“Respect” Thread

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Don't lie if you're not sure;) Interesting you chose that pic....;):laugh:

I never lie but do confess to occasional borderline defamation.

Well, that's a lie;) No such thing as Never;)

Really? So you believe there's a chance a black hole will open under your seat and suck your ass into Hell? You believe there are Moon Bats on the Dark Side of the Moon? Sorry, honey, but there's a lot of things "never" applies to in the real world.

Have I ever lied? Of course. I've lied my ass off trying to get into a college girl's pants. 40 years later, I've learned the Benjamin Franklin was correct; Honesty is the best policy. That's backed up by Mark Twain's wisdom: If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. You? Clearly you believe lying is a skill to be utilized and you practice it daily.

Those philosophies are why I don't use sock puppets and look down upon those that do.
Really? So you believe there's a chance a black hole will open under your seat and suck your ass into Hell? You believe there are Moon Bats on the Dark Side of the Moon? Sorry, honey, but there's a lot of things "never" applies to in the real world.

Have I ever lied? Of course. I've lied my ass off trying to get into a college girl's pants. 40 years later, I've learned the Benjamin Franklin was correct; Honesty is the best policy. That's backed up by Mark Twain's wisdom: If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. You? Clearly you believe lying is a skill to be utilized and you practice it daily.

Those philosophies are why I don't use sock puppets and look down upon those that do.
I don't have to lie...(your posts are so scripted...at least try to be original....;)
I have no doubt Earl is a brain-damaged cashiered Air Force officer living out the rest of his life on the taxpayer's dime and not related to TOP.

Regardless, I agree; it's embarrassing to see.

:laugh: So we bagged us a stolen valor cuck and a fake Xtian/fake career bimbo? Is there a prize for this? lol
I respect yours;) Just fyi:) I'm pretty sure that "respect" isn't important here...it just doesn't matter....;)

What has happened is a lot of us lost respect for each other's opinions and that is a dirty rotten shame!

Without respect, civilization fails at every other level!
I don't have to lie...(your posts are so scripted...at least try to be original....;)

Are you paranoid? You've claimed I was a sock before (one of your first lies about me). Who do you think is writing this fanciful script you've now brought up at least twice? Who is the master puppeteer that haunts your mind, dear? Who is the man behind the curtain?
Are you paranoid? You've claimed I was a sock before (one of your first lies about me). Who do you think is writing this fanciful script you've now brought up at least twice? Who is the master puppeteer that haunts your mind, dear? Who is the man behind the curtain?
You tell me;)
No one has to lie. So why do you? :laugh:

BTW, how's Jimbo doing? Or was it LeRoy? What WAS the name you gave your pretend black husband, anyways?

Based on her fanciful theories that I don't exist, that this username account is actually a ghost or someone else manipulating it and coupled with rumor of alcoholism, I suspect alcohol psychosis might give clues:

Other symptoms of psychosis may include:

  • Disturbed thoughts or perceptions.
  • Poor executive functioning.
  • Trouble thinking clearly or concentrating.
  • Memory problems.
  • Difficulty understanding what is real.
  • Behavior that is inappropriate for the situation.
  • Incoherent speech.
  • Delusions.
  • Hallucinations.

Eight out of nine symptoms is a pretty strong indicator. Even 3-4 symptoms would require a closer look, but 89%? Relatives should be concerned,but I'm guessing they already know. It might explain the loneliness.

You tell me;)
Just did, honey!
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