Republicans just do not tip well

Federal tipped minimum wage is $2.13 an hour, and then they hopefully get tips beyond that. When people refuse to tip them, they are living on $2.13 an hour.

In theory, they can ask to get the remaining $5.12 an hour to make full minimum wage, but they are also allowed to be fired for asking for that.

I am just saying I do not want to work for $2.13 an hour, and hope that I get some tips.
Don't be a server, then...I'm guessing that might be one of the six jobs, the way you're going on and on about this...
Would you tip someone who is spitting in your food? lol And if Republicans don't tip well, don't work those events... You're always complaining about something that either doesn't exist at all..or is an easy fix...
No, but I would tip someone to not spit in my food. You steal from the people who feed you, and they are going to get revenge. Even if I was not a moral person who tipped, I would tip just to avoid that.

Wait staff are required to work at events they are scheduled for. There is always a rush to try to get off the schedule for Republican events, but it only goes so far. I have known people who quit their jobs because the Republican convention is coming to town. They then got rehired after the Republicans left town.

The reality is that no one wants to be a Republican slave for $2.13 an hour, which is why they want to import new slaves from abroad.
In the Middle East and Asia, the culture is that good service is expected and something you deliver as a worker to your customers because that's what you do. You don't pay extra for it. Tipping is seen as unnecessary, wrong, and even insulting there.
One time I took my friends to lunch at the Strat but the kitchen didn't open to 2:30 pm. How embarrassing. I planned it out without even thinking they were only open for dinner. That lady took a look at my face and knew I needed her help.
No, but I would tip someone to not spit in my food. You steal from the people who feed you, and they are going to get revenge. Even if I was not a moral person who tipped, I would tip just to avoid that.

Wait staff are required to work at events they are scheduled for. There is always a rush to try to get off the schedule for Republican events, but it only goes so far. I have known people who quit their jobs because the Republican convention is coming to town. They then got rehired after the Republicans left town.

The reality is that no one wants to be a Republican slave for $2.13 an hour, which is why they want to import new slaves from abroad.
No one is stealing from people... No one is required to Work for someone who who schedules events that cause the employee angst... If you don't want to work the republican convention then you should quit... And get rehired... Sounds like a really wonderful employer.🤣 What company is it?I want to learn more about them....(No one has to be a republican slave for dollars and thirteen cents an hour....and no one is... ) Who's importing slaves from abroad To work republican events?Are you okay? You don't sound okay....
Of course Trump would push for that. He's a classic example of wanting profit without having to pay any expenses. It's why he's so FAMOUS for screwing contractors and hiring illegals.
So trump's plan is we all work for tips, being promised that "later" our employer will pay us, and then we will not have to pay taxes on it. If we get paid for services rendered, they we have to pay taxes on that pay.
Tipping isn't capitalism.

Tipping is a method by which employers get other people to pay their employees because they don't bring in enough revenue to afford the employees.

These are not "businesses" per se, but rather "hobbies" run by people who want OTHER PEOPLE to pay their operating expenses.
Think about what you said.
Think about what you said.

I know you probably don't understand that when you run a business you should make enough money to pay the people you have doing the work. You can't just run the business, take your profit and then tell the wait staff: "hey, while you're out there working for me could you get the customers to throw in some extra money IF THEY FEEL LIKE IT to cover what I'm not going to pay you!"
I know you probably don't understand that when you run a business you should make enough money to pay the people you have doing the work. You can't just run the business, take your profit and then tell the wait staff: "hey, while you're out there working for me could you get the customers to throw in some extra money IF THEY FEEL LIKE IT to cover what I'm not going to pay you!"
It's best I leave it there.
All the wait staff I know who have worked political events tell me the same thing, Republicans barely tip. It is even worse if you are not white. A Black bartender is not going to get much in tips working a Republican event.

And we have all heard how skimpy trump tips. If 4 waiters are working 4 hours on a table, they are working in a state with federal tipping minimum wages, and trump tips $20, that wait staff just got $3.38 an hour.

Well here are a few others:
"Is Marco Rubio a celebrity? He never looks up from his phone and tips 0-5%. Pre-pandemic he was a regular, but most of the servers refused to serve him."
"Dick Cheney tips like shit."
"Tucker Carlson tips 8%"
Lol, we get it, libs will believe anything they're told. They slurp it up like liquid manna from Obama.
Federal tipped minimum wage is $2.13 an hour, and then they hopefully get tips beyond that. When people refuse to tip them, they are living on $2.13 an hour.

In theory, they can ask to get the remaining $5.12 an hour to make full minimum wage, but they are also allowed to be fired for asking for that.

I am just saying I do not want to work for $2.13 an hour, and hope that I get some tips.
Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid? Just curious.
Lol, we get it, libs will believe anything they're told. They slurp it up like liquid manna from Obama.
We are told that federal tipped minimum wage is not $2.13. I know people who experience tipped minimum wage, and have links to the official rules. Or I could believe a woman who has a dozen different stories about whether she is a teacher or not.