Republicans say it outloud

You are over-thinking me. Why am I in your head to begin with? Why do you feel this urgent need to target me with your hatred?

I don't know you personally, and you don't know me personally, so that is why I don't try to tell you what you are or are not.

It's not for me to say.

I've thanked your comments several times- WHEN I AGREE WITH YOU , and I try to do that with all the members here.


What more can you ask of me as a forum member? Huh?
Hatred? No! What I'm saying is that your thought processes are being limited .

It's a um..a false dichotomy situation. They tell you there's only this or that, but the reality of it is that there's this, that, and the other, and then that other thing, and then another thing!
You GTFO. You're the exception to any Italian I've ever met, even Italian criminals are not as leftist as you.

There are as large a percentage of Italian descent people who realize that American conservatism is a plague on our there are Americans in general who realize that American conservatism is the disgusting abomination that it is.

Did your parents approve of this?

My father was a Republican...although I am sure, if he were alive today, he would consider today's Republican Party to be the repulsive shit-heap that it has become. (So would Lincoln, Reagan and other folk like that.) My mother was apolitical.

My brother and his wife are VERY conservative and are staunch supporters of the Abomination, Trump. My sister identifies as a liberal. We all manage to get along very nicely...although we do tend to avoid political discussions.

There are as large a percentage of Italian descent people who realize that American conservatism is a plague on our there are Americans in general who realize that American conservatism is the disgusting abomination that it is.

My father was a Republican...although I am sure, if he were alive today, he would consider today's Republican Party to be the repulsive shit-heap that it has become. (So would Lincoln, Reagan and other folk like that.) My mother was apolitical.

My brother and his wife are VERY conservative and are staunch supporters of the Abomination, Trump. My sister identifies as a liberal. We all manage to get along very nicely...although we do tend to avoid political discussions.


A-HA! :D
Be sure and bring up all the wonderful things Biden is doing for America during your next visit! :laugh:
A-HA! :D
Be sure and bring up all the wonderful things Biden is doing for America during your next visit! :laugh:

No, we leave politics aside as a family.

Biden has already done more for America during his first few weeks in office than Trump did in 4 years. In fact, Trump did more TO American than FOR it.

But...the assholes of the right refuse to see that.

Okay. We forgive them. After all, they are assholes.

Here! Some body cream for ya!

No, we leave politics aside as a family.

Biden has already done more for America during his first few weeks in office than Trump did in 4 years. In fact, Trump did more TO American than FOR it.

But...the assholes of the right refuse to see that.

Okay. We forgive them. After all, they are assholes.

Here! Some body cream for ya!


Name 1 good thing Biden has done thus far and explain how it's good for Americans.
Name 1 good thing Biden has done thus far and explain how it's good for Americans.

Here are three:

1) Beat the piss out of Trump in a fair election and rid our nation of an incredibly stupid, uninterested, narcissistic, incompetent traitor.

2) Beat the living shit out of Trump in a fair election and rid our nation of an incredibly stupid, uninterested, narcissistic, incompetent traitor.

3) Kicked Trump's ass in a fair election and rid our nation of an incredibly stupid, uninterested, narcissistic, incompetent traitor.
Here are three:

1) Beat the piss out of Trump in a fair election and rid our nation of an incredibly stupid, uninterested, narcissistic, incompetent traitor.

2) Beat the living shit out of Trump in a fair election and rid our nation of an incredibly stupid, uninterested, narcissistic, incompetent traitor.

3) Kicked Trump's ass in a fair election and rid our nation of an incredibly stupid, uninterested, narcissistic, incompetent traitor.

Have anything real thats not a lie? No?

Thanks for playing. :)
PS: Biden didn't do that. Those that disenfranchised Americans (traitors) and installed Potato Biden as president did that.

And it wasn't voters, baby. It was poll workers. Corrupt poll workers and Voter Fraud organizers working together to cheat an American election.
Aren't you proud?
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Have anything real thats not a lie? No?

Nothing I said there was a lie.

Everything was truthful...and accurate.

Thanks for playing. :)
PS: Biden didn't do that. Those that disenfranchised Americans (traitors) and installed Potato Biden as president did that.

Joe Biden did it. He tore the doors off Trump jalopy. He won.

And it wasn't voters, baby. It was poll workers. Corrupt poll workers and Voter Fraud organizers working together to cheat an American election.
Aren't you proud?

You poor deluded suckers have to think that.


I hope when you eventually wake is not while you are repairing a roof.
How many received treatment at an actual hospital? :cool:
I’m pretty sure that the guy who had his eye gouged out by an ex cop did. I’m also sure the guy who lost three fingers did as well. The person stabbed by a spike, the one with smashed discs and broken ribs. The young woman who testified she received chemical burns to her face. No articles lists how many went to the emergency room, but to me, one was too many.
How many received treatment at an actual hospital? :cool:

Old Conservative Talking Point: "Conservatives are peaceful and orderly protesters!"

New Conservative Talking Point: "Sure we assault cops, but not that many of them get hospitalized!!"
Phantasmal said:
140 officers injured, that isn’t enough? How many of the Trump supporters were injured besides the 4 that died?
How many received treatment at an actual hospital? :cool:
Old Conservative Talking Point: "Conservatives are peaceful and orderly protesters!"

New Conservative Talking Point: "Sure we assault cops, but not that many of them get hospitalized!!"

Capitol Police Officers left with PTSD, 'crushed spinal discs, broken kneecaps, and traumatic brain injuries,' union says.

"Some of these officers may never return to duty. Many more are experiencing signs of PTSD."
My father was a Republican...although I am sure, if he were alive today, he would consider today's Republican Party to be the repulsive shit-heap that it has become. (So would Lincoln, Reagan and other folk like that.) My mother was apolitical.


why do old cranky people always end up telling "My Father" stories :laugh: