Republicans fought like hell to keep 'Benghazi’ a hot story

You need to read something besides FoxNews, OAN and NewsMax, son.
Google "How many people died at Capitol Insurrection on Jan. 6?" and read the articles, Gomer.

The fact that you don't even know the correct number of people who died at the insurrection tells me you're not very bright.

Do some research before you post, Gomer and you won't look so redneck.


lol toolbag, I dont watch or read any of those.
Right. An attempted overthrow of our presidential election is another one of your nothingburgers.

You’re a fucking idiot.

lol democrat hysterics, if your party leaders, your gods thought they were such a threat they would have allowed the NHG to be armed. The Pretorian guard was for optics.
lol democrat hysterics, if your party leaders, your gods thought they were such a threat they would have allowed the NHG to be armed. The Pretorian guard was for optics.

plenty of videos show outside and inside the capitol where these sick ass traitors are searching for legislators, threatening harm when they find them. being ignorant and blind to reality is no excuse.
plenty of videos show outside and inside the capitol where these sick ass traitors are searching for legislators, threatening harm when they find them. being ignorant and blind to reality is no excuse.

those that did that should be charged with relevant crimes, but they were in the minority.

unless your willing to hang the worst of antifa around your neck you probably shouldnt do the same with the capitol protestors.
those that did that should be charged with relevant crimes, but they were in the minority.

unless your willing to hang the worst of antifa around your neck you probably shouldnt do the same with the capitol protestors.

goddamn. no one even knows who antifa is, stupid. nobody condones violence at any BLM protest, especially those in charge of BLM, which is an actual organization, with a stated goal and known people in charge. LOOK AT THE GODDAMN VIDEOS....there were a huge number of assholes breaking down barricades, breaking down doors, scaling walls, breaking windows, attacking cops, killing one cop and injuring others, roaming around looking for legislators and threatening to kill them if they found them...VIDEOS OF IT. A LOT OF THEM ARE KNOWN WHITE SUPREMACIST ASSHOLES AND ANTI GOVERNMENT TRUMP STOOGES. not even close to one unknown guy hurling a molotov cocktail at a building from 50' away.
goddamn. no one even knows who antifa is, stupid. nobody condones violence at any BLM protest, especially those in charge of BLM, which is an actual organization, with a stated goal and known people in charge. LOOK AT THE GODDAMN VIDEOS....there were a huge number of assholes breaking down barricades, breaking down doors, scaling walls, breaking windows, attacking cops, killing one cop and injuring others, roaming around looking for legislators and threatening to kill them if they found them...VIDEOS OF IT. A LOT OF THEM ARE KNOWN WHITE SUPREMACIST ASSHOLES AND ANTI GOVERNMENT TRUMP STOOGES. not even close to one unknown guy hurling a molotov cocktail at a building from 50' away.

I know who antifa is, what the fuck is this garbage?

unkown? his grandma turned him in, he lied to her and told her he was at some antifa co-op. did you not read my links, you muppet.
Hillary never once claimed the attack was a protest, but who gives a fuck why, it happened. If they came to attack the embassy or to protest a video, same result.

In the best of my recollection, Hillary and other U.S. intel sources said that the event began as a protest against some perceived anti-Mohammed film of some sort. It turned out later, as is almost always true in initial reporting of violent events, to be incorrect.

This is an excellent example of why far too many RWers are not very intelligent or educated. They will *always* go with the first report of anything -- whether it's a science article about climate change ain't a thing, vaccines don't work/cause autism -- and then reject anything that later on contradicts that because new data was obtained.
you do realize it was proved that Hilliary and the Biden administration lied about the cause of the Benghazi attack, right?.........are you upset that they couldn't keep their lie covered up?......

Take the log out of your eye & see the 12,000 lies trump told in his 4 years in office & then you can point to the spec in the eye of others......
I dont even debate Bengazi! anymore. Rice went in the sunday shows and lied. 5x
Hillary got he Email that night.

what is important is we stop interventionism, for whateverthefuck cooked up reason the come up with
Libya, Iraq - all the same screw up
what is important is we stop interventionism, for whateverthefuck cooked up reason the come up with
Libya, Iraq - all the same screw up

What about Taiwan??

China is getting pretty pushy..... Almost every week they are pounding their chest & making threats??

I am pretty much done w/ the ME & their problems.........

You got an 800 red dragon in the room that has lots & lots of money & some of the best tech the USA/west never offered or sold......

If they attack what, if anything should the USA do about it??
How long did the Republicans try to keep that in the spotlight?

And the Capitol Insurrection was a thousand times more egregious than Benghazi.

Why? At Benghazi, the US lost an ambassador the first death of that kind in decades. The response was a complete fiasco. Then there was the attempted cover up with the repeated lie that it was all caused by some anti-Islam movie on YouTube that nobody had seen. That lie went on for weeks before the administration finally decided nobody was buying their bullshit.

Then there's this unforgettable clip:

The callous indifference the Hildabeast showed there was sickening.

So, how was the Capitol "Insurrection" a thousand times more egregious?

Some rioters took over part of the Capitol building for a few hours. They accomplished nothing. They sure didn't depose the government or establish and alternative one like the CHAZ / CHOP bullshit in Seattle did. What makes this more egregious?
What about Taiwan??

China is getting pretty pushy..... Almost every week they are pounding their chest & making threats??

I am pretty much done w/ the ME & their problems.........

You got an 800 red dragon in the room that has lots & lots of money & some of the best tech the USA/west never offered or sold......

If they attack what, if anything should the USA do about it??
rofl Taiwan? You mean have Biden confront China over anything? :laugh:

"Strategic Patience" is all Biden has
rofl Taiwan? You mean have Biden confront China over anything? :laugh:

"Strategic Patience" is all Biden has

I did not ask Biden, I asked you what we should do about it.....

If you don't wanna answer, that's fine, I don't need to bs fluff, just say it..........
I did not ask Biden, I asked you what we should do about it.....

If you don't wanna answer, that's fine, I don't need to bs fluff, just say it..........
stop buying Chinese take out? :rolleyes:
"we" is Biden - commander in chief. I have no idea what you mean otherwise
Take the log out of your eye & see the 12,000 lies trump told in his 4 years in office & then you can point to the spec in the eye of others......

dude, stop posing, the election is is the time to acknowledge you idiots told more lies than Trump did in the last four years.......