Partisan slant. When Obama left office the deficit was only about $400 billion. It was much higher when he took office because it was during a severe recession. It went down under Obama as the recession improved. Trump is driving it back up. You are comparing 8 years under Obama and 2 years under Trump. Both parties are financially irresponsible. Democrats tax and spend and Republicans borrow and spend.
WRONG! Obama took office January 20, 2009. Democrats controlled the Congress and the deficit was at $458 Billion. Fiscal 2019 the deficit exceeded a trillion to $1.4 trillion for the very first time.
Prior to Democrats taking control of the Congress the deficit had been in decline to $160 billion. Democrats OWN the massive trillion dollar deficits that were run up under Obama. The Obama stimulus plan added over a trillion to that deficit spending.
The ONLY congress to ever balance a budget in the last 60 years was a Republican Congress. The claim that they are no different than Democrats is not born out by any factual data or information.
The first FOUR years of the Obama Presidency had deficits in excess of $1 trillion. 2009; $1.413, 2010; $1.294, 2011; $1.299, 2012; $1.087.
Republicans took back the House in 2010 picking up a net total of 63 seats. Spending started to decline. The economy was still wallowing in malaise. by 2013 the deficit had declined to $679 billion.
The primary reason the deficit started ballooning in the Trump years was that full effect of Obamacare was delayed until Obama left office. Curious timing?
During Democratically controlled Congress, and particularly when there is a Democrat in the White House, tax and spend Democrats do what they always do solving nothing. When Republicans control the purse strings, particularly when a Republican is in the White House, deficits are controlled and they typically pass tax reform that results in more money in the taxpayers pockets.
Have you EVER seen a Democrat say "we need to reduce taxes". NEVER!