the republicans HATE schools and always do all they can to starve public education to death
It's working, look at the Dumb Fuck who got elected by Dumb Fucks

the republicans HATE schools and always do all they can to starve public education to death
Thought you and your idiot friend claim Top was never a teacher dumb ass!
Hey Dumb Shit;
... you do know there's US Department of Education?
... you do know there's a Secretary of Education?
Hey fuck head when did the Department of Education start sending money to the local school districts? If I'm not mistaken all the money for education goes from Washington to the states then to the local school boards but then you already know that you just want to put out partisan Bull Shit.
How Much Do Teachers Spend On Classroom Supplies?
It's inevitable. Each year, teachers dip into their own pockets to buy things like notebooks, tissues and pencils for their students.
This inevitability is even enshrined in the tax code, which gives educators a $250 deduction for their trouble. Late last week, in hammering out their big tax overhaul, Republicans decided to preserve that deduction. So we thought we would ask teachers how much of their own money they spend each year.
The answer: more than $250.
Erin Craddock, a fourth-grade teacher in Virginia, says she spends more than $300 a year on things like chapter books, bookshelves, folders, organization trays, pocket charts, construction paper and hand sanitizer.
Many teachers told us they spend as much as a $1,000 a year, including Heather Lyke.
What a piece of shit teacher you are
Thought you and your idiot friend claim Top was never a teacher dumb ass!
I'll take her by her word!
So you admit that you lie when it's convenient for you! NO sport your not going to get off the hook that easily! Declare right now that you believe Top IS a retired Special Ed teacher or that she is lying about being a retired teacher! I'll wait while you to frantically PM Bowel Woman for instructions.
Hey Dumb Shit;
... you do know there's US Department of Education?
... you do know there's a Secretary of Education?
I can't answer,last time I got banned.
So when Obama was president, teachers weren't spending their own money in the classroom?
Maybe if you paid attention in School you'd know the answer.
I paid attention and studied in school...the cheerleaders![]()
Oh you can answer all right it's just that yellow streak down your back and your fear of Bowel Woman that prevents you from answering.![]()
I went to Catholic School ... I was Robbed![]()
Last time I answered I got banned
Didn't the girls wear short skirts?
Yea ... the year I left for High School went Co-Ed ... but that's ok, Grade School Chicks back in the day wasn't has healthy (.)(.) as the ones today.
Must be the McDonalds![]()
And CHICKEN MAN continues to spew BULL SHIT.
Last time I commented on Top's job I got banned!
A simple I know she is telling the truth is sufficient.