<— See that word right there? I had to edit this post because the iPad changed it to “fill.” Guess the creators of the autocorrect function never heard of tilling a garden.) if we can get a rain before I leave again. Painted my dog box trying to extend its life a bit. Then I worked in my shop this evening. I’ve been trying to reclaim it to make it a workable/useable shop again. I have a few wood working tools and I do some shade tree mechanic work for myself. I haven’t used my shop for anything but storage for the last 15 years so things were really piled up. I’ve been using my dad’s in the meantime.

I’ll be making at least one trip to the transfer station before all of this is over. Of course there are always protestors when you try to change things. I had to use my back up CC weapon to take care of it. A 22 stinger will ruin a rat’s day not to mention its head.

Transfer station, Rev?
What do the rapid transit lines have to do with this?
I didn't think that you even had any over there.
Subways in rural Oklahoma?
I'd call that major progress!

Also, the Avatar is curious as to what a "dog box" is.
Just hope that your dogs don't discover what a king sized bed is!!!