Republicans say it outloud

You dont revert to talking like you are 16? Should I pull up some of your posts? Half of them are absurd. As childish as they can get. Like when you got banned and went totally off the rails. I myself have never been banned.

He claims to be a Californian lawyer yet he has an incredibly short temper and flies off the handle regularly.
He claims to be a Californian lawyer yet he has an incredibly short temper and flies off the handle regularly.

Which tells me he's not a courtroom lawyer. Probably an office dweeb sharing an office with another lawyer or two and reviewing contracts day in, day out. I'd shoot the other two lawyers and myself if forced to do that. It would be HELL.

Better to just quit and do something less mind-numbing and running a whorehouse in Thailand. :D
When asked to protect and defend the Constitution, they attempted to circumvent it in order to anoint Trump as Supreme Emperor.

Which word are you having trouble with? I'll point you to an on-line dictionary for help.

He famously has not one, but THREE sets of Encyclopedia Britannica's. Now all he has to do is learn how to use them. :)

I own 3 sets of Encyclopedia Brittanicas. :/
Go fuck yourself with a Saguaro.

Hey you fucking fucktard! If you wanted to go to the fuck would you involve Google, dipshit? It turns out there is no thing like that and you can go fuck yourself.
Great response for a Trump sycophant!

A man of integrity would simply have said, "Okay, I was wrong. You were not promoting the President of the United States, Joe Biden."

While I didn't find anything with you promoting Biden, it seems your M.O. is bashing Republicans.

No bad words for the Democrat guy that's going to be wrecking your life a few mos from now?

You won't have enough fuel to go golfing.
He famously has not one, but THREE sets of Encyclopedia Britannica's. Now all he has to do is learn how to use them. :) free in your head! LOL! Hey! I'm gonna move a La-Z-Boy in, cool?

Hey! Wtf, Trump?! What are you doing here? You're gonna poke his brain with a pickle fork? Ouch!

While I didn't find anything with you promoting Biden, it seems your M.O. is bashing Republicans.

Actually, my MO (as you put it) is to bash American conservatives...the moronic, assholes of humanity. I do occasionally bash Republicans and conservatives, in general...but that almost has to happen, because the moronic, asshole American conservatives are usually Republicans these days...and world-wide conservatives are burdened with having American conservatives as part of their force.

(The moronic asshole Conservatives were Democrats back in mid-19th Century America. The Democrats of those days were the same kind of jerkoffs of today's American conservatives...with the same bullshit speeches. I've been reading the congressional record of the House during second debate of the 13th Amendment. It is very interesting, although admittedly a bit tedious at times.) Jesus H. Christ...American conservatives actually fight to be on the wrong side of major questions.

No bad words for the Democrat guy that's going to be wrecking your life a few mos from now?

Trump has set the nation on a path to wreckage, but I am hoping a new, SANE, administration will save it. If you demand some "bad words" for President Biden, however, allow me to accommodate you:

You have been in office for almost a month already, and have not solved all the problems created by your predecessor, the Abomination, Trump. Let's gets your ass in gear, Mr. President.


You won't have enough fuel to go golfing.

I can walk to my nearest golf course, and they will allow me to store my clubs there.

So...what else do you have? free in your head!
LOL. That's not the way it looks, Matt.

I will put a bullet right in between your eyes or in between your eye and ear just like a gator and that will end you, you fucking POS!
At least you admit you're a traitorous POS.
As to your character? Yeah, it needs to die.
I think the election was stolen, and there's nothing I can do about it.
Give me a reason to do something about it, boy.
Like..1/2 inch higher than right between your eyes and you won't worry about it anymore.
