Republicans can't deal with medical care:

Granule, the “Bill of Rights” is not “good for America”? We should change the oath of office to be, protect and uphold the constitution and “those of its laws I agree with”? Did you really mean to post that? Respectfully, Supposn

Healthcare is not in the Bill of Rights. Do you think you can just make stupid shit up and not get called on it?
We all pay for each others with our taxes. Do you think if you get cancer you will be paying for your treatment? Serious health problems can bankrupt a fairly wealthy family'.The vast majority of bankruptcies include medical problems as a major cause.
Our system sucks. Your reaction.I will not pay for others getting ill, fuck them. If they are poor, then let them die.
We are happy to have our taxes take the stress and financial problems out of illnesses and accidents. We want you to not worry about losing your home due to an accident.

Is this all the Liberal left has anymore? Strawman claims and lies?

It is the pinnacle of ignorance to believe that the Government can manage something as large and complicated as healthcare more efficiently than the private sector can provide them.

It is also a LIE to claim that it is a right. Government managed anything leads to higher costs, shortages and malaise.
Universal healthcare costs are half what we spend.
Because it doesn't provide any usable healthcare. See the failure in the Canadian system.
Our healthcare system is rated the worst in industrialized nations.
By who? It is the best system anywhere on Earth. Despite the damage Obama did to it, it still is.
We could help finance it
It doesn't need financing. It was built by private industry and it is still running, with new treatments and technology being added every day. I know. I am one of those industries. My company builds sensors for medical use, among other uses. You really should visit the RSNA trade show in Chicago to see all the new technologies coming along to make health care better. ALL of it is capitalism. It is private industry developing this stuff, along with the new treatments.

Need a gall bladder removed? It used to require opening a rather huge hole in your abdomen to get at it so they could snip it out, along with all the long recuperation afterwards. Now, thanks to a relatively small company, a catheter can be use to do the job instead, requiring no more than a 1 inch incision. It's practically an outpatient treatment now.

That's U.S. health care. That's the kind of thing it can do.

by moving Medicare and VA money to it.
Expanding the disaster of these programs to everyone isn't going to work. Socialism never does.
With national healthcare, we would not need them.
The federal government was never given authority to implement either of these programs. They are unconstitutional.
Cheaper by half and get full coverage. We can fold the VA, Medicare, and Medicaid into national healthcare. If we have universal coverage, we do not need them.

LIE and LAME. Nothing run by the Government is cheaper. NOTHING run by the Government is cost effective. NOTHING run by the Government is efficient. If Government controls your healthcare, you become a dependent ward of the State and suffer from shortages of just about everything and long wait times. These are FACTS; not hyperbole.
Granule, are you ambidextrous or schizophrenic? The left side of your brain doesn't know what the right side is writing or thinking?

As expected; the minute a dishonest, lying liberal partisan hack is called out, they start flailing and insulting.
Mine dropped. My wife got leukemia when the ACA came out. We were lucky and it helped pay for her treatment. She is in remission. The cost of her treatment was enormous. That is the American way you defend.
The simple fact is every other industrialized country has universal coverage and they get full coverage. They pay half what we do for the medical system. It is not more costly and covers everyone. Why does that offend you? What is wrong is for-profit medicine. We are allowing corporations and greedy fucks to loot the ill.They will charge "all the traffic will bear".

Anecdotal lies. If costs have come down, why is everyone paying more and why are leftist asshats claiming that costs are up because we don't have universal healthcare? You know, the same dumb lies with a different cover.
Here's what the architect of Obamacare thinks of Liberal dumbasses:

Jonathan Gruber Videos: Americans "Too Stupid to Understand" Obamacare
LIE and LAME. Nothing run by the Government is cheaper. NOTHING run by the Government is cost effective. NOTHING run by the Government is efficient. If Government controls your healthcare, you become a dependent ward of the State and suffer from shortages of just about everything and long wait times. These are FACTS; not hyperbole.

Making everyone a ward of the state is a core goal of Marxism. It's right there in the Communist Manifesto.
There are things that we need more spending on, but Trump and the GOP have no interest in actually running the country. They're all for running it into the ground.

Agreed. Unfortunately Democrats would do that also with Medicare for all, Green New Deal, free college tuition.

My former Congressman said he doesn't understand why Congress has such a low approval rating--they've given everybody everything they've ever wanted.
And, typically, that "trillions in taxes" is put right back into the economy.

But the government rather than the people decide where the money is spent. Unless you think Congress spends our money wisely it is better to let consumers decide what to do with their money.
WRONG. Under Obama, the debt rose from $10.4 trillion to $20 trillion. Under Trump, the debt rose from $20 trillion to $21 trillion; a far better performance. The deficit has been radically REDUCED to around $1.1 trillion. It was much higher under Obama.

Partisan slant. When Obama left office the deficit was only about $400 billion. It was much higher when he took office because it was during a severe recession. It went down under Obama as the recession improved. Trump is driving it back up. You are comparing 8 years under Obama and 2 years under Trump. Both parties are financially irresponsible. Democrats tax and spend and Republicans borrow and spend.
Agreed. Unfortunately Democrats would do that also with Medicare for all, Green New Deal, free college tuition.

My former Congressman said he doesn't understand why Congress has such a low approval rating--they've given everybody everything they've ever wanted.

THAT is funny. Key word, FORMER CongressCritter. :laugh: